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Simple build files for freeglut

This directory includes a number of simple ways to build freeglut, without relying on extra tools.

The official build system used by freeglut is cmake, with the current minimum cmake version required being set to 3.0. Installing and using cmake 3.0 or later to generate build files might be difficult or inconvenient in some cases. Installing modern versions of cmake on very old UNIX systems might be difficult or impossible. And finding the exact cmake version which still supports generating project files for a certain old IDE, dropped from current cmake, can be annoying.

None of the files in this directory are officially supported! Some of them might be completely unmaintained, broken, or out of date. Please report any issues, but be warned that you may have to fix them yourself.

The simple build files in this directory do not build the demo programs, and do not provide the same flexibility of build options as the official cmake build. Most of them just build a default configuration of freeglut as a static library and that's it.


Before using any of these build files, first you'll need to select one of the config.h.* files provided, copy it to the project root directory with the name config.h. The following config files are available:

  • config.h.unix: Modern UNIX with X11 (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, etc).
  • config.h.msvc6: Windows build with MS Visual C/C++ 6.0.
  • config.h.irix5: IRIX 5.x build with the SGI compiler.
  • config.h.irix6: IRIX 6.x build with the SGI compiler.

You can edit the config.h file to remove unnecessary dependencies (and their corresponding features). For example, some old X servers do not have the XRandR extension, or you may not wish to install libXrandr, in which case you should disable it by deleting the #define HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_XRANDR_H line, or changing define to undef.

Simple UNIX Makefile

This should build freeglut on many different UNIX systems with their native make utility.

  • Copy Makefile to the project root directory.
  • Copy the appropriate config.h.* file to the project root directory renamed to config.h.
  • make to build.
  • make install to install. Change the PREFIX variable at the top of the Makefile to change the installation prefix.

You can also attempt to build a simple statically linked demo program, by typing make demo. But be warned that you might need to modify the demo_libs variable at the top of the Makefile to adjust for whatever options are selected in the config.h you used to build freeglut.

MS Visual Studio 6.0 project

Project files for building freeglut on 32bit windows, using MSVC6.

  • Copy config.h.msvc6 to the project root directory renamed to config.h.
  • Open the freeglut.dsw "workspace" file with visual studio 6.
  • Select build all from the build menu.

The MSVC6 project builds freeglut as both a static library and a DLL, and also builds a simple statically linked demo program.