package main import ( "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "io" "log" "math/rand" "slices" "time" "" ) // ULID spec is mirrored here: // func main() { t := time.Date(2024, 02, 16, 14, 02, 15, 17, time.UTC) t = time.Unix(0, 0) ms := uint64(t.UnixMilli()) msBytes, err := GetMSBytes(t) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Printf("%X%X%X%X%X%X", msBytes[0], msBytes[1], msBytes[2], msBytes[3], msBytes[4], msBytes[5]) seed := int64(0) entropy := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)) u, err := ulid.New(ms, entropy) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ub, _ := u.MarshalBinary() log.Printf("%X", ub) log.Printf("%v", u.String()) log.Printf("%016X", u.Time()) log.Printf("%016X", ms) entropy = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)) ulidBytes, err := NewULID(t, entropy) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Printf("%X", ulidBytes) ulidString := CrockfordEncode(ulidBytes) log.Printf("ULID string: %v", ulidString) } // NewULIDString create a new ULID and returns its encoded string. // See NewULID for more details. func NewULIDString(t time.Time, entropy io.Reader) (string, error) { bytes, err := NewULID(t, entropy) if err != nil { return "", err } s := CrockfordEncode(bytes) return s, nil } // NewULID creates a new ULID. // // A ULID is a 128-bit (16-byte) value similar to a UUID (and // compatible with UUIDs because of this). The first 48-bits (6 bytes) // are based on a timestamp. The remaining 80-bits (10 bytes) are // random. I'm not implementing the monotonicity part of the ULID spec // because I don't need it. Any ULIDs created during the same // millisecond will just receive random values with no ordering // guarantee. func NewULID(t time.Time, entropy io.Reader) ([]byte, error) { if entropy == nil { return nil, errors.New("entropy was nil") } randomBytes := make([]byte, 10) _, err := entropy.Read(randomBytes) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read bytes from entropy source: %w", err) } msBytes, err := GetMSBytes(t) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(msBytes) != 6 { return nil, errors.New("timestamp bytes are wrong") } if len(randomBytes) != 10 { return nil, errors.New("random bytes are wrong") } ulidBytes := make([]byte, 0, 16) for _, b := range msBytes { ulidBytes = append(ulidBytes, b) } for _, b := range randomBytes { ulidBytes = append(ulidBytes, b) } return ulidBytes, nil } // GetMSBytes returns the given Unix time in milliseconds as a 6-byte // array. It truncates the 64-bit Unix epoch time down to 48-bits (6 // bytes) and returns that 6 byte array. According to the ULID spec, // 48-bits is enough room that we won't run out of space until 10889 // AD. func GetMSBytes(t time.Time) ([]byte, error) { ms := uint64(t.UnixMilli()) // Put the 64-bit int into a byte array bytes := make([]byte, 8) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bytes, ms) if bytes[0] != 0 || bytes[1] != 0 { return nil, errors.New("time overflow") } // Chop off the first 2 bytes (16 bits) to get the 6 byte (48-bit) // output. return bytes[2:], nil } var ( // crockfordEncodeMap takes binary values and converts them to // characters in Crockford base32. crockfordEncodeMap = map[uint8]rune{ 0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4', 5: '5', 6: '6', 7: '7', 8: '8', 9: '9', 10: 'A', 11: 'B', 12: 'C', 13: 'D', 14: 'E', 15: 'F', 16: 'G', 17: 'H', 18: 'J', 19: 'K', 20: 'M', 21: 'N', 22: 'P', 23: 'Q', 24: 'R', 25: 'S', 26: 'T', 27: 'V', 28: 'W', 29: 'X', 30: 'Y', 31: 'Z', } // crockfordDecodeMap takes characters and converts them to binary // values based on Crockford base32. crockfordDecodeMap = map[rune]uint8{ '0': 0, 'O': 0, 'o': 0, '1': 1, 'I': 1, 'i': 1, 'L': 1, 'l': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9, 'A': 10, 'a': 10, 'B': 11, 'b': 11, 'C': 12, 'c': 12, 'D': 13, 'd': 13, 'E': 14, 'e': 14, 'F': 15, 'f': 15, 'G': 16, 'g': 16, 'H': 17, 'h': 17, 'J': 18, 'j': 18, 'K': 19, 'k': 19, 'M': 20, 'm': 20, 'N': 21, 'n': 21, 'P': 22, 'p': 22, 'Q': 23, 'q': 23, 'R': 24, 'r': 24, 'S': 25, 's': 25, 'T': 26, 't': 26, 'V': 27, 'v': 27, 'W': 28, 'w': 28, 'X': 29, 'x': 29, 'Y': 30, 'y': 30, 'Z': 31, 'z': 31, } ) // CrockfordEncode takes a byte array and encodes it into a character // string according to Crockford's base 32 encoding. Every 5-bits // corresponds to a character. This specific implementation uses Big // Endian byte order to fit the ULID spec ("network byte ordering") // // // func CrockfordEncode(bytes []byte) string { // Crockford is a base 32 encoding. // 2^5 = 32, so every 5 bits will give us a character. // // Each byte is 8 bits, so we'll have to smoosh bytes together to // get values divisible by 5. Any remainder will be padded with // zeros. // // For ULIDs, we have 128 bits which doesn't evenly divide by 5. // Technically we'll be encoding 130 bits of information // (divisible by 5), but the timestamp will should always start // with some zero padding. // // According to the spec, this is why the maximum ULID value is // `7ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ` instead of all Z's. // The largest supported timestamp is 2^48 - 1. if len(bytes) == 0 { return "" } // Split our byte array up into 5-bit sections and determine how // much of a remainder we have. splitSize := len(bytes) * 8 / 5 remainder := len(bytes) * 8 % 5 // Then determine how many uint8's we need to represent these // bits. numInts := splitSize if remainder > 0 { numInts += 1 } intList := make([]uint8, 0, numInts) // Go right to left across the bits grabbing each 5-bit chunk byteIndex := len(bytes) - 1 bitsRemaining := 8 bitsNeeded := 5 currentByte := uint8(bytes[byteIndex]) for byteIndex >= 0 { mask := uint8(0b11111) // We have all the bits we need if bitsRemaining > bitsNeeded { // Just grab what we need and shift down bitsRemaining -= 5 newInt := currentByte & mask currentByte = currentByte >> 5 intList = append(intList, newInt) } else { // Take our remaining bits and them fill in the rest from the next byte bitsNeeded -= bitsRemaining oldB := currentByte byteIndex-- // Grab the next byte and shift it upwards tempB := byte(0) if byteIndex >= 0 { tempB = uint8(bytes[byteIndex]) } tempB = tempB << bitsRemaining // Merge its bits with our remaining bits. merged := tempB | oldB newInt := merged & mask intList = append(intList, newInt) // Finally grab the next byte and shift it downwards to // discard the bits we already used. if byteIndex >= 0 { currentByte = uint8(bytes[byteIndex]) currentByte = currentByte >> bitsNeeded } // Update our tracking values bitsRemaining = 8 - bitsNeeded bitsNeeded = 5 } } slices.Reverse(intList) // Encode those ints into strings 5-bits at a time. output := make([]rune, 0, len(intList)) for _, i := range intList { lookup := i & 0b11111 output = append(output, crockfordEncodeMap[lookup]) } return string(output) }