# NOTE: I have been enlightened by `pkgsrc` This script was originally my own hacky way of locally installing things that I built from source or things that I generally did not want polluting my system's `/bin` directories. I recently found out about `pkgsrc`, and that has since replaced my need for this script with very few exceptions. There are certain things that are not available in `pkgsrc`, and other times you may want to build the latest `trunk/master/main` version instead of the stable release. http://pkgsrc.org/ # Localinstall This is a simple script that symlinks files into my `~/.local/bin` directory. I have this directory already part of my `PATH` environment variable, so this allows me to effectively "install" stuff for just my user. You can use `localinstall.sh` to install itself as a convenient first step. ```sh ./localinstall.sh ./localinstall.sh ``` Then make sure that your `PATH` is updated to use these binaries. Add this to your shell init file thing (e.g. `.zshrc` or `.bashrc`): ```sh PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH ``` Then open a new shell (or source your init file again) and you should be able to call `localinstall.sh` from any directory. Then lets say you compiled a binary called `my_program`. You can do this ```sh localinstall.sh ./my_program ``` And now you can call `my_program` from anywhere as well. ## But Why!? Why the heck would you ever use this? Well...a couple of reasons. Personally, I don't like it when I have to install stuff into a more global directory. A lot of programs will default to `/usr/local/bin`, which seems like the ideal place to put stuff. However, it still needs `sudo` to install things there, and it installs stuff for all users on the system. I don't necessarily want other users to use my development-branch build of a program. When running `make install` (or similar), some programs don't have a sane default like `/usr/local/bin` and instead do things like `/usr/local/` or `/opt/`. I don't think I've ever seen anything actually plop directly into `/usr/bin` or `/bin`, but that would be the worst case scenario. This script lets me keep all my binaries in one place, specifically ones that are not installed by the system's repository. Related to this, I know where everything is, and so they are easier to cleanup or uninstall later. Some programs don't properly implement `make uninstall`. I don't typically have other users on my systems, just me. So installing globally for all users vs just my user is kinda moot. I also don't always want all of the things to be installed from a software package. Running `make install` may place a whole collection of binaries into my system when I really only wanted 1 of them. This lets me just symlink the one I needed. ## Limitations As kinda outlined in the "why" section, using this script has some limitations/properties: * These are only installed for the user that ran the script. * The thing pointed to by each symlink can change out from under you. ## Alternatives I may have finally found a more "correct" alternative to this where I actually used `~/usr/local` as my install prefix. I always found it annoying that I couldn't change an install prefix after waiting for the entire `make` command to run. The default prefix is always `/usr/local` which requires root privileges to install into. However, there is apparently the [env variable `DESTDIR`][1] which will at least allow you to add a prefix in front of the default prefix. It won't "change" it, so you're always stuck with `/usr/local` unless you actually set the `--prefix` flag before building. But this does let you do `asdf/usr/local`. ```sh make DESTDIR=$HOME install ``` ```sh cmake DESTDIR=$HOME --install ./ ``` # Copyright I think this script is too small to reasonably apply copyright to. It is in the Public Domain. You may use it for any purpose without restrictions. [1]: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/envvar/DESTDIR.html#envvar:DESTDIR