ObjectLoader ============ ObjectLoader (obj-loader) is a simple program designed to render object files (.obj) using OpenGL 3.2, mainly so that I could learn the new OpenGL standard (it is very different from versions 1 and 2). To compile, simply type 'make'. usage: $ obj-loader If no file is given, the screen will just be black. You can actually give it multiple .obj files, but I never implemented a way to move them around which means they'll all overlap each other. Loading one file was really all I wanted to do anyway.... This program depends on the following: OpenGL 3.2+ (GL and GLEW) [glm](http://glm.g-truc.net/0.9.4/index.html) (OpenGL Math library) [glfw](http://www.glfw.org/) (similar to GLUT, but newer. Creates the window and such) Controls: * mouse to look around * wasd to move around * q and e to rotate * x and z to raise and lower Created by Sean Hickey (Wisellama), 2014 Released to the Public Domain under the terms of the [Unlicense](http://unlicense.org/) Note: I used the [Generic Makefile](https://github.com/mbcrawfo/GenericMakefile) for this project. It's a great way to quickly set up a C/C++ project quickly and know that the Makefile is correct. I also barely touched its real functionality. It's released under the MIT license which can be found in the "other_licenses" directory.