
213 lines
5.3 KiB

package tetra3d
import (
_ "embed"
type FinishMode int
const (
FinishModeLoop FinishMode = iota // Loop on animation completion
FinishModePingPong // Reverse on animation completion; if this is the case, the OnFinish() callback is called after two loops (one reversal)
FinishModeStop // Stop on animation completion
// ToRadians is a helper function to easily convert degrees to radians (which is what the rotation-oriented functions in Tetra3D use).
func ToRadians(degrees float64) float64 {
return math.Pi * degrees / 180
// ToDegrees is a helper function to easily convert radians to degrees for human readability.
func ToDegrees(radians float64) float64 {
return radians / math.Pi * 180
func min[V float64 | int](a, b V) V {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func max[V float64 | int](a, b V) V {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func clamp[V float64 | float32 | int](value, min, max V) V {
if value < min {
return min
} else if value > max {
return max
return value
func pow(value float64, power int) float64 {
x := value
for i := 0; i < power; i++ {
x += x
return x
func round(value float64) float64 {
iv := float64(int(value))
if value > iv+0.5 {
return iv + 1
} else if value < iv-0.5 {
return iv - 1
return iv
// type TextMeasure struct {
// X, Y int
// }
func measureText(text string, fontFace font.Face) image.Rectangle {
bounds, _ := font.BoundString(fontFace, text)
// advance := font.MeasureString(fontFace, text)
newBounds := image.Rect(int(bounds.Min.X)>>6, int(bounds.Min.Y)>>6, int(bounds.Max.X)>>6, int(bounds.Max.Y)>>6)
// newBounds := TextMeasure{int((bounds.Max.X - bounds.Min.X) >> 6), int((bounds.Max.Y - bounds.Min.Y) >> 6)}
return newBounds
//go:embed shaders/base3d.kage
var base3DShaderText []byte
// ExtendBase3DShader allows you to make a custom fragment shader that extends the base 3D shader, allowing you
// to make a shader that has fog and depth testing built-in, as well as access to the combined painted vertex
// colors and vertex-based lighting.
// To do this, make a Kage shader, but rename the fragment entry point from "Fragment()" to "CustomFragment()".
// Otherwise, the arguments are the same - dstPos, srcPos, and color, with color containing both vertex color
// and lighting data. The return vec4 is also the same - the value that is returned from CustomFragment will be
// used for fog.
// To turn off lighting or fog individually, you would simply turn on shadelessness and foglessness in
// your object's Material (or shadelessness in your Model itself).
func ExtendBase3DShader(customFragment string) (*ebiten.Shader, error) {
shaderText := string(base3DShaderText)
if len(customFragment) > 0 {
shaderTextSplit := strings.Split(shaderText, "\n")
customTextSplit := strings.Split(customFragment, "\n")
uniformLocationDest := -1
customFragmentCallLocation := -1
customFragmentDefinitionLocation := -1
for i, line := range shaderTextSplit {
if strings.Contains(line, "// tetra3d Custom Uniform Location //") {
uniformLocationDest = i
if strings.Contains(line, "// tetra3d Custom Fragment Call Location //") {
customFragmentCallLocation = i + 1
if strings.Contains(line, "// tetra3d Custom Fragment Definition Location //") {
customFragmentDefinitionLocation = i
customShaderStart := -1
fragFunctionStart := -1
for i, line := range customTextSplit {
if strings.Contains(line, "package main") {
customShaderStart = i + 1
if strings.Contains(line, "func CustomFragment(") {
fragFunctionStart = i
out := ""
for i, line := range shaderTextSplit {
if i == uniformLocationDest {
out += strings.Join(customTextSplit[customShaderStart:fragFunctionStart], "\n") + "\n"
out += line + "\n"
} else if i == customFragmentCallLocation {
// Replace the line with a new ColorTex definition
out += "colorTex = CustomFragment(dstPos, tx + srcOrigin, color)\n\n"
} else if i == customFragmentDefinitionLocation {
out += strings.Join(customTextSplit[fragFunctionStart:], "\n") + "\n"
out += line + "\n"
} else {
out += line + "\n"
shaderText = out
return ebiten.NewShader([]byte(shaderText))
// Set represents a Set of elements.
type Set[E comparable] map[E]struct{}
// newSet creates a new set.
func newSet[E comparable]() Set[E] {
return Set[E]{}
func (s Set[E]) Clone() Set[E] {
newSet := newSet[E]()
return newSet
// Add adds the given elements to a set.
func (s Set[E]) Add(element E) {
s[element] = struct{}{}
// Combine combines the given other elements to the set.
func (s Set[E]) Combine(otherSet Set[E]) {
for element := range otherSet {
// Contains returns if the set contains the given element.
func (s Set[E]) Contains(element E) bool {
_, ok := s[element]
return ok
// Remove removes the given element from the set.
func (s Set[E]) Remove(element E) {
delete(s, element)
// Clear clears the set.
func (s Set[E]) Clear() {
for v := range s {
delete(s, v)
// ForEach runs the provided function for each element in the set.
func (s Set[E]) ForEach(f func(element E)) {
for element := range s {