
2180 lines
93 KiB

# Add-on for Tetra3D > Blender exporting
import bpy, os, bmesh, math, mathutils, aud, bpy_extras
from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
currentlyPlayingAudioName = None
currentlyPlayingAudioHandle = None
audioPaused = False
bl_info = {
"name" : "Tetra3D Addon", # The name in the addon search menu
"author" : "SolarLune Games",
"description" : "An addon for exporting GLTF content from Blender for use with Tetra3D.",
"blender" : (3, 0, 1), # Lowest version to use
"location" : "View3D",
"category" : "Gamedev",
"version" : (0, 16, 0),
"support" : "COMMUNITY",
"doc_url" : "https://github.com/SolarLune/Tetra3d/wiki/Blender-Addon",
objectTypes = [
("MESH", "Mesh", "A standard, visible mesh object.", 0, 0),
("GRID", "Grid", "A grid object; not visualized or 'physically present'. The vertices in Blender become grid points in Tetra3D; the edges become their connections.", 0, 1),
sectorTypes = [
("OBJECT", "Object", "An Object that lies in a sector will only render if the sector it is in also renders.", 0, 0),
("SECTOR", "Sector", "A Sector indicates a space that contains objects and maintains neighborly relationships with other Sectors.", 0, 1),
("STANDALONE", "Standalone", "A Standalone object will render regardless of if the sector it lies in renders (or if it lies in any sector at all).", 0, 2),
def listSectorTypes(self, context):
if context.object.type == "MESH" or (context.object.instance_type == "COLLECTION" and context.object.instance_collection is not None):
return sectorTypes
return sectorTypes[::2]
boundsTypes = [
("NONE", "No Bounds", "No collision will be created for this object.", 0, 0),
("AABB", "AABB", "An AABB (axis-aligned bounding box). If the size isn't customized, it will be big enough to fully contain the mesh of the current object. Currently buggy when resolving intersections between AABB or other Triangle Nodes.", 0, 1),
("CAPSULE", "Capsule", "A capsule, which can rotate. If the radius and height are not set, it will have a radius and height to fully contain the current object.", 0, 2),
("SPHERE", "Sphere", "A sphere. If the radius is not custom set, it will have a large enough radius to fully contain the provided object.", 0, 3),
("TRIANGLES", "Triangle Mesh", "A triangle mesh bounds type. Only works on mesh-type objects (i.e. an Empty won't generate a BoundingTriangles). Accurate, but slow. Currently buggy when resolving intersections between AABB or other Triangle Nodes.", 0, 4),
gltfExportTypes = [
("GLB", ".glb", "Exports a single file, with all data packed in binary form. Textures can be packed into the file. Most efficient and portable, but more difficult to edit later.", 0, 0),
("GLTF_SEPARATE", ".gltf + .bin + external textures", "Exports multiple files, with separate JSON, binary and texture data. Easiest to edit later.", 0, 1),
sectorDetectionType = [
("VERTICES", "Vertices", "Sector neighborhood is determined by sectors sharing vertex positions. Accurate, but slower.", 0, 0),
("AABB", "AABB", "Sector neighborhood is determined by AABB intersection. Fast, but inaccurate.", 0, 1),
materialBlendModes = [
("DEFAULT", "Default", "Blends the destination by the material's color modulated by the material's alpha value. The default alpha-blending composite mode. Also known as BlendSourceOver.", 0, 0),
("ADDITIVE", "Additive", "Adds the material's color to the destination. Also known as BlendLighter.", 0, 1),
("MULTIPLY", "Multiply", "Multiplies the material's color by the destination. Known as Multiply compositing using a custom Blend object.", 0, 2),
("CLEAR", "Clear", "Anywhere the material draws is cleared instead; useful to 'punch through' a scene to show the blank alpha zero. Also known as BlendClear.", 0, 3),
materialBillboardModes = [
("NONE", "None", "No billboarding - the (unskinned) object with this material does not rotate to face the camera.", 0, 0),
("FIXEDVERTICAL", "Fixed Vertical", "Fixed Vertical billboarding - the (unskinned) object with this material faces the camera, with up always pointing towards the camera's local up vector (+Y). Good for top-down games.", 0, 1),
("HORIZONTAL", "Horizontal", "Horizontal billboarding - the (unskinned) object with this material rotates around to the face the camera only on the X and Z axes (not the Y axis).", 0, 2),
("FULL", "Full", "Full billboarding - the (unskinned) object rotates fully to face the camera.", 0, 3),
materialLightingModes = [
("DEFAULT", "Default", "Default lighting; light is dependent on normal of lit faces.", 0, 0),
("NORMAL", "Point Towards Lights", "Lighting acts as though faces always face light sources. Particularly useful for billboarded 2D sprites.", 0, 1),
("DOUBLE", "Double-Sided", "Double-sided lighting; lighting is dependent on normal of lit faces, but on both sides of a face.", 0, 2),
worldFogCompositeModes = [
("OFF", "Off", "No fog. Object colors aren't changed with distance from the camera.", 0, 0),
("ADDITIVE", "Additive", "Additive fog - this fog mode brightens objects in the distance, with full effect being adding the color given to the object's color at maximum distance (according to the camera's far range).", 0, 1),
("SUBTRACT", "Subtractive", "Subtractive fog - this fog mode darkens objects in the distance, with full effect being subtracting the object's color by the fog color at maximum distance (according to the camera's far range).", 0, 2),
("OVERWRITE", "Overwrite", "Overwrite fog - this fog mode overwrites the object's color with the fog color, with maximum distance being the camera's far distance.", 0, 3),
("TRANSPARENT", "Transparent", "Transparent fog - this fog mode fades the object out over distance, such that at maximum distance / fog range, the object is wholly transparent.", 0, 4),
worldFogCurveTypes = [
("LINEAR", "Smooth", "Smooth fog (Ease: Linear); this goes from 0% in the near range to 100% in the far range evenly.", "LINCURVE", 0),
("OUTCIRC", "Dense", "Dense fog (Ease: Out Circ); fog will increase aggressively in the near range, ramping up to 100% at the far range.", "SPHERECURVE", 1),
("INCIRC", "Light", "Light fog (Ease: In Circ); fog will increase aggressively towards the far range, ramping up to 100% at the far range.", "SHARPCURVE", 2),
gamePropTypes = [
("bool", "Bool", "Boolean data type", 0, 0),
("int", "Int", "Int data type", 0, 1),
("float", "Float", "Float data type", 0, 2),
("string", "String", "String data type", 0, 3),
("reference", "Object", "Object reference data type; converted to a string composed as follows on export - [SCENE NAME]:[OBJECT NAME]", 0, 4),
("color", "Color", "Color data type", 0, 5),
("vector3d", "3D Vector", "3D vector data type", 0, 6),
("file", "Filepath", "Filepath as a string", 0, 7),
("directory", "Directory Path", "Directory Path as a string", 0, 8),
batchModes = [
("OFF", "Off", "No automatic batching.", 0, 0),
("DYNAMIC", "Dynamic Batching", "Dynamic batching based off of one material (the first one).", 0, 1),
("STATIC", "Static Merging", "Static merging; merged objects cannot move or deviate in any way. After automatic static merging, the merged models will be automatically set to invisible.", 0, 2),
def filepathSet(self, value):
global currentlyPlayingAudioHandle, currentlyPlayingAudioName, audioPaused
if "valueFilepath" in self and self["valueFilepath"] == currentlyPlayingAudioName and value != self["valueFilepath"]:
currentlyPlayingAudioHandle = None
currentlyPlayingAudioName = ""
audioPaused = False
self["valueFilepath"] = value
def filepathGet(self):
if "valueFilepath" in self:
return self["valueFilepath"]
return ""
class t3dGamePropertyItem__(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
name: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Name", default="New Property")
valueType: bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=gamePropTypes, name="Type")
valueBool: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name = "", description="The boolean value of the property")
valueInt: bpy.props.IntProperty(name = "", description="The integer value of the property")
valueFloat: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name = "", description="The float value of the property")
valueString: bpy.props.StringProperty(name = "", description="The string value of the property")
valueReference: bpy.props.PointerProperty(name = "", type=bpy.types.Object, description="The object to reference")
valueReferenceScene: bpy.props.PointerProperty(name = "", type=bpy.types.Scene, description="The scene to search for an object to reference; if this is blank, all objects from all scenes will appear in the object search field")
valueColor: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name = "", description="The color value of the property", subtype="COLOR", default=[1, 1, 1, 1], size=4, min=0, max=1)
valueVector3D: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name = "", description="The 3D vector value of the property", subtype="XYZ")
valueFilepath: bpy.props.StringProperty(name = "", description="The filepath of the property", subtype="FILE_PATH", set=filepathSet, get=filepathGet)
valueDirpath: bpy.props.StringProperty(name = "", description="The directory path of the property", subtype="DIR_PATH")
# valueFilepathAbsolute
# valueVector4D: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name = "", description="The 4D vector value of the property")
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dAddProp(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3daddprop"
bl_label = "Add Game Property"
bl_description= "Adds a game property to the currently selected object. A game property gets added to an Object's Properties object in Tetra3D"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
mode : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
if self.mode == "scene":
target = context.scene
elif self.mode == "object":
target = context.object
elif self.mode == "material":
target = context.object.active_material
target = getattr(context, self.mode)
target.t3dGameProperties__.move(len(target.t3dGameProperties__)-1, 0)
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dDeleteProp(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3ddeleteprop"
bl_label = "Delete Game Property"
bl_description= "Deletes a game property from the currently selected object"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
index : bpy.props.IntProperty()
mode : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
if self.mode == "scene":
target = context.scene
elif self.mode == "object":
target = context.object
elif self.mode == "material":
target = context.object.active_material
prop = target.t3dGameProperties__[self.index]
global currentlyPlayingAudioHandle, currentlyPlayingAudioName
if prop.valueType == "file" and prop.valueFilepath == currentlyPlayingAudioName and currentlyPlayingAudioHandle:
currentlyPlayingAudioHandle = None
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dReorderProps(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3dreorderprops"
bl_label = "Re-order Game Property"
bl_description= "Moves a game property up or down in the list"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
index : bpy.props.IntProperty()
moveUp : bpy.props.BoolProperty()
mode : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
if self.mode == "scene":
target = context.scene
elif self.mode == "object":
target = context.object
elif self.mode == "material":
target = context.object.active_material
if self.moveUp:
target.t3dGameProperties__.move(self.index, self.index-1)
target.t3dGameProperties__.move(self.index, self.index+1)
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dSetVector(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.t3dsetvec"
bl_label = "" ## We don't want the label to show
bl_description= "Sets vector value"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
index : bpy.props.IntProperty()
mode : bpy.props.StringProperty()
buttonMode : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def description(cls, context, properties):
if properties.buttonMode == "object location":
return "Set to object world position"
return "Set to 3D Cursor position"
def execute(self, context):
if self.mode == "scene":
target = context.scene
elif self.mode == "object":
target = context.object
elif self.mode == "material":
target = context.object.active_material
if self.buttonMode == "object location":
target.t3dGameProperties__[self.index].valueVector3D = context.object.location
elif self.buttonMode == "3D cursor":
target.t3dGameProperties__[self.index].valueVector3D = context.scene.cursor.location
return {'FINISHED'}
def copyProp(fromProp, toProp):
toProp.name = fromProp.name
toProp.valueType = fromProp.valueType
toProp.valueBool = fromProp.valueBool
toProp.valueInt = fromProp.valueInt
toProp.valueFloat = fromProp.valueFloat
toProp.valueString = fromProp.valueString
toProp.valueReference = fromProp.valueReference
toProp.valueReferenceScene = fromProp.valueReferenceScene
toProp.valueColor = fromProp.valueColor
toProp.valueVector3D = fromProp.valueVector3D
toProp.valueFilepath = fromProp.valueFilepath
toProp.valueDirpath = fromProp.valueDirpath
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dOverrideProp(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3doverrideprop"
bl_label = "Override Game Property"
bl_description= "Copies a game property to the collection instance for overriding."
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
objectIndex : bpy.props.IntProperty()
propIndex : bpy.props.IntProperty()
def execute(self, context):
targetProp = context.object.instance_collection.objects[self.objectIndex].t3dGameProperties__[self.propIndex]
newProp = None
for prop in context.object.t3dGameProperties__:
if prop.name == targetProp.name:
newProp = prop
if newProp is None:
newProp = context.object.t3dGameProperties__.add()
copyProp(targetProp, newProp)
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dCopyProps(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3dcopyprops"
bl_label = "Copy Game Properties"
bl_description= "Copies game properties from the currently selected object to all other selected objects"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
selected = context.object
for o in context.selected_objects:
if o == selected:
for prop in selected.t3dGameProperties__:
newProp = o.t3dGameProperties__.add()
copyProp(prop, newProp)
return {'FINISHED'}
class MATERIAL_OT_tetra3dMaterialCopyProps(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "material.tetra3dcopyprops"
bl_label = "Overwrite Game Property on All Materials"
bl_description= "Overwrites game properties from the currently selected material to all other materials on this object"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
selected = context.object
for slot in selected.material_slots:
if slot.material == None or slot.material == selected.active_material:
for prop in selected.active_material.t3dGameProperties__:
newProp = slot.material.t3dGameProperties__.add()
copyProp(prop, newProp)
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dCopyOneProperty(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3dcopyoneproperty"
bl_label = "Copy Game Property"
bl_description= "Copies a single game property from the currently selected object to all other selected objects"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
index : bpy.props.IntProperty()
def execute(self, context):
selected = context.object
for o in context.selected_objects:
if o == selected:
fromProp = selected.t3dGameProperties__[self.index]
if fromProp.name in o.t3dGameProperties__:
toProp = o.t3dGameProperties__[fromProp.name]
toProp = o.t3dGameProperties__.add()
copyProp(fromProp, toProp)
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dCopyNodePathToClipboard(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3dcopynodepath"
bl_label = "Copy Node Path To Clipboard"
bl_description= "Copies an object's node path to clipboard"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
bpy.context.window_manager.clipboard = objectNodePath(context.object)
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dClearProps(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.tetra3dclearprops"
bl_label = "Clear Game Properties"
bl_description= "Clears game properties from all currently selected objects"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
mode : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
if self.mode == "object":
for o in context.selected_objects:
elif self.mode == "scene":
elif self.mode == "material" and context.object.active_material is not None:
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dPlaySample(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.t3dplaysound"
bl_label = "Preview Music File"
bl_description= "Previews music file"
bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
filepath : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
global currentlyPlayingAudioHandle, currentlyPlayingAudioName, audioPaused
device = aud.Device()
if currentlyPlayingAudioHandle:
if currentlyPlayingAudioName == self.filepath:
audioPaused = False
if not currentlyPlayingAudioHandle or currentlyPlayingAudioName != self.filepath:
sound = aud.Sound(bpy.path.abspath(self.filepath))
currentlyPlayingAudioHandle = device.play(sound)
currentlyPlayingAudioHandle.volume = 0.5
currentlyPlayingAudioHandle.loop_count = -1
currentlyPlayingAudioName = self.filepath
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dStopSample(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.t3dpausesound"
bl_label = "Pauses Previewing Music File"
bl_description= "Stops currently playing music file"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
filepath : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
global currentlyPlayingAudioHandle, audioPaused
if currentlyPlayingAudioHandle:
audioPaused = True
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dSetAnimationInterpolationAll(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.t3dsetanimationinterpolationall"
bl_label = "All Animations"
bl_description= "Sets interpolation for all keys in all animations in the blend file to the specified interpolation mode"
bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
interpolationType : bpy.props.StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
for action in bpy.data.actions:
for curve in action.fcurves:
for point in curve.keyframe_points:
point.interpolation = self.interpolationType
return {'FINISHED'}
class OBJECT_OT_tetra3dSetAnimationInterpolation(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.t3dsetanimationinterpolation"
bl_label = "Current Animation"
bl_description= "Sets interpolation for all keys for the current animation on the object to the specified interpolation mode"
bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
interpolationType : bpy.props.StringProperty()
forAll : bpy.props.BoolProperty()
def execute(self, context):
if bpy.context.active_object and bpy.context.active_object.animation_data and bpy.context.active_object.animation_data.action:
action = bpy.context.active_object.animation_data.action
for curve in action.fcurves:
for point in curve.keyframe_points:
point.interpolation = self.interpolationType
return {'FINISHED'}
class RENDER_OT_tetra3dQuickSetRenderResolution(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "render.t3dquicksetrenderresolution"
bl_label = "Set render resolution"
bl_description= "Sets the render resolution for cameras in this blend file to quick-values"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
resolutionHeight : bpy.props.IntProperty()
def execute(self, context):
asr = 16/9
context.scene.t3dRenderResolutionW__ = int(self.resolutionHeight * asr)
context.scene.t3dRenderResolutionH__ = int(self.resolutionHeight)
return {'FINISHED'}
def objectNodePath(object):
p = object.name
if object.parent:
if object.parent_type == "BONE":
armaturePath = ""
parentBoneName = object.parent_bone
armatureData = object.parent.data
parent = armatureData.bones[parentBoneName]
while parent:
armaturePath = parent.name + "/" + armaturePath
parent = parent.parent
p = objectNodePath(object.parent) + "/" + armaturePath + object.name
p = objectNodePath(object.parent) + "/" + object.name
return p
class MESH_PT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "MESH_PT_tetra3d"
bl_label = "Tetra3d Mesh Properties"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "data"
def draw(self, context):
row = self.layout.row()
meshData = context.object.data
if meshData and context.object.type == "MESH":
row.prop(meshData, "t3dUniqueMesh__")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(meshData, "t3dUniqueMaterials__")
if "t3dUniqueMesh__" in meshData:
row.enabled = meshData["t3dUniqueMesh__"]
row.enabled = False
class OBJECT_PT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_tetra3d"
bl_label = "Tetra3d Object Properties"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "object"
def poll(self,context):
return context.object is not None
def draw(self, context):
row = self.layout.row()
np = objectNodePath(context.object)
np = " / ".join(np.split("/"))
row.label(text="Node Path : " + np)
row = self.layout.row()
row.operator("object.tetra3dcopynodepath", text="Copy Node Path to Clipboard", icon="COPYDOWN")
row = self.layout.row()
row.enabled = context.object.t3dObjectType__ == 'MESH'
row.prop(context.object, "t3dVisible__")
if context.object.type == "MESH":
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.enabled = context.object.t3dObjectType__ == 'MESH'
row.prop(context.object, "t3dAutoBatch__")
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Object Type: ")
row.prop(context.object, "t3dObjectType__", expand=True)
row = box.row()
row.enabled = context.object.t3dObjectType__ == 'MESH'
row.prop(context.object, "t3dAutoSubdivide__")
if context.object.t3dAutoSubdivide__:
row.prop(context.object, "t3dAutoSubdivideSize__")
isCollection = context.object.instance_type == "COLLECTION" and context.object.instance_collection is not None
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Sector Type:")
if isCollection:
row = box.row()
row.enabled = context.object.t3dObjectType__ == 'MESH'
row.prop(context.object, "t3dSectorTypeOverride__", expand=True)
row = box.row()
if isCollection:
row.enabled = context.object.t3dSectorTypeOverride__
row.enabled = context.object.t3dObjectType__ == 'MESH'
row.prop(context.object, "t3dSectorType__", expand=True)
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.object, "t3dBoundsType__")
row = self.layout.row()
if context.object.t3dBoundsType__ == 'AABB':
row.prop(context.object, "t3dAABBCustomEnabled__")
if context.object.t3dAABBCustomEnabled__:
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.object, "t3dAABBCustomSize__")
elif context.object.t3dBoundsType__ == 'CAPSULE':
row.prop(context.object, "t3dCapsuleCustomEnabled__")
if context.object.t3dCapsuleCustomEnabled__:
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.object, "t3dCapsuleCustomRadius__")
row.prop(context.object, "t3dCapsuleCustomHeight__")
elif context.object.t3dBoundsType__ == 'SPHERE':
row.prop(context.object, "t3dSphereCustomEnabled__")
if context.object.t3dSphereCustomEnabled__:
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.object, "t3dSphereCustomRadius__")
elif context.object.t3dBoundsType__ == 'TRIANGLES':
row.prop(context.object, "t3dTrianglesCustomBroadphaseEnabled__")
if context.object.t3dTrianglesCustomBroadphaseEnabled__:
row.prop(context.object, "t3dTrianglesCustomBroadphaseGridSize__")
row = self.layout.row()
if isCollection:
row = self.layout.row()
row.label(text="Collection Object Properties")
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dExpandOverrideProps__", icon="TRIA_DOWN" if context.scene.t3dExpandOverrideProps__ else "TRIA_RIGHT", icon_only=True, emboss=False)
if context.scene.t3dExpandOverrideProps__:
col = context.object.instance_collection
for objectIndex, object in enumerate(col.objects):
if object.parent == None:
row = self.layout.row()
box = row.box()
box.label(text="Object: " + object.name)
for propIndex, prop in enumerate(object.t3dGameProperties__):
row = box.row()
# row.label(text=prop.name)
op = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dOverrideProp.bl_idname, text="Override Game Property : < " + prop.name + " >")
op.objectIndex = objectIndex
op.propIndex = propIndex
row = box.row()
row.enabled = False
row.prop(prop, "name")
handleT3DProperty(propIndex, box, prop, "object", False)
row = self.layout.row()
row.label(text="Game Properties")
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dExpandGameProps__", icon="TRIA_DOWN" if context.scene.t3dExpandGameProps__ else "TRIA_RIGHT", icon_only=True, emboss=False)
if context.scene.t3dExpandGameProps__:
row = self.layout.row()
add = row.operator("object.tetra3daddprop", text="Add Game Property", icon="PLUS")
add.mode = "object"
row.operator("object.tetra3dcopyprops", text="Overwrite All Game Properties", icon="COPYDOWN")
for index, prop in enumerate(context.object.t3dGameProperties__):
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(prop, "name")
moveUpOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dReorderProps.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRIA_UP")
moveUpOptions.index = index
moveUpOptions.moveUp = True
moveUpOptions.mode = "object"
moveDownOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dReorderProps.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRIA_DOWN")
moveDownOptions.index = index
moveDownOptions.moveUp = False
moveDownOptions.mode = "object"
copy = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dCopyOneProperty.bl_idname, text="", icon="COPYDOWN")
copy.index = index
deleteOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dDeleteProp.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRASH")
deleteOptions.index = index
deleteOptions.mode = "object"
handleT3DProperty(index, box, prop, "object")
row = self.layout.row()
# No scene equivalent for this, so there is no mode property for this class
clear = row.operator("object.tetra3dclearprops", text="Clear All Game Properties", icon="CANCEL")
clear.mode = "object"
class SCENE_PT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "SCENE_PT_tetra3d"
bl_label = "Tetra3d Scene Properties"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "scene"
def poll(self,context):
return context.scene is not None
def draw(self, context):
row = self.layout.row()
add = row.operator("object.tetra3daddprop", text="Add Game Property", icon="PLUS")
add.mode = "scene"
for index, prop in enumerate(context.scene.t3dGameProperties__):
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(prop, "name")
moveUpOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dReorderProps.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRIA_UP")
moveUpOptions.index = index
moveUpOptions.moveUp = True
moveUpOptions.mode = "scene"
moveDownOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dReorderProps.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRIA_DOWN")
moveDownOptions.index = index
moveDownOptions.moveUp = False
moveDownOptions.mode = "scene"
deleteOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dDeleteProp.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRASH")
deleteOptions.index = index
deleteOptions.mode = "scene"
handleT3DProperty(index, box, prop, "scene")
row = self.layout.row()
clear = row.operator("object.tetra3dclearprops", text="Clear All Game Properties", icon="CANCEL")
clear.mode = "scene"
class CAMERA_PT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "CAMERA_PT_tetra3d"
bl_label = "Tetra3d Camera Properties"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "data"
def poll(self,context):
return context.object is not None and context.object.type == "CAMERA"
def draw(self, context):
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.object.data, "type")
row = self.layout.row()
if context.object.data.type == "PERSP":
row.prop(context.object.data, "t3dFOV__")
row.prop(context.object.data, "ortho_scale")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.object.data, "clip_start")
row.prop(context.object.data, "clip_end")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.object.data, "t3dMaxLightCount__")
box = self.layout.box()
box.prop(context.object.data, "t3dSectorRendering__")
row = box.row()
sectorRenderingOn = context.object.data.t3dSectorRendering__
row.enabled = sectorRenderingOn
row.prop(context.object.data, "t3dSectorRenderDepth__")
row.enabled = sectorRenderingOn
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.object.data, "t3dPerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping__")
def handleT3DProperty(index, box, prop, operatorType, enabled=True):
row = box.row()
row.enabled = enabled
row.prop(prop, "valueType")
if prop.valueType == "bool":
row.prop(prop, "valueBool")
elif prop.valueType == "int":
row.prop(prop, "valueInt")
elif prop.valueType == "float":
row.prop(prop, "valueFloat")
elif prop.valueType == "string":
row.prop(prop, "valueString")
elif prop.valueType == "reference":
row.prop(prop, "valueReferenceScene")
if prop.valueReferenceScene != None:
row.prop_search(prop, "valueReference", prop.valueReferenceScene, "objects")
row.prop(prop, "valueReference")
elif prop.valueType == "color":
row.prop(prop, "valueColor")
elif prop.valueType == "vector3d":
row = box.row()
row.enabled = enabled
row.prop(prop, "valueVector3D")
if operatorType == "object" or operatorType == "material":
setCur = row.operator("object.t3dsetvec", text="", icon="OBJECT_ORIGIN")
setCur.index = index
setCur.mode = operatorType
setCur.buttonMode = "object location"
setCur = row.operator("object.t3dsetvec", text="", icon="PIVOT_CURSOR")
setCur.index = index
setCur.mode = operatorType
setCur.buttonMode = "3D cursor"
elif prop.valueType == "file":
row.prop(prop, "valueFilepath")
ext = os.path.splitext(prop.valueFilepath)[1]
if ext in bpy.path.extensions_audio:
global currentlyPlayingAudioHandle, audioPaused
if currentlyPlayingAudioHandle and not audioPaused:
playButton = row.operator("object.t3dpausesound", text="", icon="PAUSE")
playButton = row.operator("object.t3dplaysound", text="", icon="PLAY")
playButton.filepath = prop.valueFilepath
elif prop.valueType == "directory":
row.prop(prop, "valueDirpath")
class MATERIAL_PT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "MATERIAL_PT_tetra3d"
bl_label = "Tetra3d Material Properties"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "material"
def poll(self,context):
return context.material is not None
def draw(self, context):
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.material, "t3dMaterialColor__")
# row = self.layout.row()
# row.prop(context.material, "t3dColorTexture0__")
# row.operator("image.open")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.material, "t3dMaterialShadeless__")
row.prop(context.material, "t3dMaterialFogless__")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.material, "use_backface_culling")
row.prop(context.material, "t3dVisible__")
row = self.layout.row()
row.label(text="Transparency Mode:")
row.prop(context.material, "blend_method", text="")
row = self.layout.row()
row.label(text="Blend Mode:")
row.prop(context.material, "t3dBlendMode__", text="")
row = self.layout.row()
row.label(text="Billboard Mode:")
row.prop(context.material, "t3dBillboardMode__", text="")
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.material, "t3dAutoUV__")
row = box.row()
row.enabled = context.material.t3dAutoUV__
row.prop(context.material, "t3dAutoUVUnitSize__")
row.prop(context.material, "t3dAutoUVRotation__")
row = box.row()
row.enabled = context.material.t3dAutoUV__
row.prop(context.material, "t3dAutoUVOffset__")
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.material, "t3dCustomDepthOn__")
row = box.row()
row.enabled = context.material.t3dCustomDepthOn__
row.prop(context.material, "t3dCustomDepthValue__")
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Lighting Mode:")
row.prop(context.material, "t3dMaterialLightingMode__", text="")
if context.object.active_material != None:
row = self.layout.row()
add = row.operator("object.tetra3daddprop", text="Add Game Property", icon="PLUS")
add.mode = "material"
row.operator("material.tetra3dcopyprops", icon="COPYDOWN")
for index, prop in enumerate(context.object.active_material.t3dGameProperties__):
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(prop, "name")
moveUpOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dReorderProps.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRIA_UP")
moveUpOptions.index = index
moveUpOptions.moveUp = True
moveUpOptions.mode = "material"
moveDownOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dReorderProps.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRIA_DOWN")
moveDownOptions.index = index
moveDownOptions.moveUp = False
moveDownOptions.mode = "material"
deleteOptions = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dDeleteProp.bl_idname, text="", icon="TRASH")
deleteOptions.index = index
deleteOptions.mode = "material"
handleT3DProperty(index, box, prop, "material")
row = self.layout.row()
clear = row.operator("object.tetra3dclearprops", text="Clear All Game Properties", icon="CANCEL")
clear.mode = "material"
class WORLD_PT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "WORLD_PT_tetra3d"
bl_label = "Tetra3d World Properties"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "world"
def poll(self,context):
return context.world is not None
def draw(self, context):
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.world, "t3dSyncClearColor__")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.world, "t3dClearColor__")
row.enabled = not context.world.t3dSyncClearColor__
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.world, "t3dFogMode__")
if context.world.t3dFogMode__ != "OFF":
box.prop(context.world, "t3dFogCurve__")
box.prop(context.world, "t3dSyncFogColor__")
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.world, "t3dFogColor__")
row.enabled = context.world.t3dFogMode__ != "TRANSPARENT" and not context.world.t3dSyncFogColor__
box.prop(context.world, "t3dFogDithered__")
box.prop(context.world, "t3dFogRangeStart__", slider=True)
box.prop(context.world, "t3dFogRangeEnd__", slider=True)
# The idea behind "globalget and set" is that we're setting properties on the first scene (which must exist), and getting any property just returns the first one from that scene
def globalGet(propName, default=None):
if propName not in bpy.data.scenes[0] and default is not None:
bpy.data.scenes[0][propName] = default
return bpy.data.scenes[0][propName]
def globalSet(propName, value):
bpy.data.scenes[0][propName] = value
def globalDel(propName):
del bpy.data.scenes[0][propName]
class RENDER_PT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "RENDER_PT_tetra3d"
bl_label = "Tetra3D Render Properties"
bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
bl_context = "render"
def draw(self, context):
row = self.layout.row()
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dExportOnSave__")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dExportFilepath__")
row = self.layout.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dExportFormat__")
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.active = context.scene.t3dExportFormat__ == "GLB"
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dPackTextures__")
box.prop(context.scene, "t3dExportCameras__")
box.prop(context.scene, "t3dExportLights__")
box.prop(context.scene, "t3dRenameInstancedObjects__")
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Quick set render resolution:")
row = box.row()
op = row.operator(RENDER_OT_tetra3dQuickSetRenderResolution.bl_idname, text="224p")
op.resolutionHeight = 224
op = row.operator(RENDER_OT_tetra3dQuickSetRenderResolution.bl_idname, text="480p")
op.resolutionHeight = 480
row = box.row()
op = row.operator(RENDER_OT_tetra3dQuickSetRenderResolution.bl_idname, text="720p")
op.resolutionHeight = 720
op = row.operator(RENDER_OT_tetra3dQuickSetRenderResolution.bl_idname, text="1080p")
op.resolutionHeight = 1080
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dRenderResolutionW__")
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dRenderResolutionH__")
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Sector detection type:")
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dSectorDetectionType__", expand=True)
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Animation Playback Framerate (in Blender):")
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dPlaybackFPS__")
row = box.row().separator()
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dAnimationSampling__")
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Set interpolation for animations:")
row = box.row()
row.prop(context.scene, "t3dAnimationInterpolation__")
row = box.row()
op = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dSetAnimationInterpolationAll.bl_idname)
op.interpolationType = context.scene.t3dAnimationInterpolation__
op = row.operator(OBJECT_OT_tetra3dSetAnimationInterpolation.bl_idname)
op.interpolationType = context.scene.t3dAnimationInterpolation__
def export():
scene = bpy.context.scene
was_edit_mode = False
old_active = bpy.context.active_object
old_selected = bpy.context.selected_objects.copy()
if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH':
was_edit_mode = True
blendPath = bpy.context.blend_data.filepath
if scene.t3dExportFilepath__ != "":
blendPath = scene.t3dExportFilepath__
if blendPath == "":
return False
blendPath = bpy.path.abspath(blendPath)
if scene.t3dExportFormat__ == "GLB":
ending = ".glb"
elif scene.t3dExportFormat__ == "GLTF_SEPARATE":
ending = ".gltf"
newPath = os.path.splitext(blendPath)[0] + ending
# Gather collection information
ogCollections = {} # What collection an object was originally pointing to
collections = {} # What collections exist in the Blend file
ogGrids = {}
for collection in bpy.data.collections:
if len(collection.objects) == 0:
c = []
for o in collection.objects:
if o.parent is None:
cd = {
"objects": c,
"offset" : collection.instance_offset,
if collection.library is not None:
cd["path"] = collection.library.filepath
collections[collection.name] = cd
globalSet("t3dCollections__", collections)
worlds = {}
for world in bpy.data.worlds:
worldData = {}
worldNodes = world.node_tree.nodes
# If you're using nodes, it'll try to use either a background or emission node; otherwise, it'll just use the background color
if ("Background" in worldNodes or "Emission" in worldNodes) and world.use_nodes:
if "Background"in worldNodes:
bgNode = worldNodes["Background"]
bgNode = worldNodes["Emission"]
worldData["ambient color"] = list(bgNode.inputs[0].default_value)
worldData["ambient energy"] = bgNode.inputs[1].default_value
worldData["ambient color"] = list(world.color)
worldData["ambient energy"] = 1
if world.t3dSyncClearColor__:
worldData["clear color"] = worldData["ambient color"]
worldData["clear color"] = world.t3dClearColor__
worldData["fog mode"] = world.t3dFogMode__
worldData["dithered transparency"] = world.t3dFogDithered__
worldData["fog curve"] = world.t3dFogCurve__
if world.t3dSyncFogColor__:
worldData["fog color"] = worldData["clear color"]
worldData["fog color"] = world.t3dFogColor__
worldData["fog range start"] = world.t3dFogRangeStart__
worldData["fog range end"] = world.t3dFogRangeEnd__
worlds[world.name] = worldData
globalSet("t3dWorlds__", worlds)
currentFrame = {}
autoSubdivides = {}
ogVertexColorNames = {}
referencedActions = {}
def checkAction(action):
if obj.type == "ARMATURE":
if action.name not in referencedActions:
referencedActions[action.name] = set()
for scene in bpy.data.scenes:
currentFrame[scene] = scene.frame_current
if scene.users > 0:
if scene.world:
scene["t3dCurrentWorld__"] = scene.world.name
for layer in scene.view_layers:
for obj in layer.objects:
if obj.animation_data:
if obj.animation_data.action:
for track in obj.animation_data.nla_tracks.values():
for strip in track.strips.values():
obj["t3dOriginalLocalPosition__"] = obj.location
if obj.type == "MESH":
# BUG: This causes a problem when subdividing; this is only really a problem if automatic tesselation when rendering in Tetra3D isn't implemented, though
if obj.t3dAutoSubdivide__:
obj["t3dOriginalMesh"] = obj.data.name
if not obj.data.name in autoSubdivides:
autoSubdivides[obj.data.name] = {
"edit": obj.data,
"original": obj.data.copy(),
"size": obj.t3dAutoSubdivideSize__,
if len(obj.data.color_attributes) > 0:
vertexColors = [layer.name for layer in obj.data.color_attributes]
obj.data["t3dVertexColorNames__"] = vertexColors
obj.data["t3dActiveVertexColorIndex__"] = obj.data.color_attributes.render_color_index
ogVertexColorNames[obj.data] = list(layer.name for layer in obj.data.color_attributes)
for layer in obj.data.color_attributes:
layer.name = "_"+layer.name # because the GLTF exporter now only exports color attributes if their layer names start with "_" for whatever reason~~~
if obj.t3dObjectType__ == 'GRID':
gridConnections = {}
gridEntries = []
ogGrids[obj] = obj.data
# obj.data = None # Hide the data just in case - that way Grid objects don't get mesh data exported
obj.data["t3dGrid__"] = True
for edge in obj.data.edges:
v0 = str(obj.data.vertices[edge.vertices[0]].co.to_tuple(4))
v1 = str(obj.data.vertices[edge.vertices[1]].co.to_tuple(4))
if v0 not in gridEntries:
gridConnections[str(gridEntries.index(v0))] = []
if v1 not in gridEntries:
gridConnections[str(gridEntries.index(v1))] = []
obj["t3dGridConnections__"] = gridConnections
obj["t3dGridEntries__"] = gridEntries
# Record relevant information for curves
if obj.type == "CURVE":
points = []
for spline in obj.data.splines:
for point in spline.points:
for point in spline.bezier_points:
obj["t3dPathPoints__"] = points
obj["t3dPathCyclic__"] = spline.use_cyclic_u or spline.use_cyclic_v
if obj.instance_type == "COLLECTION" and obj.instance_collection is not None:
obj["t3dInstanceCollection__"] = obj.instance_collection.name
ogCollections[obj] = obj.instance_collection
# We don't want to export a linked collection directly, as that 1) will duplicate mesh data from externally linked blend files to put into the GLTF file, and
# 2) will apply the collection's offset to the object's position for some reason (which is annoying because we use OpenGL's axes for positioning compared to Blender)
obj.instance_collection = None
for meshName in autoSubdivides:
mesh = autoSubdivides[meshName]
bm = bmesh.new()
bm.select_mode = {"EDGE", "VERT", "FACE"}
# The below works, but the triangulation is super wonky and over-heavy
# bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
# for x in range(1000):
# subdiv = False
# edges = []
# for edge in bm.edges:
# edge.select = edge.calc_length() > mesh["size"]
# if edge.select:
# subdiv = True
# edges.append(edge)
# if not subdiv:
# break
# bm.select_flush(True)
# bmesh.ops.subdivide_edges(bm, edges=[e for e in bm.edges if e.select], cuts=1)
# bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
# The below works really well, but tris mess it up, I think
invalidEdges = set()
for x in range(100):
edges = set()
workingEdge = None
edgeCount = len(bm.edges)
for edge in bm.edges:
if edge in invalidEdges:
if edge.calc_length() > mesh["size"]:
if workingEdge is None and len(edge.link_loops) > 0:
workingEdge = edge
if len(edge.link_loops) > 0:
nextLoop = edge.link_loops[0]
passedCount = 0
for x in range(100):
nextLoop = nextLoop.link_loop_next.link_loop_next.link_loop_radial_next
if nextLoop.edge == workingEdge:
passedCount += 1
if passedCount >= 2:
if workingEdge:
if len(edges) == 0:
bmesh.ops.subdivide_edgering(bm, edges=list(edges), cuts=1, profile_shape="LINEAR", smooth=0)
if len(bm.edges) == edgeCount:
# Subdivide individual islands of faces that can't be loop-cut
for x in range(100):
toCut = []
for edge in bm.edges:
if edge.calc_length() > mesh["size"]:
if len(toCut) == 0:
bmesh.ops.subdivide_edges(bm, edges=toCut, cuts=1)
# for x in range(1):
# bm.faces.index_update()
# bm.edges.index_update()
# bm.verts.index_update()
# edges = set()
# for face in bm.faces:
# # subdivide non-quad faces later
# if len(face.edges) != 4:
# continue
# firstEdge = None
# for edge in face.edges:
# print(edge.calc_length())
# if edge.calc_length() > mesh["size"]:
# firstEdge = edge
# edges.add(edge)
# break
# if firstEdge:
# nextLoop = edge.link_loops[0]
# for x in range(1000):
# nextLoop = nextLoop.link_loop_next.link_loop_next.link_loop_radial_next
# edges.add(nextLoop.edge)
# if len(edges) > 0:
# break
# if len(edges) == 0:
# continue
# bmesh.ops.subdivide_edgering(bm, edges=list(edges), cuts=1, profile_shape="LINEAR", smooth=0)
# Gather marker information and put them into the actions.
for action in bpy.data.actions:
markers = []
for marker in action.pose_markers:
markerInfo = {
"name": marker.name,
"time": marker.frame / globalGet("t3dPlaybackFPS__", 60), # If the playback FPS isn't specifically set, default to 60
if len(markers) > 0:
action["t3dMarkers__"] = markers
view3DCameraData = []
renderResolutionH = getRenderResolutionH(None)
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
for space in area.spaces:
if space.type == "VIEW_3D":
# HUGE thanks to ryan halliday's blog for mentioning bpy_extras' axis conversion: https://blog.ryanhalliday.com/2023/04/three-blender-co-ordinates.html
conversion = bpy_extras.io_utils.axis_conversion(from_forward="-Y", from_up="Z", to_forward="Z", to_up="Y")
decomposed = space.region_3d.view_matrix.inverted().decompose()
loc = conversion @ decomposed[0]
rot = conversion @ (decomposed[1].to_matrix())
camData = {
"clip_start" : space.clip_start,
"clip_end" : space.clip_end,
"location": loc,
"rotation" : rot,
"fovY" : math.degrees(2 * math.atan(36 / (space.lens * 2))), # 36 is the default blender camera sensor width
"perspective": space.region_3d.is_perspective,
# "ortho_zoom" : space.region_3d.view_distance, # This isn't correct; the lens also impacts the zoom
globalSet("t3dView3DCameraData__", view3DCameraData)
# We force on exporting of Extra values because otherwise, values from Blender would not be able to be exported.
# export_apply=True to ensure modifiers are applied.
# use_active_scene=True, # Blender's GLTF exporter's kinda thrashed when it comes to multiple scenes, so it might be better to export each scene as its own GLTF file...?
export_keep_originals=not scene.t3dPackTextures__,
export_force_sampling=scene.t3dAnimationSampling__, # When enabled, animations are sampled / baked. This is slow, but accurate. When disabled, only linear and constant keyframes are exported and interpolated for animation.
export_import_convert_lighting_mode="COMPAT", # We want to use the compatible lighting model, not the "realistic" / real-world-accurate one
# Undo changes that we've made after export
for meshName in autoSubdivides:
mesh = autoSubdivides[meshName]
bm = bmesh.new()
removed = False
removed = True
if removed:
for scene in bpy.data.scenes:
# Exporting animations sets the frame "late"; we restore the current frame to avoid this
if scene.world and "t3dCurrentWorld__" in scene:
if scene.users > 0:
for layer in scene.view_layers:
for obj in layer.objects:
if obj is None:
if "t3dOriginalMesh" in obj:
if "t3dOriginalLocalPosition__" in obj:
if "t3dInstanceCollection__" in obj:
if obj in ogCollections:
obj.instance_collection = ogCollections[obj]
if "t3dPathPoints__" in obj:
if "t3dPathCyclic__" in obj:
if obj.type == "MESH":
if "t3dVertexColorNames__" in obj.data:
if "t3dActiveVertexColorIndex__" in obj.data:
for i, layer in enumerate(obj.data.color_attributes):
layer.name = ogVertexColorNames[obj.data][i]
if obj.t3dObjectType__ == 'GRID':
obj.data = ogGrids[obj] # Restore the mesh reference afterward
for action in bpy.data.actions:
if "t3dMarkers__" in action:
# restore context
if old_active:
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = old_active
if bpy.context.active_object is not None and was_edit_mode:
for obj in old_selected:
if obj:
problematicActions = ""
for actionName, armatureSet in referencedActions.items():
if len(armatureSet) > 1:
problematicActions += actionName + ", "
if len(problematicActions) > 0:
def report(self, context):
self.layout.label(text="Warning: The following actions are assigned to or set in the NLA Stash for multiple different armatures: [ " + problematicActions + "]. This can be problematic if these armatures have different shapes, as the animations may be incorrect for the armature.")
bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(report, title="Warning: Action Export Issue", icon="ERROR")
return True
def exportOnSave(dummy):
if globalGet("t3dExportOnSave__", False):
def onLoad(dummy):
global currentlyPlayingAudioHandle, currentlyPlayingAudioName, audioPaused
if currentlyPlayingAudioHandle:
currentlyPlayingAudioHandle = None
currentlyPlayingAudioName = ""
audioPaused = False
key=(bpy.types.Object, 'mode'),
class MATERIAL_OT_tetra3dAutoUV(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "material.t3dautouv"
bl_label = "Apply Auto UV"
bl_description = "Perform automatic UV mapping"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
obj = bpy.context.object
# If there's no polygons, we'll just return early
if len(obj.data.polygons) == 0:
return {'FINISHED'}
ogMode = bpy.context.object.mode
prevActiveMaterialIndex = obj.active_material_index
# We need to be in Object mode to get vertex / edge / polygon selection data
selectedVertices = [v.index for v in obj.data.vertices if v.select]
selectedEdges = [e.index for e in obj.data.edges if e.select]
selectedPolygons = [p.index for p in obj.data.polygons if p.select]
for matIndex, mat in enumerate(obj.data.materials):
# mat could be None if it's just the slot and no Material is selected
if mat and mat.t3dAutoUV__:
obj.active_material_index = matIndex
# Return to object mode to alter the UV map
uvMap = obj.data.uv_layers.active.uv
for poly in obj.data.polygons:
if poly.material_index == matIndex:
for loopIndex in poly.loop_indices:
vec = uvMap[loopIndex].vector
vec.x -= 0.5
vec.y -= 0.5
vec.rotate(mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(mat.t3dAutoUVRotation__), 2))
vec.x += 0.5
vec.y += 0.5
vec.x -= mat.t3dAutoUVOffset__[0]
vec.y -= mat.t3dAutoUVOffset__[1]
# Restore selection
for v in obj.data.vertices:
v.select = False
if v.index in selectedVertices:
v.select = True
for e in obj.data.edges:
e.select = False
if e.index in selectedEdges:
e.select = True
for p in obj.data.polygons:
p.select = False
if p.index in selectedPolygons:
p.select = True
obj.active_material_index = prevActiveMaterialIndex
return {'FINISHED'}
def onModeChange():
obj = bpy.context.object
if obj and obj.data and obj.type == 'MESH':
for mat in obj.data.materials:
if mat.t3dAutoUV__:
def autoUVChange(self, context):
obj = context.object
if obj and obj.data and obj.type == 'MESH':
for mat in obj.data.materials:
if mat.t3dAutoUV__:
class EXPORT_OT_tetra3d(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "export.tetra3dgltf"
bl_label = "Tetra3D Export"
bl_description= "Exports to a GLTF file for use in Tetra3D"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
if export():
self.report({"INFO"}, "Tetra3D GLTF data exported properly.")
self.report({"WARNING"}, "Warning: Tetra3D GLTF file could not be exported; please either specify a filepath or save the blend file.")
return {'FINISHED'}
def getSectorDetectionType(self):
return globalGet("t3dSectorDetection__", 0)
def setSectorDetectionType(self, value):
globalSet("t3dSectorDetection__", value)
def getRenderResolutionW(self):
s = globalGet("t3dRenderResolutionW__", 640)
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = s
return s
def setRenderResolutionW(self, value):
globalSet("t3dRenderResolutionW__", value)
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = value
def getRenderResolutionH(self):
s = globalGet("t3dRenderResolutionH__", 360)
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = s
return s
def setRenderResolutionH(self, value):
globalSet("t3dRenderResolutionH__", value)
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = value
def getPlaybackFPS(self):
s = globalGet("t3dPlaybackFPS__", 60)
bpy.context.scene.render.fps = s
return s
def setPlaybackFPS(self, value):
globalSet("t3dPlaybackFPS__", value)
bpy.context.scene.render.fps = value
# row = self.layout.row()
# row.prop(context.scene.render, "resolution_x")
# row.prop(context.scene.render, "resolution_y")
# row = self.layout.row()
# row.label(text="Animation Playback Framerate (in Blender):")
# row = self.layout.row()
# row.prop(context.scene.render, "fps")
def getExportOnSave(self):
return globalGet("t3dExportOnSave__", False)
def setExportOnSave(self, value):
globalSet("t3dExportOnSave__", value)
def getExportFilepath(self):
return globalGet("t3dExportFilepath__", "")
def setExportFilepath(self, value):
globalSet("t3dExportFilepath__", value)
def getExportFormat(self):
return globalGet("t3dExportFormat__", 0)
def setExportFormat(self, value):
globalSet("t3dExportFormat__", value)
def getExportCameras(self):
return globalGet("t3dExportCameras__", True)
def setExportCameras(self, value):
globalSet("t3dExportCameras__", value)
def getExportLights(self):
return globalGet("t3dExportLights__", True)
def setExportLights(self, value):
globalSet("t3dExportLights__", value)
def getPackTextures(self):
return globalGet("t3dPackTextures__", False)
def setPackTextures(self, value):
globalSet("t3dPackTextures__", value)
def getRenameInstancedObjects(self):
return globalGet("t3dRenameInstancedObjects__", True)
def setRenameInstancedObjects(self, value):
globalSet("t3dRenameInstancedObjects__", value)
def getAnimationSampling(self):
return globalGet("t3dAnimationSampling__", True)
def setAnimationSampling(self, value):
globalSet("t3dAnimationSampling__", value)
def getAnimationInterpolation(self):
return globalGet("t3dAnimationInterpolation__", True)
def setAnimationInterpolation(self, value):
globalSet("t3dAnimationInterpolation__", value)
def fogRangeStartSet(self, value):
if value > bpy.context.world.t3dFogRangeEnd__:
value = bpy.context.world.t3dFogRangeEnd__
self["t3dFogRangeStart__"] = value
def fogRangeStartGet(self):
if "t3dFogRangeStart__" in self:
return self["t3dFogRangeStart__"]
return 0
def fogRangeEndSet(self, value):
if value < bpy.context.world.t3dFogRangeStart__:
value = bpy.context.world.t3dFogRangeStart__
self["t3dFogRangeEnd__"] = value
def fogRangeEndGet(self):
if "t3dFogRangeEnd__" in self:
return self["t3dFogRangeEnd__"]
return 1
# We don't need to actually store a FOV value, but rather modify the Blender camera's usual FOV variable
def getFOV(self):
# Huge thanks to this blender.stackexchange post: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/23431/how-to-set-camera-horizontal-and-vertical-fov
w = getRenderResolutionW(None)
h = getRenderResolutionH(None)
aspect = w / h
if aspect > 1:
value = math.degrees(2 * math.atan((0.5 * h) / (0.5 * w / math.tan(self.angle / 2))))
value = math.degrees(self.angle)
return int(value)
def setFOV(self, value):
w = getRenderResolutionW(None)
h = getRenderResolutionH(None)
aspect = w / h
if aspect > 1:
self.angle = 2 * math.atan((0.5 * w) / (0.5 * h / math.tan(math.radians(value) / 2)))
self.angle = math.radians(value)
objectProps = {
"t3dVisible__" : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Visible", description="Whether the object is visible or not when exported to Tetra3D", default=True),
"t3dBoundsType__" : bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=boundsTypes, name="Bounds", description="What Bounding node type to create and parent to this object"),
"t3dAABBCustomEnabled__" : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Custom AABB Size", description="If enabled, you can manually set the BoundingAABB node's size. If disabled, the AABB's size will be automatically determined by this object's mesh (if it is a mesh; otherwise, no BoundingAABB node will be generated)", default=False),
"t3dAABBCustomSize__" : bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Size", description="Width (X), height (Y), and depth (Z) of the BoundingAABB node that will be created", min=0.0, default=[2,2,2]),
"t3dTrianglesCustomBroadphaseEnabled__" : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Custom Broadphase Size", description="If enabled, you can manually set the BoundingTriangle's broadphase settings. If disabled, the BoundingTriangle's broadphase settings will be automatically determined by this object's size", default=False),
"t3dTrianglesCustomBroadphaseGridSize__" : bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Broadphase Cell Size", description="How large the cells are in the broadphase collision grid (a cell size of 0 disables broadphase collision)", min=0, default=20),
"t3dCapsuleCustomEnabled__" : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Custom Capsule Size", description="If enabled, you can manually set the BoundingCapsule node's size properties. If disabled, the Capsule's size will be automatically determined by this object's mesh (if it is a mesh; otherwise, no BoundingCapsule node will be generated)", default=False),
"t3dCapsuleCustomRadius__" : bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Radius", description="The radius of the BoundingCapsule node", min=0.0, default=0.5),
"t3dCapsuleCustomHeight__" : bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Height", description="The height of the BoundingCapsule node", min=0.0, default=2),
"t3dSphereCustomEnabled__" : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Custom Sphere Size", description="If enabled, you can manually set the BoundingSphere node's radius. If disabled, the Sphere's size will be automatically determined by this object's mesh (if it is a mesh; otherwise, no BoundingSphere node will be generated)", default=False),
"t3dSphereCustomRadius__" : bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Radius", description="Radius of the BoundingSphere node that will be created", min=0.0, default=1),
"t3dGameProperties__" : bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=t3dGamePropertyItem__),
"t3dObjectType__" : bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=objectTypes, name="Object Type", description="The type of object this is"),
"t3dAutoBatch__" : bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=batchModes, name="Auto Batch", description="Whether objects should be automatically batched together; for dynamically batched objects, they can only have one, common Material. For statically merged objects, they can have however many materials"),
"t3dAutoSubdivide__" : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Auto-Subdivide Faces", description="If enabled, Tetra3D will do its best to loop cut edges that are too large before export"),
"t3dAutoSubdivideSize__" : bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Max Edge Length", description="The maximum length an edge is allowed to be before automatically cutting prior to export", min=0.0, default=1.0),
"t3dSectorType__" : bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=listSectorTypes,name="Sector Type", description="The type of sector capability this object has; only used if rendered with a camera with Sector Rendering on"),
"t3dSectorTypeOverride__" : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Override Sector Type", description="If the collection object should override the sector type for ALL its objects"),
keymaps = []
def register():
for propName, prop in objectProps.items():
setattr(bpy.types.Object, propName, prop)
# We don't actually need to store or export the FOV; we just modify the camera's actual field of view (angle) property
bpy.types.Camera.t3dFOV__ = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="FOV", description="Vertical field of view", default=75,
get=getFOV, set=setFOV, min=1, max=179)
bpy.types.Camera.t3dSectorRendering__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Sector-based Rendering", description="Whether scenes should be rendered according to sector or not", default=False)
bpy.types.Camera.t3dSectorRenderDepth__ = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Sector Render Depth", description="How many sector neighbors are rendered at a time", default=1, min=0)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dSectorDetectionType__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=sectorDetectionType, name="Sector Detection Type", description="How sector neighbors should be determined", default='VERTICES',
get=getSectorDetectionType, set=setSectorDetectionType)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dGameProperties__ = objectProps["t3dGameProperties__"]
perspectiveDescription = ("Whether the game should be rendered with perspective-corrected "
"texture mapping or not. When enabled, it will look more like modern 3D texturing; when disabled, "
"it will look like PS1 affine texture mapping (which is the default)."
"This feature is experimental / not perfect currently (it looks fuzzy, and triangles aren't clipped properly at the edges of the viewport, "
"which means you still get texture skewing when a triangle is largely offscreen)")
bpy.types.Camera.t3dPerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Perspective-corrected Texture Mapping (Experimental)", description=perspectiveDescription, default=False)
bpy.types.Camera.t3dMaxLightCount__ = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Max light count", description="How many lights (sorted by distance to the camera, including ambient lights) should be used to light objects; if 0, then there is no limit", default=0, min = 0)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportOnSave__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Export on Save", description="Whether the current file should export to GLTF on save or not", default=False,
get=getExportOnSave, set=setExportOnSave)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportFilepath__ = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Export Filepath", description="Filepath to export GLTF file. If left blank, it will export to the same directory as the blend file and will have the same filename; in this case, if the blend file has not been saved, nothing will happen",
default="", subtype="FILE_PATH", get=getExportFilepath, set=setExportFilepath)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportFormat__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=gltfExportTypes, name="Export Format", description="What format to export the file in", default="GLB",
get=getExportFormat, set=setExportFormat)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportCameras__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Export Cameras", description="Whether Blender should export cameras to the GLTF file", default=True,
get=getExportCameras, set=setExportCameras)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportLights__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Export Lights", description="Whether Blender should export lights to the GLTF file", default=True,
get=getExportLights, set=setExportLights)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dRenameInstancedObjects__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Rename Collection-Instanced Objects", description="Whether collection instances' names should be used for their instanced top-level objects", default=True,
get=getRenameInstancedObjects, set=setRenameInstancedObjects)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dPackTextures__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Pack Textures", description="Whether Blender should pack textures into the GLTF file on export", default=False,
get=getPackTextures, set=setPackTextures)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dRenderResolutionW__ = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Render Width", description="How wide to render the game scene in pixels", default=640, min=0,
get=getRenderResolutionW, set=setRenderResolutionW)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dRenderResolutionH__ = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Render Height", description="How tall to render the game scene in pixels", default=360, min=0,
get=getRenderResolutionH, set=setRenderResolutionH)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dPlaybackFPS__ = bpy.props.IntProperty(name="Playback FPS", description="Animation Playback Framerate (in Blender)", default=60, min=0,
get=getPlaybackFPS, set=setPlaybackFPS)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dAnimationSampling__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Sampled Animations", description="When enabled, animations are sampled (so you can use advanced techniques in your animations and then Blender will bake the results into your GLTF file). When disabled, only plain constant and linear animation keyframes (not cubic spline) will export. However, non-sampled animations export much more quickly than sampled animations, which means this option is useful when developing", default=True,
get=getAnimationSampling, set=setAnimationSampling)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dAnimationInterpolation__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(
("CONSTANT", "Constant", "Constant interpolation", 0, 0),
("LINEAR", "Linear", "Linear interpolation", 0, 1),
("BEZIER", "Bezier", "Bezier interpolation", 0, 2),
("SINE", "Sine", "Sine interpolation", 0, 3),
("QUAD", "Quad", "Quad interpolation", 0, 4),
("CUBIC", "Cubic", "Cubic interpolation", 0, 5),
("QUART", "Quart", "Quart interpolation", 0, 6),
("QUINT", "Quint", "Quint interpolation", 0, 7),
("EXPO", "Expo", "Exponential interpolation", 0, 8),
("CIRC", "Circ", "Circ interpolation", 0, 7),
("BACK", "Back", "Back interpolation", 0, 8),
("BOUNCE", "Bounce", "Bounce interpolation", 0, 9),
("ELASTIC", "Elastic", "Elastic interpolation", 0, 10),
description="What type to use for applying interpolation",
bpy.types.Scene.t3dExpandGameProps__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Expand Game Properties", default=True)
bpy.types.Scene.t3dExpandOverrideProps__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Expand Overridden Properties", default=True)
bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialColor__ = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Material Color", description="Material modulation color", default=[1,1,1,1], subtype="COLOR", size=4, step=1, min=0, max=1)
bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialShadeless__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Shadeless", description="Whether lighting should affect this material", default=False)
bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialFogless__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Fogless", description="Whether fog affects this material", default=False)
bpy.types.Material.t3dBlendMode__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=materialBlendModes, name="Blend Mode", description="Composite mode (i.e. additive, multiplicative, etc) for this material", default="DEFAULT")
bpy.types.Material.t3dBillboardMode__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=materialBillboardModes, name="Billboarding Mode", description="Billboard mode (i.e. if the object with this material should rotate to face the camera) for this material", default="NONE")
bpy.types.Material.t3dCustomDepthOn__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Custom Depth", description="Whether custom depth offsetting should be enabled", default=False)
bpy.types.Material.t3dCustomDepthValue__ = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Depth Offset Value", description="How far in world units the material should offset when rendering (negative values are closer to the camera, positive values are further)")
bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialLightingMode__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=materialLightingModes, name="Lighting mode", description="How materials should be lit", default="DEFAULT")
bpy.types.Material.t3dVisible__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Visible", description="Whether this material is visible", default=True)
bpy.types.Material.t3dAutoUV__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Auto UV-Map", description="If the UV map of the faces that use this material should automatically be Cube Projection UV mapped when exiting edit mode")
bpy.types.Material.t3dAutoUVUnitSize__ = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Unit Size", description="How many Blender Units equates to one texture size", default=4.0, update=autoUVChange, step=5)
bpy.types.Material.t3dAutoUVRotation__ = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Rotation", description="How many degrees to rotate the UVs after projection", step = 500, update=autoUVChange)
bpy.types.Material.t3dAutoUVOffset__ = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Offset", description="How many texels to offset the texture after projection", default=[0,0], size=2, update=autoUVChange, step=1)
bpy.types.Material.t3dGameProperties__ = objectProps["t3dGameProperties__"]
bpy.types.Mesh.t3dUniqueMesh__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Unique Mesh", description="Whether each Model that uses this mesh will have a unique clone of it or not. When enabled, any Models that use this mesh will clone the mesh on creation")
bpy.types.Mesh.t3dUniqueMaterials__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Unique Materials", description="Whether each Model that uses this mesh's materials will have unique clones of them or not. When enabled, any Models that use this mesh will clone the materials on creation")
bpy.types.World.t3dClearColor__ = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Clear Color", description="Screen clear color; note that this won't actually be the background color automatically, but rather is simply set on the Scene.ClearColor property for you to use as you wish", default=[0.007, 0.008, 0.01, 1], subtype="COLOR", size=4, step=1, min=0, max=1)
bpy.types.World.t3dSyncClearColor__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Sync Clear Color to World Color", description="If the clear color should be a copy of the world's color")
bpy.types.World.t3dFogColor__ = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(name="Fog Color", description="The color of fog for this world", default=[0, 0, 0, 1], subtype="COLOR", size=4, step=1, min=0, max=1)
bpy.types.World.t3dSyncFogColor__ = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Sync Fog Color to Clear Color", description="If the fog color should be a copy of the screen clear color")
bpy.types.World.t3dFogMode__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=worldFogCompositeModes, name="Fog Mode", description="Fog mode", default="OFF")
bpy.types.World.t3dFogDithered__ = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Fog Dither Size", description="How large bayer matrix dithering is when using fog. If set to 0, dithering is disabled", default=0, min=0, step=1)
bpy.types.World.t3dFogCurve__ = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=worldFogCurveTypes, name="Fog Curve", description="What curve to use for the fog's gradience", default="LINEAR")
bpy.types.World.t3dFogRangeStart__ = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Fog Range Start", description="With 0 being the near plane and 1 being the far plane of the camera, how far in should the fog start to appear", min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0, get=fogRangeStartGet, set=fogRangeStartSet)
bpy.types.World.t3dFogRangeEnd__ = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Fog Range End", description="With 0 being the near plane and 1 being the far plane of the camera, how far out should the fog be at maximum opacity", min=0.0, max=1.0, default=1, get=fogRangeEndGet, set=fogRangeEndSet)
# Handlers and callbacks
if not exportOnSave in bpy.app.handlers.save_post:
if not onLoad in bpy.app.handlers.load_post:
keyconfig = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon
kc = keyconfig.keymaps.new(name="Window", space_type='EMPTY')
shortcut = kc.keymap_items.new("export.tetra3dgltf", 'E', 'PRESS', ctrl=True, shift=True)
global keymaps
keymaps.append((kc, shortcut))
def unregister():
if currentlyPlayingAudioHandle:
for propName in objectProps.keys():
delattr(bpy.types.Object, propName)
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dGameProperties__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dSectorDetectionType__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportOnSave__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportFilepath__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportFormat__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportCameras__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dExportLights__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dRenameInstancedObjects__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dPackTextures__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dAnimationSampling__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dAnimationInterpolation__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dRenderResolutionW__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dRenderResolutionH__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dPlaybackFPS__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dExpandGameProps__
del bpy.types.Scene.t3dExpandOverrideProps__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialColor__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialShadeless__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialFogless__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dBlendMode__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dBillboardMode__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dMaterialLightingMode__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dCustomDepthOn__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dCustomDepthValue__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dGameProperties__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dAutoUV__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dAutoUVUnitSize__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dAutoUVRotation__
del bpy.types.Material.t3dVisible__
del bpy.types.World.t3dClearColor__
del bpy.types.World.t3dFogColor__
del bpy.types.World.t3dFogMode__
del bpy.types.World.t3dFogRangeStart__
del bpy.types.World.t3dFogRangeEnd__
del bpy.types.World.t3dFogDithered__
del bpy.types.World.t3dFogCurve__
del bpy.types.Mesh.t3dUniqueMesh__
del bpy.types.Mesh.t3dUniqueMaterials__
del bpy.types.Camera.t3dSectorRendering__
del bpy.types.Camera.t3dSectorRenderDepth__
del bpy.types.Camera.t3dPerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping__
del bpy.types.Camera.t3dFOV__
del bpy.types.Camera.t3dMaxLightCount__
if exportOnSave in bpy.app.handlers.save_post:
if onLoad in bpy.app.handlers.load_post:
global keymaps
for keymap, shortcut in keymaps:
if __name__ == "__main__":