
1696 lines
49 KiB

package tetra3d
import (
_ "image/png"
type GLTFLoadOptions struct {
// Width and height of loaded Cameras. Defaults to -1 each, which will then instead load the size from the camera's resolution as exported in the GLTF file;
// if the camera resolution isn't set there, cameras will load with a 1920x1080 camera size.
CameraWidth, CameraHeight int
CameraDepth bool // If cameras should render depth or not
DefaultToAutoTransparency bool // If DefaultToAutoTransparency is true, then opaque materials become Auto transparent materials in Tetra3D.
// DependentLibraryResolver is a function that takes a relative path (string) to the blend file representing the dependent Library that the loading
// Library requires. This function should return a reference to the dependent Library; if it returns nil, the linked objects from the dependent Library
// will not be instantiated in the loading Library.
// An example would be loading a level (level.gltf) composed of assets from another file (a GLTF file exported from assets.blend, which is a directory up).
// In this example, loading level.gltf would require the dependent library, found in assets.gltf. Loading level.gltf will refer to objects linked from the assets
// blend file, known as "../assets.blend".
// You could then simply load the assets library first and then code the DependentLibraryResolver function to take the assets library, or code the
// function to use the path to load the library on demand. You could then store the loaded result as necessary if multiple levels use this assets Library.
DependentLibraryResolver func(blendPath string) *Library
LoadExternalTextures bool // Whether any external textures should automatically be loaded if you load a GLTF file using LoadGLTFFile(). Defaults to true.
rootFilename string
externalBufferFileSystem fs.FS // The file system to use for loading external buffers; automatically set if you use LoadGLTFFile().
// DefaultGLTFLoadOptions creates an instance of GLTFLoadOptions with some sensible defaults.
func DefaultGLTFLoadOptions() *GLTFLoadOptions {
return &GLTFLoadOptions{
CameraWidth: -1,
CameraHeight: -1,
CameraDepth: true,
DefaultToAutoTransparency: true,
LoadExternalTextures: true,
// LoadGLTFFileSystem loads a .gltf or .glb file from the file system given using the filename provided.
// The provided GLTFLoadOptions struct alters how the file is loaded.
// Passing nil for gltfLoadOptions will load the file using default load options.
// LoadGLTFFileSystem properly handles .gltf + .bin file pairs.
// LoadGLTFFileSystem will return a Library, and an error if the process fails.
func LoadGLTFFileSystem(fileSystem fs.FS, filename string, gltfLoadOptions *GLTFLoadOptions) (*Library, error) {
file, err := fileSystem.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if gltfLoadOptions == nil {
gltfLoadOptions = DefaultGLTFLoadOptions()
gltfLoadOptions.externalBufferFileSystem = fileSystem
gltfLoadOptions.rootFilename = filename
return LoadGLTFData(file, gltfLoadOptions)
// LoadGLTFData loads a .gltf or .glb file from the byte data given, using a provided GLTFLoadOptions struct to alter how the file is loaded.
// Passing nil for loadOptions will load the file using default load options. Unlike with DAE files, Animations (including armature-based
// animations) and Cameras (assuming they are exported in the GLTF file) will be parsed properly.
// LoadGLTFFile will not work by default with external byte information buffers (i.e. .gltf and .glb file pairs)
// as the buffer is referenced in .gltf as just a filename. To handle this properly, load the .gltf file using LoadGLTFFile().
// LoadGLTFFile will return a Library, and an error if the process fails.
func LoadGLTFData(data io.Reader, gltfLoadOptions *GLTFLoadOptions) (*Library, error) {
doc := gltf.NewDocument()
decoder := gltf.NewDecoder(data)
err := decoder.Decode(doc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// base directory when using a file system
baseDir := ""
if gltfLoadOptions == nil {
gltfLoadOptions = DefaultGLTFLoadOptions()
} else if gltfLoadOptions.externalBufferFileSystem != nil {
// We get the base directory for the loaded filename
dir, _ := path.Split(gltfLoadOptions.rootFilename)
baseDir = dir
for _, buffer := range doc.Buffers {
// We need to load this buffer
if buffer.URI != "" && len(buffer.Data) == 0 {
openedFile, err := gltfLoadOptions.externalBufferFileSystem.Open(path.Join(baseDir, buffer.URI))
if err != nil {
bytesData, err := io.ReadAll(openedFile)
if err != nil {
buffer.Data = bytesData
// decoder = gltf.NewDecoderFS(bytes.NewReader(data), gltfLoadOptions.externalBufferFileSystem)
library := NewLibrary()
var images []*ebiten.Image
exportedTextures := false
type Collection struct {
Objects []string
Offset []float64
Path string
collections := map[string]Collection{}
t3dExport := false
camWidth := gltfLoadOptions.CameraWidth
camHeight := gltfLoadOptions.CameraHeight
camDefaultSize := false
exportedCameras := []*Camera{}
sectorDetection := SectorDetectionTypeVertices
if gltfLoadOptions.CameraWidth <= 0 && gltfLoadOptions.CameraHeight <= 0 {
camWidth = 640
camHeight = 360
camDefaultSize = true
globalExporterSettings := doc.Scenes[0].Extras.(map[string]interface{})
if len(doc.Scenes) > 0 {
if doc.Scenes[0].Extras != nil {
if camDefaultSize {
if cr, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dRenderResolutionW__"]; exists {
if w, ok := cr.(float64); ok {
camWidth = int(w)
if cr, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dRenderResolutionH__"]; exists {
if h, ok := cr.(float64); ok {
camHeight = int(h)
exportFormat := 0 // 0 = GLB, 1 = GLTF Separate
if format, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dExportFormat__"]; exists {
exportFormat = int(format.(float64))
if et, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dPackTextures__"]; exists {
t3dExport = true
exportedTextures = et.(bool) && exportFormat == 0
if col, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dCollections__"]; exists {
t3dExport = true
data := col.(map[string]interface{})
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &collections)
if err != nil {
if cameras, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dView3DCameraData__"]; exists {
for _, cameraEntry := range cameras.([]interface{}) {
ce := cameraEntry.(map[string]interface{})
clipStart := ce["clip_start"].(float64)
clipEnd := ce["clip_end"].(float64)
fovY := ce["fovY"].(float64)
perspective := ce["perspective"].(bool)
rotation := ce["rotation"].([]interface{})
location := ce["location"].([]interface{})
rotationMatrix := NewMatrix4()
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
rotRow := rotation[i].([]interface{})
rotationMatrix.SetColumn(i, NewVector(rotRow[0].(float64), rotRow[1].(float64), rotRow[2].(float64)))
locVec := NewVector(location[0].(float64), location[1].(float64), location[2].(float64))
newCam := NewCamera(camWidth, camHeight)
newCam.near = clipStart
newCam.far = clipEnd
// newCam.SetOrthoScale(orthoZoom) // Ortho scale isn't implemented yet
exportedCameras = append(exportedCameras, newCam)
if value, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dSectorDetectionType__"]; exists {
switch value.(string) {
case "AABB":
sectorDetection = SectorDetectionTypeAABB
case "VERTICES":
sectorDetection = SectorDetectionTypeVertices
if exportedTextures {
images = make([]*ebiten.Image, len(doc.Images))
for i, gltfImage := range doc.Images {
imageData, err := modeler.ReadBufferView(doc, doc.BufferViews[*gltfImage.BufferView])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
byteReader := bytes.NewReader(imageData)
img, _, err := image.Decode(byteReader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
images[i] = ebiten.NewImageFromImage(img)
externalTextures := map[string]*ebiten.Image{}
for _, gltfMat := range doc.Materials {
newMat := NewMaterial(gltfMat.Name)
newMat.library = library
newMat.BackfaceCulling = !gltfMat.DoubleSided
if texture := gltfMat.PBRMetallicRoughness.BaseColorTexture; texture != nil {
if exportedTextures {
newMat.Texture = images[*doc.Textures[texture.Index].Source]
} else {
newMat.TexturePath = doc.Images[*doc.Textures[texture.Index].Source].URI
if gltfLoadOptions.LoadExternalTextures && gltfLoadOptions.externalBufferFileSystem != nil {
if texture, ok := externalTextures[newMat.TexturePath]; ok {
newMat.Texture = texture
} else {
texture, _, err := ebitenutil.NewImageFromFileSystem(gltfLoadOptions.externalBufferFileSystem, baseDir+newMat.TexturePath)
if err != nil {
} else {
newMat.Texture = texture
externalTextures[newMat.TexturePath] = texture
// newMat.Texture =
if gltfMat.Extras != nil {
if dataMap, isMap := gltfMat.Extras.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
if c, exists := dataMap["t3dMaterialColor__"]; exists {
color := c.([]interface{})
newMat.Color.R = float32(color[0].(float64))
newMat.Color.G = float32(color[1].(float64))
newMat.Color.B = float32(color[2].(float64))
newMat.Color.A = float32(color[3].(float64))
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dMaterialShadeless__"]; exists {
newMat.Shadeless = s.(float64) > 0.5
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dMaterialFogless__"]; exists {
newMat.Fogless = s.(float64) > 0.5
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dBlendMode__"]; exists {
switch int(s.(float64)) {
case 0:
newMat.Blend = ebiten.BlendSourceOver
case 1:
newMat.Blend = ebiten.BlendLighter
case 2:
// Custom multiply blend mode
newMat.Blend = ebiten.Blend{
BlendFactorSourceRGB: ebiten.BlendFactorDestinationColor,
BlendFactorSourceAlpha: ebiten.BlendFactorDestinationColor,
BlendFactorDestinationRGB: ebiten.BlendFactorZero,
BlendFactorDestinationAlpha: ebiten.BlendFactorZero,
BlendOperationRGB: ebiten.BlendOperationAdd,
BlendOperationAlpha: ebiten.BlendOperationAdd,
case 3:
newMat.Blend = ebiten.BlendDestinationOut
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dBillboardMode__"]; exists {
switch int(s.(float64)) {
case 0:
newMat.BillboardMode = BillboardModeNone
case 1:
newMat.BillboardMode = BillboardModeFixedVertical
case 2:
newMat.BillboardMode = BillboardModeHorizontal
case 3:
newMat.BillboardMode = BillboardModeAll
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dCustomDepthOn__"]; exists {
newMat.CustomDepthOffsetOn = s.(float64) > 0
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dCustomDepthValue__"]; exists {
newMat.CustomDepthOffsetValue = s.(float64)
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dMaterialLightingMode__"]; exists {
// newMat.NormalsAlwaysFaceLights = s.(float64) > 0
switch int(s.(float64)) {
case 0:
newMat.LightingMode = LightingModeDefault
case 1:
newMat.LightingMode = LightingModeFixedNormals
case 2:
newMat.LightingMode = LightingModeDoubleSided
if s, exists := dataMap["t3dVisible__"]; exists {
newMat.Visible = s.(float64) > 0
// At this point, parenting should be set up.
if gameProps, exists := dataMap["t3dGameProperties__"]; exists {
for _, p := range gameProps.([]interface{}) {
name, value := handleGameProperties(p)
// Non-Tetra3D custom data
for tagName, data := range dataMap {
if !strings.HasPrefix(tagName, "t3d") || !strings.HasSuffix(tagName, "__") {
// If it's not exported through the Tetra addon, then just load the default GLTF material color value
if !t3dExport {
color := gltfMat.PBRMetallicRoughness.BaseColorFactor
newMat.Color.R = float32(color[0])
newMat.Color.G = float32(color[1])
newMat.Color.B = float32(color[2])
newMat.Color.A = float32(color[3])
if gltfMat.AlphaMode == gltf.AlphaOpaque {
if gltfLoadOptions.DefaultToAutoTransparency {
newMat.TransparencyMode = TransparencyModeAuto
} else {
newMat.TransparencyMode = TransparencyModeOpaque
} else if gltfMat.AlphaMode == gltf.AlphaBlend {
newMat.TransparencyMode = TransparencyModeTransparent
} else { //if gltfMat.AlphaMode == gltf.AlphaMask
newMat.TransparencyMode = TransparencyModeAlphaClip
library.Materials[gltfMat.Name] = newMat
for _, mesh := range doc.Meshes {
// If t3dGrid__ is set on a mesh, then it can be skipped for loading
if mesh.Extras != nil {
if dataMap, isMap := mesh.Extras.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
if _, exists := dataMap["t3dGrid__"]; exists {
newMesh := NewMesh(mesh.Name)
library.Meshes[mesh.Name] = newMesh
newMesh.library = library
colorChannelNames := []string{}
if mesh.Extras != nil {
if dataMap, isMap := mesh.Extras.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
if vcNames, exists := dataMap["t3dVertexColorNames__"]; exists {
for index, name := range vcNames.([]interface{}) {
newMesh.VertexColorChannelNames[name.(string)] = index
colorChannelNames = append(colorChannelNames, name.(string))
if unique, exists := dataMap["t3dUniqueMesh__"]; exists && unique.(float64) > 0 {
if uniqueMats, exists := dataMap["t3dUniqueMaterials__"]; exists && uniqueMats.(float64) > 0 {
newMesh.Unique = MeshUniqueMeshAndMaterials
} else {
newMesh.Unique = MeshUniqueMesh
// Non-Tetra3D custom data
for tagName, data := range dataMap {
if !strings.HasPrefix(tagName, "t3d") || !strings.HasSuffix(tagName, "__") {
for _, v := range mesh.Primitives {
posBuffer := [][3]float32{}
vertPos, err := modeler.ReadPosition(doc, doc.Accessors[v.Attributes[gltf.POSITION]], posBuffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vertexData := make([]VertexInfo, len(vertPos))
for i, v := range vertPos {
vertexData[i] = NewVertex(
0, 0,
if texCoordAccessor, texCoordExists := v.Attributes[gltf.TEXCOORD_0]; texCoordExists {
uvBuffer := [][2]float32{}
texCoords, err := modeler.ReadTextureCoord(doc, doc.Accessors[texCoordAccessor], uvBuffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, v := range texCoords {
vertexData[i].U = float64(v[0])
vertexData[i].V = -(float64(v[1]) - 1)
if normalAccessor, normalExists := v.Attributes[gltf.NORMAL]; normalExists {
normalBuffer := [][3]float32{}
normals, err := modeler.ReadNormal(doc, doc.Accessors[normalAccessor], normalBuffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, v := range normals {
vertexData[i].NormalX = float64(v[0])
vertexData[i].NormalY = float64(v[1])
vertexData[i].NormalZ = float64(v[2])
// Blender's GLTF exporter changed - now the active vertex color channel
// is turned to "COLOR_0", while the other channels are turned into attributes
// accessible by their names like so: "_CHANNELNAMEINALLCAPS".
if len(colorChannelNames) > 0 {
dataMap, _ := mesh.Extras.(map[string]interface{})
activeChannelIndex := int(dataMap["t3dActiveVertexColorIndex__"].(float64))
for _, name := range colorChannelNames {
name = "_" + strings.ToUpper(name)
vertexColorAccessor, colorChannelExists := v.Attributes[name]
if !colorChannelExists {
vertexColorAccessor, colorChannelExists = v.Attributes["COLOR_0"]
if colorChannelExists {
vcBuffer := [][4]uint16{}
colors, err := modeler.ReadColor64(doc, doc.Accessors[vertexColorAccessor], vcBuffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, colorData := range colors {
// colors are exported from Blender as linear, but display as sRGB so we'll convert them here
color := NewColor(
vertexData[i].Colors = append(vertexData[i].Colors, color)
vertexData[i].ActiveColorChannel = activeChannelIndex
if weightAccessor, weightExists := v.Attributes[gltf.WEIGHTS_0]; weightExists {
weightBuffer := [][4]float32{}
weights, err := modeler.ReadWeights(doc, doc.Accessors[weightAccessor], weightBuffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
boneBuffer := [][4]uint16{}
bones, err := modeler.ReadJoints(doc, doc.Accessors[v.Attributes[gltf.JOINTS_0]], boneBuffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Store weights and bones; we don't want to waste space and speed storing bones if their weights are 0
for w := range weights {
vWeights := weights[w]
for i := range vWeights {
if vWeights[i] > 0 {
vertexData[w].Weights = append(vertexData[w].Weights, vWeights[i])
vertexData[w].Bones = append(vertexData[w].Bones, bones[w][i])
indexBuffer := []uint32{}
indices, err := modeler.ReadIndices(doc, doc.Accessors[*v.Indices], indexBuffer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mat *Material
if v.Material != nil {
gltfMat := doc.Materials[*v.Material]
mat = library.Materials[gltfMat.Name]
newIndices := make([]int, len(indices))
for i, j := range indices {
newIndices[i] = int(j)
newMesh.AddMeshPart(mat, newIndices...)
for _, gltfAnim := range doc.Animations {
anim := NewAnimation(gltfAnim.Name)
anim.library = library
library.Animations[gltfAnim.Name] = anim
animLength := 0.0
for _, channel := range gltfAnim.Channels {
sampler := gltfAnim.Samplers[*channel.Sampler]
channelName := "root"
if channel.Target.Node != nil {
channelName = doc.Nodes[*channel.Target.Node].Name
animChannel := anim.Channels[channelName]
if animChannel == nil {
animChannel = anim.AddChannel(channelName)
if channel.Target.Path == gltf.TRSTranslation {
id, err := modeler.ReadAccessor(doc, doc.Accessors[sampler.Input], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inputData := id.([]float32)
od, err := modeler.ReadAccessor(doc, doc.Accessors[sampler.Output], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputData := od.([][3]float32)
track := animChannel.AddTrack(TrackTypePosition)
track.Interpolation = int(sampler.Interpolation)
for i := 0; i < len(inputData); i++ {
t := inputData[i]
p := outputData[i]
track.AddKeyframe(float64(t), Vector{float64(p[0]), float64(p[1]), float64(p[2]), 0})
if float64(t) > animLength {
animLength = float64(t)
} else if channel.Target.Path == gltf.TRSScale {
id, err := modeler.ReadAccessor(doc, doc.Accessors[sampler.Input], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inputData := id.([]float32)
od, err := modeler.ReadAccessor(doc, doc.Accessors[sampler.Output], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputData := od.([][3]float32)
track := animChannel.AddTrack(TrackTypeScale)
track.Interpolation = int(sampler.Interpolation)
for i := 0; i < len(inputData); i++ {
t := inputData[i]
p := outputData[i]
track.AddKeyframe(float64(t), Vector{float64(p[0]), float64(p[1]), float64(p[2]), 0})
if float64(t) > animLength {
animLength = float64(t)
} else if channel.Target.Path == gltf.TRSRotation {
id, err := modeler.ReadAccessor(doc, doc.Accessors[sampler.Input], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inputData := id.([]float32)
od, err := modeler.ReadAccessor(doc, doc.Accessors[sampler.Output], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputData := od.([][4]float32)
track := animChannel.AddTrack(TrackTypeRotation)
track.Interpolation = int(sampler.Interpolation)
for i := 0; i < len(inputData); i++ {
t := inputData[i]
p := outputData[i]
track.AddKeyframe(float64(t), NewQuaternion(float64(p[0]), float64(p[1]), float64(p[2]), float64(p[3])))
if float64(t) > animLength {
animLength = float64(t)
if gltfAnim.Extras != nil {
m := gltfAnim.Extras.(map[string]interface{})
if markerData, exists := m["t3dMarkers__"]; exists {
for _, mData := range markerData.([]interface{}) {
marker := mData.(map[string]interface{})
anim.Markers = append(anim.Markers, Marker{
Name: marker["name"].(string),
Time: marker["time"].(float64),
anim.Length = animLength
// skins := []*Skin{}
// for _, skin := range doc.Skins {
// skins = append(skins, skin.)
// }
objects := []INode{}
objToNode := map[INode]*gltf.Node{}
nodeHasProp := func(node *gltf.Node, propName string) bool {
if node.Extras == nil {
return false
if _, exists := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{})[propName]; exists {
return true
return false
nodeGetProp := func(node *gltf.Node, propName string) interface{} {
if node.Extras == nil {
return nil
if value, exists := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{})[propName]; exists {
return value
return nil
// Node / Object creation
for _, node := range doc.Nodes {
var obj INode
var mesh *Mesh
if node.Mesh != nil {
mesh = library.Meshes[doc.Meshes[*node.Mesh].Name]
if mesh != nil {
if mesh.Unique != MeshUniqueFalse {
mesh = mesh.Clone()
obj = NewModel(node.Name, mesh)
if node.Extras != nil && nodeHasProp(node, "t3dAutoBatch__") {
s := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{})["t3dAutoBatch__"].(float64)
obj.(*Model).AutoBatchMode = int(s)
} else if node.Camera != nil {
gltfCam := doc.Cameras[*node.Camera]
newCam := NewCamera(camWidth, camHeight)
newCam.name = node.Name
newCam.RenderDepth = gltfLoadOptions.CameraDepth
newCam.updateProjectionMatrix = true
if gltfCam.Perspective != nil {
newCam.near = float64(gltfCam.Perspective.Znear)
newCam.far = float64(*gltfCam.Perspective.Zfar)
newCam.fieldOfView = ToDegrees(float64(gltfCam.Perspective.Yfov))
newCam.perspective = true
} else if gltfCam.Orthographic != nil {
newCam.near = float64(gltfCam.Orthographic.Znear)
newCam.far = float64(gltfCam.Orthographic.Zfar)
newCam.orthoScale = float64(gltfCam.Orthographic.Xmag * 2)
newCam.perspective = false
camProp := func(cam *gltf.Camera, propName string) any {
if cam.Extras == nil {
return nil
if value, exists := cam.Extras.(map[string]interface{})[propName]; exists {
return value
return nil
if v := camProp(gltfCam, "t3dSectorRendering__"); v != nil {
newCam.SectorRendering = v.(float64) > 0
if v := camProp(gltfCam, "t3dMaxLightCount__"); v != nil {
newCam.MaxLightCount = int(v.(float64))
if v := camProp(gltfCam, "t3dSectorRenderDepth__"); v != nil {
newCam.SectorRenderDepth = int(v.(float64))
if v := camProp(gltfCam, "t3dPerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping__"); v != nil {
newCam.PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping = v.(float64) > 0
obj = newCam
} else if lighting := node.Extensions["KHR_lights_punctual"]; lighting != nil {
lights := doc.Extensions["KHR_lights_punctual"].(lightspuntual.Lights)
lightData := lights[lighting.(lightspuntual.LightIndex)]
if lightData.Type == lightspuntual.TypeDirectional {
directionalLight := NewDirectionalLight(node.Name, lightData.Color[0], lightData.Color[1], lightData.Color[2], *lightData.Intensity) // Sun is in "energy"
obj = directionalLight
} else if lightData.Type == lightspuntual.TypePoint {
pointLight := NewPointLight(node.Name, lightData.Color[0], lightData.Color[1], lightData.Color[2], *lightData.Intensity/80) // Point lights have wattage energy
if !math.IsInf(float64(*lightData.Range), 0) {
pointLight.Range = float64(*lightData.Range)
obj = pointLight
} else {
// Any unsupported light type just gets turned into an ambient light
pointLight := NewAmbientLight(node.Name, lightData.Color[0], lightData.Color[1], lightData.Color[2], *lightData.Intensity/80)
obj = pointLight
} else if node.Extras != nil && nodeHasProp(node, "t3dPathPoints__") {
points := []Vector{}
extraMap := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{})
for _, p := range extraMap["t3dPathPoints__"].([]interface{}) {
pointData := p.([]interface{})
points = append(points, Vector{pointData[0].(float64), pointData[2].(float64), -pointData[1].(float64), 0})
path := NewPath(node.Name, points...)
if nodeHasProp(node, "t3dPathCyclic__") {
path.Closed = extraMap["t3dPathCyclic__"].(bool)
obj = path
} else if node.Extras != nil && nodeHasProp(node, "t3dGridConnections__") {
obj = NewGrid(node.Name)
extraMap := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{})
type gridPointPosition struct {
X, Y, Z float64
creationOrder := []*GridPoint{}
parsePosition := func(gpString string) gridPointPosition {
trimmed := strings.Trim(gpString, "()")
components := strings.Split(trimmed, ", ")
x, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(components[0], 64)
y, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(components[1], 64)
z, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(components[2], 64)
return gridPointPosition{
X: x,
Y: y,
Z: z,
for _, k := range extraMap["t3dGridEntries__"].([]interface{}) {
key := parsePosition(k.(string))
gp := NewGridPoint("Grid Point")
gp.SetWorldPosition(key.X, key.Z, -key.Y)
creationOrder = append(creationOrder, gp)
for k, array := range extraMap["t3dGridConnections__"].(map[string]interface{}) {
key, _ := strconv.Atoi(k)
for _, v := range array.([]interface{}) {
connectedID, _ := strconv.Atoi(v.(string))
} else {
obj = NewNode(node.Name)
objToNode[obj] = node
for _, child := range node.Children {
if node.Extras != nil {
if dataMap, isMap := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
getOrDefaultBool := func(path string, defaultValue bool) bool {
if value, exists := dataMap[path]; exists {
return value.(float64) > 0.5
return defaultValue
getOrDefaultFloat := func(path string, defaultValue float64) float64 {
if value, exists := dataMap[path]; exists {
return value.(float64)
return defaultValue
getOrDefaultFloatSlice := func(path string, defaultValues []float64) []float64 {
if value, exists := dataMap[path]; exists {
floats := []float64{}
for _, v := range value.([]interface{}) {
floats = append(floats, v.(float64))
return floats
return defaultValues
obj.SetVisible(getOrDefaultBool("t3dVisible__", true), false)
if bt, exists := dataMap["t3dBoundsType__"]; exists {
boundsType := int(bt.(float64))
switch boundsType {
// case 0: // NONE
case 1: // AABB
var aabb *BoundingAABB
if aabbCustomEnabled := getOrDefaultBool("t3dAABBCustomEnabled__", false); aabbCustomEnabled {
boundsSize := getOrDefaultFloatSlice("t3dAABBCustomSize__", []float64{2, 2, 2})
aabb = NewBoundingAABB("BoundingAABB", boundsSize[0], boundsSize[1], boundsSize[2])
} else if obj.Type().Is(NodeTypeModel) && obj.(*Model).Mesh != nil {
mesh := obj.(*Model).Mesh
dim := mesh.Dimensions
aabb = NewBoundingAABB("BoundingAABB", dim.Width(), dim.Height(), dim.Depth())
if aabb != nil {
if obj.Type().Is(NodeTypeModel) && obj.(*Model).Mesh != nil {
} else {
log.Println("Warning: object " + obj.Name() + " has bounds type BoundingAABB with no size and is not a Model")
case 2: // Capsule
var capsule *BoundingCapsule
if capsuleCustomEnabled := getOrDefaultBool("t3dCapsuleCustomEnabled__", false); capsuleCustomEnabled {
height := getOrDefaultFloat("t3dCapsuleCustomHeight__", 2)
radius := getOrDefaultFloat("t3dCapsuleCustomRadius__", 0.5)
capsule = NewBoundingCapsule("BoundingCapsule", height, radius)
} else if obj.Type().Is(NodeTypeModel) && obj.(*Model).Mesh != nil {
mesh := obj.(*Model).Mesh
dim := mesh.Dimensions
capsule = NewBoundingCapsule("BoundingCapsule", dim.Height(), math.Max(dim.Width(), dim.Depth())/2)
if capsule != nil {
if obj.Type().Is(NodeTypeModel) && obj.(*Model).Mesh != nil {
} else {
log.Println("Warning: object " + obj.Name() + " has bounds type BoundingCapsule with no size and is not a Model")
case 3: // Sphere
var sphere *BoundingSphere
if sphereCustomEnabled := getOrDefaultBool("t3dSphereCustomEnabled__", false); sphereCustomEnabled {
radius := getOrDefaultFloat("t3dSphereCustomRadius__", 1)
sphere = NewBoundingSphere("BoundingSphere", radius)
} else if obj.Type().Is(NodeTypeModel) && obj.(*Model).Mesh != nil {
model := obj.(*Model)
dim := model.Mesh.Dimensions
scale := model.WorldScale()
dim.Min = dim.Min.Mult(scale)
dim.Max = dim.Max.Mult(scale)
sphere = NewBoundingSphere("BoundingSphere", dim.MaxDimension()/2)
if sphere != nil {
if obj.Type().Is(NodeTypeModel) && obj.(*Model).Mesh != nil {
} else {
log.Println("Warning: object " + obj.Name() + " has bounds type BoundingSphere with no size and is not a Model")
case 4: // Triangles
if obj.Type().Is(NodeTypeModel) && obj.(*Model).Mesh != nil {
gridSize := 20.0
if getOrDefaultBool("t3dTrianglesCustomBroadphaseEnabled__", false) {
gridSize = getOrDefaultFloat("t3dTrianglesCustomBroadphaseGridSize__", 20)
triangles := NewBoundingTriangles("BoundingTriangles", obj.(*Model).Mesh, gridSize)
// Non-Tetra3D custom data
for tagName, data := range dataMap {
if !strings.HasPrefix(tagName, "t3d") || !strings.HasSuffix(tagName, "__") {
mtData := node.Matrix
matrix := NewMatrix4()
matrix.SetRow(0, Vector{float64(mtData[0]), float64(mtData[1]), float64(mtData[2]), float64(mtData[3])})
matrix.SetRow(1, Vector{float64(mtData[4]), float64(mtData[5]), float64(mtData[6]), float64(mtData[7])})
matrix.SetRow(2, Vector{float64(mtData[8]), float64(mtData[9]), float64(mtData[10]), float64(mtData[11])})
matrix.SetRow(3, Vector{float64(mtData[12]), float64(mtData[13]), float64(mtData[14]), float64(mtData[15])})
if !matrix.IsIdentity() {
p, s, r := matrix.Decompose()
} else {
obj.SetLocalPositionVec(Vector{float64(node.Translation[0]), float64(node.Translation[1]), float64(node.Translation[2]), 0})
obj.SetLocalScaleVec(Vector{float64(node.Scale[0]), float64(node.Scale[1]), float64(node.Scale[2]), 0})
obj.SetLocalRotation(NewQuaternion(float64(node.Rotation[0]), float64(node.Rotation[1]), float64(node.Rotation[2]), float64(node.Rotation[3])).ToMatrix4())
// if value := nodeGetProp(node, "t3dSector__"); value != nil && value.(float64) > 0 {
// sec := NewSector(obj.(*Model))
// sec.SectorDetectionType = SectorDetectionType(sectorDetection)
// obj.(*Model).sector = sec
// }
if value := nodeGetProp(node, "t3dSectorType__"); value != nil {
switch value.(float64) {
// case 0: // SectorTypeObject
case 1: // SectorTypeSector
sec := NewSector(obj.(*Model))
sec.SectorDetectionType = SectorDetectionType(sectorDetection)
obj.(*Model).sector = sec
// case 2: // SectorTypeStandalone
objects = append(objects, obj)
// We do this again here so we can be sure that all of the nodes can be created first
for i, node := range doc.Nodes {
// Set up skin for skinning animations
if node.Skin != nil {
model := objects[i].(*Model)
skin := doc.Skins[*node.Skin]
// Unsure of if this is necessary.
// if skin.Skeleton != nil {
// skeletonRoot := objects[*skin.Skeleton]
// model.SetWorldPositionVec(skeletonRoot.WorldPosition())
// model.SetWorldScale(skeletonRoot.WorldScale())
// model.SetWorldRotation(skeletonRoot.WorldRotation())
// }
model.skinned = true
// We should keep a local slice of bones because we can't simply loop through all bones with the matrix index, as
// the matrix index resets at 0 for each armature, naturally.
localBones := []*Node{}
for _, b := range skin.Joints {
bone := objects[b].(*Node)
// This is incorrect, but it gives us a link to any bone in the armature to establish
// the true root after parenting is set below
model.SkinRoot = bone
localBones = append(localBones, bone)
matrices, err := modeler.ReadAccessor(doc, doc.Accessors[*skin.InverseBindMatrices], nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for matIndex, matrix := range matrices.([][4][4]float32) {
newMat := NewMatrix4()
for rowIndex, row := range matrix {
newMat.SetColumn(rowIndex, Vector{float64(row[0]), float64(row[1]), float64(row[2]), float64(row[3])})
localBones[matIndex].inverseBindMatrix = newMat
localBones[matIndex].isBone = true
for vertIndex, boneIndices := range model.Mesh.VertexBones {
model.bones = append(model.bones, []*Node{})
for _, boneID := range boneIndices {
model.bones[vertIndex] = append(model.bones[vertIndex], localBones[boneID])
// Set up parenting
for _, childIndex := range node.Children {
findNode := func(objName string) INode {
for _, obj := range objects {
if obj.Name() == objName {
return obj
return nil
// At this point, parenting should be set up.
for obj, node := range objToNode {
if node.Extras != nil {
if dataMap, isMap := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
if gameProps, exists := dataMap["t3dGameProperties__"]; exists {
for _, p := range gameProps.([]interface{}) {
name, value := handleGameProperties(p)
// Set up SkinRoot for skinned Models; this should be the root node of a hierarchy of bone Nodes.
for _, n := range objects {
if model, isModel := n.(*Model); isModel && model.skinned {
parent := model.SkinRoot
for parent.IsBone() && parent.Parent() != nil {
parent = parent.Parent()
model.SkinRoot = parent
for obj, node := range objToNode {
if node.Extras != nil {
if dataMap, isMap := node.Extras.(map[string]interface{}); isMap {
if c, exists := dataMap["t3dInstanceCollection__"]; exists {
n := obj.(*Node)
n.collectionObjects = []INode{}
collection := collections[c.(string)]
offset := Vector{-collection.Offset[0], -collection.Offset[2], collection.Offset[1], 0}
for _, cloneName := range collection.Objects {
var clone INode
path := collection.Path
if path == "" {
clone = findNode(cloneName).Clone()
} else {
path = convertBlenderPath(path)
if gltfLoadOptions.DependentLibraryResolver == nil {
log.Printf("Warning: No dependent library resolver defined to resolve dependent library %s for object %s.\n", path, cloneName)
} else {
if library := gltfLoadOptions.DependentLibraryResolver(path); library != nil {
if foundNode := library.FindNode(cloneName); foundNode != nil {
clone = foundNode.Clone()
} else {
panic("Error in instantiating linked element: " + cloneName + " as there is no such object in the returned library.")
} else {
log.Printf("Warning: No library returned in resolving dependent library %s for object %s.\n", path, cloneName)
if clone != nil {
n.collectionObjects = append(n.collectionObjects, clone)
// Share properties to top-level clones
for k, v := range obj.Properties() {
} else {
log.Println("Error in instantiating linked element:", cloneName, "from:", path, "; did you pass the Library as a dependent Library in the GLTFLoadOptions struct?")
if c, exists := dataMap["t3dSectorTypeOverride__"]; exists && c.(float64) > 0 {
n.SearchTree().ForEach(func(node INode) bool {
return true
// Set up worlds
if len(doc.Scenes) > 0 && doc.Scenes[0].Extras != nil {
dataMap := doc.Scenes[0].Extras.(map[string]interface{})
if wd, exists := dataMap["t3dWorlds__"]; exists {
worldData := wd.(map[string]interface{})
for worldName, p := range worldData {
world := NewWorld(worldName)
props := p.(map[string]interface{})
if wc, exists := props["ambient color"]; exists {
wcc := wc.([]interface{})
worldColor := NewColor(float32(wcc[0].(float64)), float32(wcc[1].(float64)), float32(wcc[2].(float64)), 1).ConvertTosRGB()
world.AmbientLight.color = worldColor
if wc, exists := props["ambient energy"]; exists {
world.AmbientLight.energy = float32(wc.(float64))
if cc, exists := props["clear color"]; exists {
wcc := cc.([]interface{})
clearColor := NewColor(float32(wcc[0].(float64)), float32(wcc[1].(float64)), float32(wcc[2].(float64)), float32(wcc[3].(float64))).ConvertTosRGB()
world.ClearColor = clearColor
if v, exists := props["fog mode"]; exists {
world.FogOn = true
fm := v.(string)
switch fm {
case "OFF":
world.FogOn = false
case "ADDITIVE":
world.FogMode = FogAdd
case "SUBTRACT":
world.FogMode = FogSub
world.FogMode = FogOverwrite
world.FogMode = FogTransparent
if v, exists := props["fog curve"]; exists {
fc := v.(string)
switch fc {
case "LINEAR":
world.FogCurve = FogCurveLinear
case "OUTCIRC":
world.FogCurve = FogCurveOutCirc
case "INCIRC":
world.FogCurve = FogCurveInCirc
if v, exists := props["dithered transparency"]; exists {
world.DitheredFogSize = float32(v.(float64))
if v, exists := props["fog color"]; exists {
wcc := v.([]interface{})
fogColor := NewColor(float32(wcc[0].(float64)), float32(wcc[1].(float64)), float32(wcc[2].(float64)), float32(wcc[3].(float64))).ConvertTosRGB()
world.FogColor = fogColor
if v, exists := props["fog range start"]; exists {
fogStart := v.(float64)
world.FogRange[0] = float32(fogStart)
if v, exists := props["fog range end"]; exists {
fogEnd := v.(float64)
world.FogRange[1] = float32(fogEnd)
library.Worlds[world.Name] = world
// Set up scene roots
for _, s := range doc.Scenes {
scene := library.AddScene(s.Name)
// Parent all parentless objects to the scene root to be visible.
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
if s.Extras != nil {
extras := s.Extras.(map[string]interface{})
if wn, exists := extras["t3dCurrentWorld__"]; exists {
scene.World = library.Worlds[wn.(string)]
if gameProps, exists := extras["t3dGameProperties__"]; exists {
for _, p := range gameProps.([]interface{}) {
name, value := handleGameProperties(p)
// Non-Tetra3D custom data
for tagName, data := range extras {
if !strings.HasPrefix(tagName, "t3d") || !strings.HasSuffix(tagName, "__") {
Below, we handle collection instances specially, as objects in the collection should be instantiated
instead in the same relative locations, rather than parenting them to their collection instance objects.
Otherwise, there would be nodes in the middle - the collection instance. For example, a collection composed
of a chair mesh parented to a collision box would become a hierarchy like this when placed as a collection
instance in a Blender scene:
* Root
|- * Chair (Collection Instance, named, say, "Chair.001")
|- * Chair Collision Box (named "ChairCol")
|- * Chair Mesh
Instead, we can substitute the chair collision box in the collection instance's location:
* Root
|- * Chair Collision Box (named "ChairCol", or optionally, after the collection instance object, "Chair.001")
|- * Chair Mesh
for _, n := range scene.Root.SearchTree().INodes() {
if node, ok := n.(*Node); ok && len(node.collectionObjects) > 0 {
for _, child := range node.collectionObjects {
transform := child.Transform()
if value, exists := globalExporterSettings["t3dRenameInstancedObjects__"]; exists && value.(bool) {
// TODO: For now, this code doesn't do anything because objects parented to instance collections
// in Blender aren't exported (for whatever reason).
for _, child := range node.children {
models := scene.Root.SearchTree().Models()
if model, ok := n.(*Model); ok && model.sector != nil {
for _, cam := range exportedCameras {
scene.View3DCameras = append(scene.View3DCameras, cam.Clone().(*Camera))
// Cameras exported through GLTF become nodes + a camera child with the correct orientation for some reason???
// So here we basically cut the empty nodes out of the equation, leaving just the cameras with the correct orientation.
// EDIT: This is no longer done, as the camera direction in Blender and the camera direction in GLTF aren't the same, whoops.
// See: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-Exporter/issues/113
// Cutting out the inserted correction Node breaks relative transforms (i.e. camera parented to another object for positioning).
// for _, n := range objects {
// if camera, isCamera := n.(*Camera); isCamera {
// oldParent := camera.Parent()
// root := oldParent.Parent()
// camera.name = oldParent.Name()
// for _, child := range oldParent.Children() {
// if child == camera {
// continue
// }
// camera.AddChildren(child)
// }
// root.RemoveChildren(camera.parent)
// root.AddChildren(camera)
// }
// }
library.ExportedScene = library.Scenes[*doc.Scene]
return library, nil
func handleGameProperties(p interface{}) (string, interface{}) {
getOrDefaultInt := func(propMap map[string]interface{}, key string, defaultValue int) int {
if value, keyExists := propMap[key]; keyExists {
return int(value.(float64))
return defaultValue
getOrDefaultString := func(propMap map[string]interface{}, key string, defaultValue string) string {
if value, keyExists := propMap[key]; keyExists {
return value.(string)
return defaultValue
getOrDefaultFloat := func(propMap map[string]interface{}, key string, defaultValue float64) float64 {
if value, keyExists := propMap[key]; keyExists {
return value.(float64)
return defaultValue
getOrDefaultBool := func(propMap map[string]interface{}, key string, defaultValue bool) bool {
if value, keyExists := propMap[key]; keyExists {
return value.(float64) > 0
return defaultValue
getIfExistingMap := func(propMap map[string]interface{}, key string) map[string]interface{} {
if value, keyExists := propMap[key]; keyExists && value != nil {
return value.(map[string]interface{})
return nil
getOrDefaultFloatArray := func(propMap map[string]interface{}, key string, defaultValue []float64) []float64 {
if value, keyExists := propMap[key]; keyExists {
values := make([]float64, 0, len(value.([]interface{})))
for _, v := range value.([]interface{}) {
values = append(values, v.(float64))
return values
return defaultValue
property := p.(map[string]interface{})
propType := getOrDefaultInt(property, "valueType", 0)
// Property types:
// bool, int, float, string, reference (string)
name := getOrDefaultString(property, "name", "New Property")
var value interface{}
if propType == 0 {
value = getOrDefaultBool(property, "valueBool", false)
} else if propType == 1 {
value = getOrDefaultInt(property, "valueInt", 0)
} else if propType == 2 {
value = getOrDefaultFloat(property, "valueFloat", 0)
} else if propType == 3 {
value = getOrDefaultString(property, "valueString", "")
} else if propType == 4 {
scene := ""
// Can be nil if it was set to something and then set to nothing
if ref := getIfExistingMap(property, "valueReferenceScene"); ref != nil {
scene = getOrDefaultString(ref, "name", "")
if ref := getIfExistingMap(property, "valueReference"); ref != nil {
value = scene + ":" + getOrDefaultString(ref, "name", "")
} else if propType == 5 {
colorValues := getOrDefaultFloatArray(property, "valueColor", []float64{1, 1, 1, 1})
color := NewColor(float32(colorValues[0]), float32(colorValues[1]), float32(colorValues[2]), float32(colorValues[3])).ConvertTosRGB()
value = color
} else if propType == 6 {
vecValues := getOrDefaultFloatArray(property, "valueVector3D", []float64{0, 0, 0})
value = Vector{vecValues[0], vecValues[2], -vecValues[1], 0}
} else if propType == 7 {
value = getOrDefaultString(property, "valueFilepath", "")
if value != "" {
value = convertBlenderPath(value.(string))
} else if propType == 8 {
value = getOrDefaultString(property, "valueDirpath", "")
if value != "" {
value = convertBlenderPath(value.(string))
return name, value
func convertBlenderPath(path string) string {
path = strings.ReplaceAll(path, "//", "") // Blender relative paths have double-slashes; we don't need them to
return path