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82 KiB

package tetra3d
import (
// DebugInfo is a struct that holds debugging information for a Camera's render pass. These values are reset when Camera.Clear() is called.
type DebugInfo struct {
FrameTime time.Duration // Amount of CPU frame time spent transforming vertices and calling Image.DrawTriangles. Doesn't include time ebitengine spends flushing the command queue.
AnimationTime time.Duration // Amount of CPU frame time spent animating vertices.
LightTime time.Duration // Amount of CPU frame time spent lighting vertices.
currentAnimationTime time.Duration
currentLightTime time.Duration
currentFrameTime time.Duration
tickTime time.Time
DrawnParts int // Number of draw calls, excluding those invisible or culled based on distance
TotalParts int // Total number of draw calls
BatchedParts int // Total batched number of draw calls
DrawnTris int // Number of drawn triangles, excluding those hidden from backface culling
TotalTris int // Total number of triangles
LightCount int // Total number of lights
ActiveLightCount int // Total active number of lights
type AccumulationColorMode int
const (
AccumulationColorModeNone AccumulationColorMode = iota // No accumulation buffer rendering
AccumulationColorModeBelow // Accumulation buffer is on and applies over time, renders ColorTexture after the accumulation result (which is, then, below)
AccumulationColorModeAbove // Accumulation buffer is on and applies over time, renders ColorTexture before the accumulation result (which is on top)
AccumulationColorModeSingleLastFrame // Accumulation buffer is on and renders just the previous frame's ColorTexture result
// Camera represents a camera (where you look from) in Tetra3D.
type Camera struct {
RenderDepth bool // If the Camera should attempt to render a depth texture; if this is true, then DepthTexture() will hold the depth texture render results. Defaults to true.
RenderNormals bool // If the Camera should attempt to render a normal texture; if this is true, then NormalTexture() will hold the normal texture render results. Defaults to false.
SectorRendering bool // If the Camera should render using sectors or not; if no sectors are present, then it won't attempt to render with them. Defaults to false.
SectorRenderDepth int // How far out the Camera renders other sectors. Defaults to 1 (so the current sector and its immediate neighbors).
PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping bool // If the Camera should render textures with perspective corrected texture mapping. Defaults to false.
currentSector *Sector
// How many lights (sorted by distance) should be used to render each object, maximum. If it's greater than 0,
// then only that many lights will be considered. If less than or equal to 0 (the default), then all available lights will be used.
MaxLightCount int
resultColorTexture *ebiten.Image // ColorTexture holds the color results of rendering any models.
resultDepthTexture *ebiten.Image // DepthTexture holds the depth results of rendering any models, if Camera.RenderDepth is on.
resultNormalTexture *ebiten.Image // NormalTexture holds a texture indicating the normal render
depthIntermediate *ebiten.Image
resultAccumulatedColorTexture *ebiten.Image // ResultAccumulatedColorTexture holds the previous frame's render result of rendering any models.
accumulatedBackBuffer *ebiten.Image
// The mode to use when rendering previous frames to the accumulation buffer.
// When set to anything but AccumulationColorModeNone, clearing the Camera will copy the previous frame's color texture render result to the accumulation buffer.
// The AccumulationColorMode influences in what order the color texture and previous frame's acccumulation color mode result is drawn to the buffer.
// Defaults to AccumulateColorModeNone.
AccumulationColorMode AccumulationColorMode
// Draw image options to use when rendering frames to the accumulation buffer; use this to fade out or color previous frames.
// This should probably be set once, or once per frame before rendering; otherwise, the effects compound and it's impossible to see the result.
AccumulationDrawOptions *ebiten.DrawImageOptions
near, far float64 // The near and far clipping plane. Near defaults to 0.1, Far to 100 (unless these settings are loaded from a camera in a GLTF file).
perspective bool // If the Camera has a perspective projection. If not, it would be orthographic
fieldOfView float64 // Vertical field of view in degrees for a perspective projection camera
orthoScale float64 // Scale of the view for an orthographic projection camera in units horizontally
// When set to a value > 0, it will snap all rendered models' vertices to a grid of the provided size (so VertexSnapping of 0.1 will snap all rendered positions to 0.1 intervals).
// Note that snapping vertices is not free and does take some time to execute (so if you're up against a performance limit, turning off vertex snapping might make a bit of a difference).
// Defaults to 0 (off).
VertexSnapping float64
DebugInfo DebugInfo
depthShader *ebiten.Shader
clipAlphaShader *ebiten.Shader
colorShader *ebiten.Shader
sprite3DShader *ebiten.Shader
// Visibility check variables
cameraForward Vector
cameraRight Vector
cameraUp Vector
sphereFactorX float64
sphereFactorY float64
sphereFactorTang float64
sphereFactorCalculated bool
updateProjectionMatrix bool
cachedProjectionMatrix Matrix4
debugTextTexture *ebiten.Image
// DepthMargin is a margin in percentage on both the near and far plane to leave some
// distance remaining in the depth buffer for triangle comparison.
// This ensures that objects that are, for example, close to or far from the camera
// don't begin Z-fighting unnecessarily. It defaults to 4% (on both ends).
DepthMargin float64
// NewCamera creates a new Camera with the specified width and height.
func NewCamera(w, h int) *Camera {
cam := &Camera{
Node: NewNode("Camera"),
RenderDepth: true,
near: 0.1,
far: 100,
DepthMargin: 0.04,
orthoScale: 20,
SectorRendering: false,
SectorRenderDepth: 1,
depthShaderText := []byte(
`package main
//kage:unit pixels
func encodeDepth(depth float) vec4 {
r := floor(depth * 255) / 255
g := floor(fract(depth * 255) * 255) / 255
b := fract(depth * 255*255)
return vec4(r, g, b, 1);
func decodeDepth(rgba vec4) float {
return rgba.r + (rgba.g / 255) + (rgba.b / 65025)
func dstPosToSrcPos(dstPos vec2) vec2 {
return dstPos.xy - imageDstOrigin() + imageSrc0Origin()
func Fragment(dstPos vec4, srcPos vec2, color vec4) vec4 {
existingDepth := imageSrc0UnsafeAt(dstPosToSrcPos(dstPos.xy))
if existingDepth.a == 0 || decodeDepth(existingDepth) > color.r {
return encodeDepth(color.r)
var err error
cam.depthShader, err = ebiten.NewShader(depthShaderText)
if err != nil {
clipAlphaShaderText := []byte(
`//kage:unit pixels
package main
var PerspectiveCorrection int
func encodeDepth(depth float) vec4 {
r := floor(depth * 255) / 255
g := floor(fract(depth * 255) * 255) / 255
b := fract(depth * 255*255)
return vec4(r, g, b, 1);
func decodeDepth(rgba vec4) float {
return rgba.r + (rgba.g / 255) + (rgba.b / 65025)
func dstPosToSrcPos(dstPos vec2) vec2 {
return dstPos.xy - imageDstOrigin() + imageSrc0Origin()
func unpackFloat(input float, precision float) vec2 {
return vec2(input / precision, mod(input, precision) / 0.05)
func Fragment(dstPos vec4, srcPos vec2, vc vec4) vec4 {
color := vc
// We store the depth in the alpha channel
unpacked := unpackFloat(vc.a, 256)
z := 1.0 / unpacked.y
srcSize := imageSrc1Size()
// There's atlassing going on behind the scenes here, so:
// Subtract the source position by the src texture's origin on the atlas.
// This gives us the actual pixel coordinates.
tx := srcPos
// Divide by the source image size to get the UV coordinates.
tx /= srcSize
if PerspectiveCorrection > 0 {
tx *= z
color.a = unpacked.x
// Apply fract() to loop the UV coords around [0-1].
tx = fract(tx)
// Multiply by the size to get the pixel coordinates again.
tx *= srcSize
tex := imageSrc1UnsafeAt(tx)
if (tex.a == 0) {
depthValue := imageSrc0UnsafeAt(dstPosToSrcPos(dstPos.xy))
if depthValue.a == 0 || decodeDepth(depthValue) > color.r {
return vec4(encodeDepth(color.r).rgb, tex.a)
cam.clipAlphaShader, err = ebiten.NewShader(clipAlphaShaderText)
if err != nil {
cam.colorShader, err = ExtendBase3DShader("")
if err != nil {
sprite3DShaderText := []byte(
`package main
//kage:unit pixels
var SpriteDepth float
func decodeDepth(rgba vec4) float {
return rgba.r + (rgba.g / 255) + (rgba.b / 65025)
func dstPosToSrcPos(dstPos vec2) vec2 {
return dstPos.xy - imageDstOrigin() + imageSrc0Origin()
func Fragment(dstPos vec4, srcPos vec2, color vec4) vec4 {
resultDepth := imageSrc1UnsafeAt(dstPosToSrcPos(dstPos.xy))
if resultDepth.a == 0 || decodeDepth(resultDepth) > SpriteDepth {
return imageSrc0UnsafeAt(srcPos)
cam.sprite3DShader, err = ebiten.NewShader(sprite3DShaderText)
if err != nil {
if w != 0 && h != 0 {
cam.Resize(w, h)
return cam
// Clone clones the Camera and returns it.
func (camera *Camera) Clone() INode {
w, h := camera.resultColorTexture.Size()
clone := NewCamera(w, h)
clone.RenderDepth = camera.RenderDepth
clone.near = camera.near
clone.far = camera.far
clone.perspective = camera.perspective
clone.fieldOfView = camera.fieldOfView
clone.orthoScale = camera.orthoScale
clone.SectorRendering = camera.SectorRendering
clone.SectorRenderDepth = camera.SectorRenderDepth
clone.PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping = camera.PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping
clone.AccumulationColorMode = camera.AccumulationColorMode
if camera.AccumulationDrawOptions != nil {
newOptions := *camera.AccumulationDrawOptions
clone.AccumulationDrawOptions = &newOptions
clone.Node = camera.Node.Clone().(*Node)
for _, child := range camera.children {
clone.MaxLightCount = camera.MaxLightCount
return clone
// Resize resizes the backing texture for the Camera to the specified width and height. If the camera already has a backing texture and the
// width and height are already set to the specified arguments, then the function does nothing.
func (camera *Camera) Resize(w, h int) {
if camera.resultColorTexture != nil {
origW, origH := camera.Size()
if w == origW && h == origH {
bounds := image.Rect(0, 0, w, h)
opt := &ebiten.NewImageOptions{
Unmanaged: true,
camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture = ebiten.NewImageWithOptions(bounds, opt)
camera.accumulatedBackBuffer = ebiten.NewImageWithOptions(bounds, opt)
camera.resultColorTexture = ebiten.NewImageWithOptions(bounds, opt)
camera.resultDepthTexture = ebiten.NewImageWithOptions(bounds, opt)
camera.resultNormalTexture = ebiten.NewImageWithOptions(bounds, opt)
camera.depthIntermediate = ebiten.NewImageWithOptions(bounds, opt)
camera.sphereFactorCalculated = false
camera.updateProjectionMatrix = true
// Size returns the width and height of the camera's backing color texture. All of the Camera's textures are the same size, so these
// same size values can also be used for the depth texture, the accumulation buffer, etc.
func (camera *Camera) Size() (w, h int) {
size := camera.resultColorTexture.Bounds().Size()
return size.X, size.Y
// ViewMatrix returns the Camera's view matrix.
func (camera *Camera) ViewMatrix() Matrix4 {
camPos := camera.WorldPosition().Invert()
transform := NewMatrix4Translate(camPos.X, camPos.Y, camPos.Z)
// We invert the rotation because the Camera is looking down -Z
transform = transform.Mult(camera.WorldRotation().Transposed())
return transform
// Projection returns the Camera's projection matrix.
func (camera *Camera) Projection() Matrix4 {
if !camera.updateProjectionMatrix {
return camera.cachedProjectionMatrix
camera.updateProjectionMatrix = false
if !camera.sphereFactorCalculated {
angle := camera.fieldOfView * 3.1415 / 360
camera.sphereFactorTang = math.Tan(angle)
camera.sphereFactorY = 1.0 / math.Cos(angle)
camera.sphereFactorX = 1.0 / math.Cos(math.Atan(camera.sphereFactorTang*camera.AspectRatio()))
camera.sphereFactorCalculated = true
if camera.perspective {
camera.cachedProjectionMatrix = NewProjectionPerspective(camera.fieldOfView, camera.near, camera.far, float64(camera.resultColorTexture.Bounds().Dx()), float64(camera.resultColorTexture.Bounds().Dy()))
} else {
w, h := camera.resultColorTexture.Size()
asr := float64(h) / float64(w)
camera.cachedProjectionMatrix = NewProjectionOrthographic(camera.near, camera.far, 1*camera.orthoScale, -1*camera.orthoScale, asr*camera.orthoScale, -asr*camera.orthoScale)
return camera.cachedProjectionMatrix
// return NewProjectionOrthographic(camera.Near, camera.far, float64(camera.ColorTexture.Bounds().Dx())*camera.orthoScale, float64(camera.ColorTexture.Bounds().Dy())*camera.orthoScale)
// SetPerspective sets the Camera's projection to be a perspective (true) or orthographic (false) projection.
func (camera *Camera) SetPerspective(perspective bool) {
if camera.perspective == perspective {
camera.perspective = perspective
camera.sphereFactorCalculated = false
camera.updateProjectionMatrix = true
// Perspective returns whether the Camera is perspective or not (orthographic).
func (camera *Camera) Perspective() bool {
return camera.perspective
// SetFieldOfView sets the vertical field of the view of the camera in degrees.
func (camera *Camera) SetFieldOfView(fovY float64) {
if camera.fieldOfView == fovY {
camera.fieldOfView = fovY
camera.sphereFactorCalculated = false
camera.updateProjectionMatrix = true
// FieldOfView returns the vertical field of view in degrees.
func (camera *Camera) FieldOfView() float64 {
return camera.fieldOfView
// SetOrthoScale sets the scale of an orthographic camera in world units across (horizontally).
func (camera *Camera) SetOrthoScale(scale float64) {
if camera.orthoScale == scale {
camera.orthoScale = scale
camera.sphereFactorCalculated = false
camera.updateProjectionMatrix = true
// OrthoScale returns the scale of an orthographic camera in world units across (horizontally).
func (camera *Camera) OrthoScale() float64 {
return camera.orthoScale
// Near returns the near plane of a camera.
func (camera *Camera) Near() float64 {
return camera.near
// SetNear sets the near plane of a camera.
func (camera *Camera) SetNear(near float64) {
if camera.near == near {
camera.near = near
camera.sphereFactorCalculated = false
camera.updateProjectionMatrix = true
// Far returns the far plane of a camera.
func (camera *Camera) Far() float64 {
return camera.far
// SetFar sets the far plane of the camera.
func (camera *Camera) SetFar(far float64) {
if camera.far == far {
camera.far = far
camera.sphereFactorCalculated = false
camera.updateProjectionMatrix = true
// We do this for each vertex for each triangle for each model, so we want to avoid allocating vectors if possible. clipToScreen
// does this by taking outVec, a vertex (Vector) that it stores the values in and returns, which avoids reallocation.
func (camera *Camera) clipToScreen(vert Vector, vertID int, model *Model, width, height float64, limitW bool) Vector {
v3 := vert.W
if limitW {
if !camera.perspective {
v3 = 1.0
// If the trangle is beyond the screen, we'll just pretend it's not and limit it to the closest possible value > 0
// TODO: Replace this with triangle clipping or fix whatever graphical glitch seems to arise periodically
if v3 < 0 {
v3 = 0.000001
} else {
if v3 < 0 {
v3 *= -1
// Again, this function should only be called with pre-transformed 4D vertex arguments.
vert.X = (vert.X/v3)*width + (width / 2)
vert.Y = (vert.Y/v3*-1)*height + (height / 2)
vert.Z = vert.Z / v3
vert.W = 1
if model != nil && model.VertexClipFunction != nil {
vert = model.VertexClipFunction(vert, vertID)
return vert
// ClipToScreen projects the pre-transformed vertex in View space and remaps it to screen coordinates.
func (camera *Camera) ClipToScreen(vert Vector) Vector {
width, height := camera.Size()
return camera.clipToScreen(vert, 0, nil, float64(width), float64(height), false)
// WorldToScreenPixels transforms a 3D position in the world to a position onscreen, with X and Y representing the pixels.
// The Z coordinate indicates depth away from the camera in 3D world units.
func (camera *Camera) WorldToScreenPixels(vert Vector) Vector {
v := NewMatrix4Translate(vert.X, vert.Y, vert.Z).Mult(camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection()))
width, height := camera.Size()
return camera.clipToScreen(v.MultVecW(NewVectorZero()), 0, nil, float64(width), float64(height), false)
// WorldToScreen transforms a 3D position in the world to a 2D vector, with X and Y ranging from -1 to 1.
// The Z coordinate indicates depth away from the camera in 3D world units.
func (camera *Camera) WorldToScreen(vert Vector) Vector {
v := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(vert)
w, h := camera.Size()
v.X /= float64(w) / 2
v.X -= 1
v.Y /= float64(h) / 2
v.Y -= 1
return v
// ScreenToWorldPixels converts an x and y pixel position on screen to a 3D point in front of the camera.
// The depth argument changes how deep the returned Vector is in 3D world units.
func (camera *Camera) ScreenToWorldPixels(x, y int, depth float64) Vector {
w := camera.ColorTexture().Bounds().Dx()
h := camera.ColorTexture().Bounds().Dy()
x = clamp(x, 0, w)
y = clamp(y, 0, h)
// For whatever reason, the depth isn't being properly transformed, so I do it manually sorta below
vec := Vector{float64(x)/float64(w) - 0.5, -(float64(y)/float64(h) - 0.5), -1, 1}
return camera.screenToWorldTransform(vec, depth)
// ScreenToWorld converts an x and y position on screen to a 3D point in front of the camera.
// x and y are values ranging between -0.5 and 0.5 for both the horizontal and vertical axes.
// The depth argument changes how deep the returned Vector is in 3D world units.
func (camera *Camera) ScreenToWorld(x, y, depth float64) Vector {
// x = clamp(x, -0.5, 0.5)
// y = clamp(y, -0.5, 0.5)
vec := Vector{x, y, -1, 1}
return camera.screenToWorldTransform(vec, depth)
func (camera *Camera) screenToWorldTransform(vec Vector, depth float64) Vector {
projection := camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection()).Inverted()
vecOut := projection.MultVecW(vec)
vecOut.X /= vecOut.W
vecOut.Y /= vecOut.W
vecOut.Z /= vecOut.W
// This part shouldn't be necessary if the inverted projection matrix properly transformed the depth part
// back into the Vector, but for whatever reason, it's not working, so here I basically hack in a manual solution
diff := vecOut.Sub(camera.WorldPosition()).Unit()
vecOut = camera.WorldPosition().Add(diff.Scale(depth))
return vecOut
// WorldUnitToViewRangePercentage converts a unit of world space into a percentage of the view range.
// Basically, let's say a camera's far range is 100 and its near range is 0.
// If you called camera.WorldUnitToViewRangePercentage(50), it would return 0.5.
// This function is primarily useful for custom depth functions operating on Materials.
func (camera *Camera) WorldUnitToViewRangePercentage(unit float64) float64 {
return unit / (camera.far - camera.near)
// int glhUnProjectf(float winx, float winy, float winz, float *modelview, float *projection, int *viewport, float *objectCoordinate)
// {
// // Transformation matrices
// float m[16], A[16];
// float in[4], out[4];
// // Calculation for inverting a matrix, compute projection x modelview
// // and store in A[16]
// MultiplyMatrices4by4OpenGL_FLOAT(A, projection, modelview);
// // Now compute the inverse of matrix A
// if(glhInvertMatrixf2(A, m)==0)
// return 0;
// // Transformation of normalized coordinates between -1 and 1
// in[0]=(winx-(float)viewport[0])/(float)viewport[2]*2.0-1.0;
// in[1]=(winy-(float)viewport[1])/(float)viewport[3]*2.0-1.0;
// in[2]=2.0*winz-1.0;
// in[3]=1.0;
// // Objects coordinates
// MultiplyMatrixByVector4by4OpenGL_FLOAT(out, m, in);
// if(out[3]==0.0)
// return 0;
// out[3]=1.0/out[3];
// objectCoordinate[0]=out[0]*out[3];
// objectCoordinate[1]=out[1]*out[3];
// objectCoordinate[2]=out[2]*out[3];
// return 1;
// }
// WorldToClip transforms a 3D position in the world to clip coordinates (before screen normalization).
func (camera *Camera) WorldToClip(vert Vector) Vector {
v := NewMatrix4Translate(vert.X, vert.Y, vert.Z).Mult(camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection()))
return v.MultVecW(NewVectorZero())
// PointInFrustum returns true if the point is visible through the camera frustum.
func (camera *Camera) PointInFrustum(point Vector) bool {
diff := point.Sub(camera.WorldPosition())
pcZ := diff.Dot(camera.cameraForward)
aspectRatio := camera.AspectRatio()
if pcZ > camera.far || pcZ < camera.near {
return false
if camera.perspective {
h := pcZ * camera.sphereFactorTang
pcY := diff.Dot(camera.cameraUp)
if -h > pcY || pcY > h {
return false
w := h * aspectRatio
pcX := diff.Dot(camera.cameraRight)
if -w > pcX || pcX > w {
return false
} else {
width := camera.orthoScale / 2
height := width / camera.AspectRatio()
pcY := diff.Dot(camera.cameraUp)
if -height > pcY || pcY > height {
return false
pcX := diff.Dot(camera.cameraRight)
if -width > pcX || pcX > width {
return false
return true
// SphereInFrustum returns true if the sphere would be visible through the camera frustum.
func (camera *Camera) SphereInFrustum(sphere *BoundingSphere) bool {
radius := sphere.WorldRadius()
diff := sphere.WorldPosition().Sub(camera.WorldPosition())
pcZ := diff.Dot(camera.cameraForward)
if pcZ > camera.far+radius || pcZ < camera.near-radius {
return false
if camera.perspective {
d := camera.sphereFactorY * radius
pcZ *= camera.sphereFactorTang
pcY := diff.Dot(camera.cameraUp)
if pcY > pcZ+d || pcY < -pcZ-d {
return false
pcZ *= camera.AspectRatio()
d = camera.sphereFactorX * radius
pcX := diff.Dot(camera.cameraRight)
if pcX > pcZ+d || pcX < -pcZ-d {
return false
} else {
width := camera.orthoScale
height := width / camera.AspectRatio()
pcY := diff.Dot(camera.cameraUp)
if -height/2-radius > pcY || pcY > height/2+radius {
return false
pcX := diff.Dot(camera.cameraRight)
if -width/2-radius > pcX || pcX > width/2+radius {
return false
return true
// AspectRatio returns the camera's aspect ratio (width / height).
func (camera *Camera) AspectRatio() float64 {
w, h := camera.resultColorTexture.Size()
return float64(w) / float64(h)
// Clear should be called at the beginning of a single rendered frame and clears the Camera's backing textures
// before rendering.
// It also resets the debug values.
// This function will use the world's clear color, assuming the Camera is in a Scene that has a World.
// If the Scene has no World, or the Camera is not in the Scene, then it will clear using transparent black.
func (camera *Camera) Clear() {
if scene := camera.Scene(); scene != nil {
if world := scene.World; world != nil {
camera.ClearWithColor(NewColor(0, 0, 0, 0))
// ClearWithColor should be called at the beginning of a single rendered frame and clears the Camera's backing textures
// to the desired color before rendering.
// It also resets the debug values.
func (camera *Camera) ClearWithColor(clear Color) {
rgba := clear.ToRGBA64()
if camera.AccumulationColorMode != AccumulationColorModeNone {
camera.accumulatedBackBuffer.DrawImage(camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture, nil)
switch camera.AccumulationColorMode {
case AccumulationColorModeBelow:
camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture.DrawImage(camera.accumulatedBackBuffer, camera.AccumulationDrawOptions)
camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture.DrawImage(camera.resultColorTexture, nil)
case AccumulationColorModeAbove:
camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture.DrawImage(camera.resultColorTexture, nil)
camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture.DrawImage(camera.accumulatedBackBuffer, camera.AccumulationDrawOptions)
case AccumulationColorModeSingleLastFrame:
camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture.DrawImage(camera.resultColorTexture, camera.AccumulationDrawOptions)
if camera.RenderDepth {
if camera.RenderNormals {
if time.Since(camera.DebugInfo.tickTime).Milliseconds() >= 1000 {
camera.DebugInfo.FrameTime = camera.DebugInfo.currentFrameTime
camera.DebugInfo.AnimationTime = camera.DebugInfo.currentAnimationTime
camera.DebugInfo.LightTime = camera.DebugInfo.currentLightTime
camera.DebugInfo.tickTime = time.Now()
camera.DebugInfo.currentFrameTime = 0
camera.DebugInfo.currentAnimationTime = 0
camera.DebugInfo.currentLightTime = 0
camera.DebugInfo.DrawnParts = 0
camera.DebugInfo.BatchedParts = 0
camera.DebugInfo.TotalParts = 0
camera.DebugInfo.TotalTris = 0
camera.DebugInfo.DrawnTris = 0
camera.DebugInfo.LightCount = 0
camera.DebugInfo.ActiveLightCount = 0
cameraRot := camera.WorldRotation()
camera.cameraForward = cameraRot.Forward().Invert()
camera.cameraRight = cameraRot.Right()
camera.cameraUp = cameraRot.Up()
// RenderScene renders the provided Scene.
// Note that if Camera.RenderDepth is false, scenes rendered one after another in multiple RenderScene() calls will be rendered on top of
// each other in the Camera's texture buffers. Note that each MeshPart of a Model has a maximum renderable triangle count of 21845.
func (camera *Camera) RenderScene(scene *Scene) {
camera.RenderNodes(scene, scene.Root)
// RenderNodes renders all nodes starting with the provided rootNode using the Scene's properties (fog, for example). Note that if Camera.RenderDepth
// is false, scenes rendered one after another in multiple RenderScene() calls will be rendered on top of each other in the Camera's texture buffers.
// Note that each MeshPart of a Model has a maximum renderable triangle count of 21845.
func (camera *Camera) RenderNodes(scene *Scene, rootNode INode) {
meshes := []*Model{}
lights := []ILight{}
if model, isModel := rootNode.(*Model); isModel {
meshes = append(meshes, model)
if camera.SectorRendering {
// Gather sectors
sectors := rootNode.SearchTree().bySectors()
sectorModels := sectors.Models()
var insideSector *Sector
sectors.ForEach(func(node INode) bool {
sectorModel := node.(*Model)
sector := node.(*Model).sector
sector.rendering = false
// Set them all to be invisible by default
if sectorModel.DynamicBatchOwner == nil {
sector.rendering = false
} else {
// Making a sector dynamically batched is just way too much to deal with, I'm sorry
panic("Can't make a sector " + sectorModel.Path() + " dynamically batched as well")
if sector.AABB.PointInside(camera.WorldPosition()) {
if insideSector == nil || sector.AABB.Dimensions.MaxSpan() < insideSector.AABB.Dimensions.MaxSpan() {
insideSector = sector
return true
camera.currentSector = insideSector
if insideSector != nil {
insideSector.rendering = true
// Make neighbors visible
for r := range insideSector.NeighborsWithinRange(camera.SectorRenderDepth) {
r.rendering = true
rootNode.SearchTree().ByType(NodeTypeModel).ForEach(func(node INode) bool {
model := node.(*Model)
if model.sector != nil && model.sector.rendering {
if model.sector.rendering {
meshes = append(meshes, model)
} else if model.DynamicBatchOwner == nil {
// If something is dynamically batching, then we don't want to deal with sectors, because the batched objects belong to sectors.
if model.DynamicBatcher() {
meshes = append(meshes, model)
} else if model.SectorType() == SectorTypeStandalone || (model.SectorType() == SectorTypeObject && model.isInVisibleSector(sectorModels)) {
meshes = append(meshes, model)
} else if s := model.sectorHierarchy(); s != nil && s.rendering {
meshes = append(meshes, model)
return true
rootNode.SearchTree().ByType(NodeTypeLight).ForEach(func(node INode) bool {
light := node.(ILight)
if light.SectorType() == SectorTypeStandalone || (light.SectorType() == SectorTypeObject && light.isInVisibleSector(sectorModels)) {
lights = append(lights, light)
} else if s := light.sectorHierarchy(); s != nil && s.rendering {
lights = append(lights, light)
return true
// for _, s := range sectorModels {
// if s.sector.sectorVisible {
// }
// }
// // Make sectors and objects under their tree visible
// for _, s := range sectorModels {
// if s.sector.sectorVisible {
// search := s.SearchTree().INodes()
// meshes = append(meshes, s)
// for _, n := range search {
// if model, ok := n.(*Model); ok {
// meshes = append(meshes, model)
// }
// if light, ok := n.(ILight); ok && light.IsOn() {
// lights = append(lights, light)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // Now search for non-Sectors
// nonSectorSearch := rootNode.SearchTree().ByFunc(func(node INode) bool {
// model, ok := node.(*Model)
// return !ok || model.sector == nil
// })
// nonSectorSearch.StopOnFiltered = true
// for _, i := range nonSectorSearch.INodes() {
// if model, ok := i.(*Model); ok {
// meshes = append(meshes, model)
// }
// if light, ok := i.(ILight); ok && light.IsOn() {
// lights = append(lights, light)
// }
// }
} else {
models := rootNode.SearchTree().Models()
lights = rootNode.SearchTree().Lights()
for _, model := range models {
if model.DynamicBatchOwner == nil {
meshes = append(meshes, model)
camera.Render(scene, lights, meshes...)
// CurrentSector returns the current sector the Camera is in, if sector-based rendering is enabled.
func (camera *Camera) CurrentSector() *Sector { return camera.currentSector }
type renderPair struct {
Model *Model
MeshPart *MeshPart
// Bayer Matrix for transparency dithering
var bayerMatrix = []float32{
1.0 / 17.0, 9.0 / 17.0, 3.0 / 17.0, 11.0 / 17.0,
13.0 / 17.0, 5.0 / 17.0, 15.0 / 17.0, 7.0 / 17.0,
4.0 / 17.0, 12.0 / 17.0, 2.0 / 17.0, 10.0 / 17.0,
16.0 / 17.0, 8.0 / 17.0, 14.0 / 17.0, 6.0 / 17.0,
// Render renders all of the models passed using the provided Scene's properties (fog, for example). Note that if Camera.RenderDepth
// is false, scenes rendered one after another in multiple Render() calls will be rendered on top of each other in the Camera's texture buffers.
// Note that each MeshPart of a Model has a maximum renderable triangle count of 21845.
func (camera *Camera) Render(scene *Scene, lights []ILight, models ...*Model) {
frametimeStart := time.Now()
sceneLights := make([]ILight, 0, len(lights))
if scene.World != nil && scene.World.LightingOn {
lights = append(lights, scene.World.AmbientLight)
for _, light := range lights {
if light.IsOn() {
sceneLights = append(sceneLights, light)
originalSceneLights := sceneLights
camera.DebugInfo.LightCount = len(lights)
// if scene.World == nil || scene.World.LightingOn {
// for _, l := range scene.Root.SearchTree().INodes() {
// if light, isLight := l.(ILight); isLight {
// camera.DebugInfo.LightCount++
// if light.IsOn() {
// sceneLights = append(sceneLights, light)
// light.beginRender()
// camera.DebugInfo.ActiveLightCount++
// }
// }
// }
// if scene.World != nil && scene.World.AmbientLight != nil && scene.World.AmbientLight.IsOn() {
// sceneLights = append(sceneLights, scene.World.AmbientLight)
// scene.World.AmbientLight.beginRender()
// camera.DebugInfo.LightCount++
// camera.DebugInfo.ActiveLightCount++
// }
// }
// By multiplying the camera's position against the view matrix (which contains the negated camera position), we're left with just the rotation
// matrix, which we feed into model.TransformedVertices() to draw vertices in order of distance.
vpMatrix := camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection())
colorPassShaderOptions := &ebiten.DrawTrianglesShaderOptions{}
// Reusing vectors rather than reallocating for all triangles for all models
solids := []renderPair{}
transparents := []renderPair{}
depths := map[*Model]float64{}
cameraPos := camera.WorldPosition()
depthMarginPercentage := (camera.far - camera.near) * camera.DepthMargin
camSpread := camera.far - camera.near + (depthMarginPercentage * 2)
for _, model := range models {
if !model.visible || model.DynamicBatchOwner != nil {
if !model.DynamicBatcher() {
if model.FrustumCulling {
if !camera.SphereInFrustum(model.frustumCullingSphere) {
if model.Mesh != nil {
modelIsTransparent := false
for _, mp := range model.Mesh.MeshParts {
if !mp.isVisible() {
if model.isTransparent(mp) {
transparents = append(transparents, renderPair{model, mp})
modelIsTransparent = true
} else {
solids = append(solids, renderPair{model, mp})
if !camera.RenderDepth || modelIsTransparent {
depths[model] = cameraPos.DistanceSquared(model.WorldPosition())
// depths[model] = camera.WorldToScreen(model.WorldPosition()).Z
if !model.autoBatched || model.AutoBatchMode != AutoBatchStatic {
} else {
transparent := false
// TODO: Review depth sorting for dynamic batchers
for meshPart, modelSlice := range model.DynamicBatchModels {
if !meshPart.isVisible() {
for _, child := range modelSlice {
if !child.visible {
if !transparent {
for _, mp := range child.Mesh.MeshParts {
if mp.isVisible() && child.isTransparent(mp) {
transparent = true
if transparent {
transparents = append(transparents, renderPair{model, meshPart})
depths[model] = cameraPos.DistanceSquared(model.WorldPosition())
} else {
solids = append(solids, renderPair{model, meshPart})
if !camera.RenderDepth {
depths[model] = cameraPos.DistanceSquared(model.WorldPosition())
camera.DebugInfo.TotalParts += len(modelSlice)
// If the camera isn't rendering depth, then we should sort models by distance to ensure things draw in something like the correct order
if !camera.RenderDepth {
sort.SliceStable(solids, func(i, j int) bool {
return depths[solids[i].Model] > depths[solids[j].Model]
camWidth := camera.resultColorTexture.Bounds().Dx()
camHeight := camera.resultColorTexture.Bounds().Dy()
colorVertex := ebiten.Vertex{}
depthVertex := colorVertex
normalVertex := colorVertex
render := func(rp renderPair) {
// startingVertexListIndex := vertexListIndex
model := rp.Model
// Models without Meshes are essentially just "nodes" that just have a position. They aren't counted for rendering.
if model.Mesh == nil {
meshPart := rp.MeshPart
mat := meshPart.Material
lighting := false
if scene.World != nil {
if mat != nil {
lighting = scene.World.LightingOn && !mat.Shadeless && !model.Shadeless
} else {
lighting = scene.World.LightingOn && !model.Shadeless
camera.DebugInfo.TotalTris += meshPart.TriangleCount()
if model.DynamicBatchOwner != nil {
sortingTris := model.ProcessVertices(vpMatrix, camera, meshPart, true)
srcW := 0.0
srcH := 0.0
if mat != nil && mat.Texture != nil {
srcW = float64(mat.Texture.Bounds().Dx())
srcH = float64(mat.Texture.Bounds().Dy())
depthOffsetValue := 0.0
if mat != nil && mat.CustomDepthOffsetOn {
depthOffsetValue = camera.WorldUnitToViewRangePercentage(mat.CustomDepthOffsetValue)
if lighting {
t := time.Now()
if model.LightGroup != nil && model.LightGroup.Active {
sceneLights = model.LightGroup.Lights
for _, l := range sceneLights {
l.beginRender() // Call this because it's relatively cheap and necessary if a light doesn't exist in the Scene
} else if camera.MaxLightCount > 0 {
sort.SliceStable(sceneLights, func(i, j int) bool {
// We sort ambient lights as being closest to the camera, naturally
_, iOK := sceneLights[i].(*AmbientLight)
return iOK || camera.DistanceSquaredTo(sceneLights[i]) < camera.DistanceSquaredTo(sceneLights[j])
sceneLights = sceneLights[:min(camera.MaxLightCount, len(sceneLights))]
for _, light := range sceneLights {
camera.DebugInfo.currentLightTime += time.Since(t)
mesh := model.Mesh
maxSpan := model.Mesh.Dimensions.MaxSpan()
modelPos := model.WorldPosition()
// Here we do all vertex transforms first because of data locality (it's faster to access all vertex transformations, then go back and do all UV values, etc)
mpColor := model.Color
if meshPart.Material != nil {
mpColor = mpColor.MultiplyRGBA(meshPart.Material.Color.ToFloat32s())
if lighting && len(sortingTris) > 0 {
t := time.Now()
meshPart.ForEachVertexIndex(func(vertIndex int) {
mesh.vertexLights[vertIndex] = Color{0, 0, 0, 1}
}, true)
for _, light := range sceneLights {
// Skip calculating lighting for objects that are too far away from light sources.
if point, ok := light.(*PointLight); ok && point.Range > 0 {
dist := maxSpan + point.Range
if modelPos.DistanceSquared(point.WorldPosition()) > dist*dist {
// } else if cube, ok := light.(*CubeLight); ok && cube.Range > 0 {
// dist := maxSpan + cube.Range
// if modelPos.DistanceSquared(cube.WorldPosition()) > dist*dist {
// continue
// }
light.Light(meshPart, model, mesh.vertexLights, true)
camera.DebugInfo.currentLightTime += time.Since(t)
sceneLights = originalSceneLights
if camera.MaxLightCount > 0 {
sceneLights = sceneLights[:min(camera.MaxLightCount, len(sceneLights))]
// TODO: Implement PS1-style automatic tesselation
func(vertIndex int) {
// visible := true
// if !meshPart.sortingTriangles[t].rendered {
// visible = false
// }
// triIndex := meshPart.sortingTriangles[t].ID
// tri := meshPart.Mesh.Triangles[triIndex]
clipped := camera.clipToScreen(mesh.vertexTransforms[vertIndex], vertIndex, model, float64(camWidth), float64(camHeight), true)
// if visible {
// renderedAnything = trueForEachVertexIndex
// }
// meshPart.sortingTriangles[t].rendered = visible
colorVertex.DstX = float32(clipped.X)
colorVertex.DstY = float32(clipped.Y)
w := mesh.vertexTransforms[vertIndex].W
var uvU, uvV float32
if camera.PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping {
uvU = float32((mesh.VertexUVs[vertIndex].X / w) * srcW)
uvV = float32(((1 - mesh.VertexUVs[vertIndex].Y) / w) * srcH)
// colorVertex.ColorA = 1.0 / float32(w)
// colorVertex.ColorA = colorVertex.ColorA*0.5 + ((1.0 / float32(w)) * 0.5) // Second half of alpha vertex color controls
} else {
// We set the UVs back here because we might need to use them if the material has clip alpha enabled.
uvU = float32(mesh.VertexUVs[vertIndex].X * srcW)
// We do 1 - v here (aka Y in texture coordinates) because 1.0 is the top of the texture while 0 is the bottom in UV coordinates,
// but when drawing textures 0 is the top, and the sourceHeight is the bottom.
uvV = float32((1 - mesh.VertexUVs[vertIndex].Y) * srcH)
colorVertex.SrcX = uvU
colorVertex.SrcY = uvV
depthVertex = colorVertex
depthVertex.ColorR = 1
depthVertex.ColorG = 1
depthVertex.ColorB = 1
depthVertex.ColorA = 1
if camera.RenderNormals {
normalVertex = colorVertex
normalVertex.ColorR = float32(mesh.vertexTransformedNormals[vertIndex].X*0.5 + 0.5)
normalVertex.ColorG = float32(mesh.vertexTransformedNormals[vertIndex].Y*0.5 + 0.5)
normalVertex.ColorB = float32(mesh.vertexTransformedNormals[vertIndex].Z*0.5 + 0.5)
normalVertexList[vertexListIndex] = normalVertex
// Vertex colors
if activeChannel := mesh.VertexActiveColorChannel[vertIndex]; activeChannel >= 0 {
colorVertex.ColorR = mesh.VertexColors[vertIndex][activeChannel].R * mpColor.R
colorVertex.ColorG = mesh.VertexColors[vertIndex][activeChannel].G * mpColor.G
colorVertex.ColorB = mesh.VertexColors[vertIndex][activeChannel].B * mpColor.B
colorVertex.ColorA = mesh.VertexColors[vertIndex][activeChannel].A * mpColor.A
} else {
colorVertex.ColorR = mpColor.R
colorVertex.ColorG = mpColor.G
colorVertex.ColorB = mpColor.B
colorVertex.ColorA = mpColor.A
if lighting {
colorVertex.ColorR *= mesh.vertexLights[vertIndex].R
colorVertex.ColorG *= mesh.vertexLights[vertIndex].G
colorVertex.ColorB *= mesh.vertexLights[vertIndex].B
if camera.PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping {
// TODO: Replace this with custom vertex attributes when possible.
colorVertex.ColorA = float32(packFloat(colorVertex.ColorA, 1.0/float32(w), 256))
if camera.RenderDepth {
// 3/28/23, TODO: We currently use the transformed vertex positions for rendering the depth texture. Note
// that this makes fog shift aggressively as you turn the camera, more noticeably in first-person games
// (as points closer to the corners of the screen are mathematically closer to the camera because of projection).
// In an attempt to fix this, I used the below, now commented-out depth function. This attempt did fix the fog,
// but it also made depth sorting buggier, which is unacceptable. For now, I've reverted this change to have
// better depth sorting. This is currently fine, though the fog issue should be resolved at some point in the future.
// See this Discord conversation for the visualization of the issue:
// https://discord.com/channels/842049801528016967/844522898126536725/1090223569247674488
// p, s, r := model.Transform().Inverted().Decompose()
// invertedCameraPos := r.MultVec(camera.WorldPosition()).Add(p.Mult(Vector{1 / s.X, 1 / s.Y, 1 / s.Z, s.W}))
// depth := (invertedCameraPos.Distance(mesh.VertexPositions[vertIndex]) - camera.near) / (camera.far - camera.near)
depth := (mesh.vertexTransforms[vertIndex].Z + depthMarginPercentage) / camSpread
if mat != nil {
if mat.CustomDepthOffsetOn {
depth += depthOffsetValue
if mat.CustomDepthFunction != nil {
depth = mat.CustomDepthFunction(depth)
if depth < 0 {
depth = 0
} else if depth > 1 {
depth = 1
depthVertex.ColorR = float32(depth)
depthVertex.ColorG = float32(depth)
depthVertex.ColorB = float32(depth)
if camera.PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping {
depthVertex.ColorA = colorVertex.ColorA
} else {
depthVertex.ColorA = 1
} else if scene.World != nil && scene.World.FogOn {
depth := (mesh.vertexTransforms[vertIndex].Z + depthMarginPercentage) / camSpread
if mat != nil {
if mat.CustomDepthOffsetOn {
depth += depthOffsetValue
if mat.CustomDepthFunction != nil {
depth = mat.CustomDepthFunction(depth)
if depth < 0 {
depth = 0
} else if depth > 1 {
depth = 1
// depth = 1 - depth
depth = float64(scene.World.FogRange[0] + ((scene.World.FogRange[1]-scene.World.FogRange[0])*1 - float32(depth)))
if scene.World.FogMode == FogAdd {
colorVertex.ColorR += scene.World.FogColor.R * float32(depth)
colorVertex.ColorG += scene.World.FogColor.G * float32(depth)
colorVertex.ColorB += scene.World.FogColor.B * float32(depth)
} else if scene.World.FogMode == FogSub {
colorVertex.ColorR *= scene.World.FogColor.R * float32(depth)
colorVertex.ColorG *= scene.World.FogColor.G * float32(depth)
colorVertex.ColorB *= scene.World.FogColor.B * float32(depth)
colorVertexList[vertexListIndex] = colorVertex
depthVertexList[vertexListIndex] = depthVertex
if vertexListIndex == 0 {
for _, sortingTri := range sortingTris {
for _, index := range sortingTri.Triangle.VertexIndices {
indexList[indexListIndex] = uint16(index - sortingTri.Triangle.MeshPart.VertexIndexStart + indexListStart)
indexListStart = vertexListIndex
// for i := 0; i < vertexListIndex; i++ {
// indexList[i] = uint16(i)
// }
flush := func(rp renderPair) {
if vertexListIndex == 0 {
model := rp.Model
meshPart := rp.MeshPart
mat := meshPart.Material
var img *ebiten.Image
if mat != nil {
img = mat.Texture
if img == nil {
img = defaultImg
perspectiveCorrection := 0
if camera.PerspectiveCorrectedTextureMapping {
perspectiveCorrection = 1
// Render the depth map here
if camera.RenderDepth {
// OK, so the general process for rendering to the depth texture is three-fold:
// 1) For solid objects, we simply render all triangles using camera.DepthShader. This draws triangles using their vertices'
// color channels to indicate depth. It reads camera.DepthTexture to discard fragments previously rendered with a darker color
// (and so are closer, as the color ranges from 0 (black, close) to 1 (white, far)).
// 2) For transparent objects, we do the above, but don't write the transparent object to the DepthTexture.
// By not rendering the object to the DepthTexture but still rendering it to the DepthIntermediate texture, the object still renders to
// camera.ColorTexture visibly, but does not obscure any objects behind them by writing to the depth texture, thereby
// allowing them to be seen through the transparent materials.
// Transparent objects are rendered in a second pass, in far-to-close ordering.
// 3) For alpha clip objects, we first render the triangles to an intermediate texture (camera.AlphaClipIntermediate). We use the camera.ClipAlphaRenderShader to
// render the triangles with their vertex colors, and use the texture's alpha channel for clipping. We then draw the intermediate render
// to DepthIntermediate using the camera.ClipAlphaShaderComposite shader, which is used to both discard previous closer fragments on camera.DepthTexture,
// as well as cut out the alpha of the actual texture according to the ClipIntermediate image. This ClipIntermediate rendering step would be unnecessary if we could render to DepthIntermediate using the material's
// image while also reading the DepthTexture, but unfortunately, images can't currently be different sizes in Ebiten.
// See: https://github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten/issues/1870
transparencyMode := TransparencyModeOpaque
if mat != nil {
transparencyMode = mat.TransparencyMode
if transparencyMode == TransparencyModeAlphaClip {
shaderOpt := &ebiten.DrawTrianglesShaderOptions{
Images: [4]*ebiten.Image{camera.resultDepthTexture, img},
Uniforms: map[string]any{
"PerspectiveCorrection": perspectiveCorrection,
camera.depthIntermediate.DrawTrianglesShader(depthVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], camera.clipAlphaShader, shaderOpt)
} else {
shaderOpt := &ebiten.DrawTrianglesShaderOptions{
Images: [4]*ebiten.Image{camera.resultDepthTexture},
camera.depthIntermediate.DrawTrianglesShader(depthVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], camera.depthShader, shaderOpt)
if !model.isTransparent(meshPart) {
camera.resultDepthTexture.DrawImage(camera.depthIntermediate, nil)
colorPassOptions := &ebiten.DrawTrianglesOptions{}
textureFilterMode := 0
if mat != nil {
colorPassOptions.Filter = mat.TextureFilterMode
colorPassOptions.Address = mat.textureWrapMode
switch mat.TextureFilterMode {
case ebiten.FilterNearest:
textureFilterMode = 0
case ebiten.FilterLinear:
textureFilterMode = 1
hasFragShader := mat != nil && mat.fragmentShader != nil && mat.FragmentShaderOn
// If rendering depth, and rendering through a custom fragment shader, we'll need to render the tris to the ColorIntermediate buffer using the custom shader.
// If we're not rendering through a custom shader, we can render to ColorIntermediate and then composite that onto the finished ColorTexture.
// If we're not rendering depth, but still rendering through the shader, we can render to the intermediate texture, and then from there composite.
// Otherwise, we can just draw the triangles normally.
// Removing this because using ColorM has been deprecated by the colorm package and has no analog for rendering using shaders, which is what we now always do
// if model.ColorBlendingFunc != nil {
// colorPassOptions.ColorM = model.ColorBlendingFunc(model, meshPart) // Modify the model's appearance using its color blending function
// }
colorPassOptions.Blend = ebiten.BlendSourceOver
colorPassShaderOptions.Blend = ebiten.BlendSourceOver
if mat != nil {
colorPassOptions.Blend = mat.Blend
colorPassShaderOptions.Blend = mat.Blend
if scene != nil && scene.World != nil {
colorPassShaderOptions.Uniforms = map[string]interface{}{
"Fog": scene.World.fogAsFloatSlice(),
"FogRange": scene.World.FogRange,
"DitherSize": scene.World.DitheredFogSize,
"FogCurve": float32(scene.World.FogCurve),
"BayerMatrix": bayerMatrix,
"PerspectiveCorrection": perspectiveCorrection,
"TextureFilterMode": textureFilterMode,
} else {
colorPassShaderOptions.Uniforms = map[string]interface{}{
"Fog": []float32{0, 0, 0, 0},
"FogRange": []float32{0, 1},
"PerspectiveCorrection": perspectiveCorrection,
colorPassShaderOptions.Images[0] = img
colorPassShaderOptions.Images[1] = camera.depthIntermediate
fogless := float32(0)
if mat != nil && mat.Fogless {
fogless = 1
if camera.RenderNormals {
colorPassShaderOptions.Images[0] = defaultImg
colorPassShaderOptions.Uniforms["Fogless"] = 1 // No fog in a normal render
camera.resultNormalTexture.DrawTrianglesShader(normalVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], camera.colorShader, colorPassShaderOptions)
// camera.resultNormalTexture.DrawTrianglesShader(colorVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], camera.colorShader, colorPassShaderOptions)
} else {
colorPassShaderOptions.Uniforms["Fogless"] = fogless
if camera.RenderDepth {
if hasFragShader {
if mat.FragmentShaderOptions != nil {
colorPassShaderOptions.Blend = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Blend
colorPassShaderOptions.AntiAlias = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.AntiAlias
colorPassShaderOptions.FillRule = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.FillRule
colorPassShaderOptions.Blend = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Blend
for k, v := range mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Uniforms {
colorPassShaderOptions.Uniforms[k] = v
if len(mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images) > 0 && mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[0] != nil {
colorPassShaderOptions.Images[0] = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[0]
if len(mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images) > 1 && mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[1] != nil {
colorPassShaderOptions.Images[1] = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[1]
if len(mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images) > 2 && mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[2] != nil {
colorPassShaderOptions.Images[2] = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[2]
if len(mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images) > 3 && mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[3] != nil {
colorPassShaderOptions.Images[3] = mat.FragmentShaderOptions.Images[3]
camera.resultColorTexture.DrawTrianglesShader(colorVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], mat.fragmentShader, colorPassShaderOptions)
} else {
camera.resultColorTexture.DrawTrianglesShader(colorVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], camera.colorShader, colorPassShaderOptions)
// camera.resultColorTexture.DrawRectShader(w, h, camera.colorShader, rectShaderOptions)
} else {
if hasFragShader {
// TODO: Review usage of FragmentShaderOptions here.
camera.resultColorTexture.DrawTrianglesShader(colorVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], mat.fragmentShader, mat.FragmentShaderOptions)
} else {
camera.resultColorTexture.DrawTriangles(colorVertexList[:vertexListIndex], indexList[:indexListIndex], img, colorPassOptions)
camera.DebugInfo.DrawnTris += indexListIndex / 3
vertexListIndex = 0
indexListIndex = 0
indexListStart = 0
sort.SliceStable(transparents, func(i, j int) bool {
return depths[transparents[i].Model] > depths[transparents[j].Model]
renderPasses := [][]renderPair{
solids, transparents,
for _, pass := range renderPasses {
for _, pair := range pass {
// Automatically statically batched models can't render
if !pair.Model.visible || pair.Model.AutoBatchMode == AutoBatchStatic {
// Internally, the idea behind dynamic batching is that we simply hold off on flushing until the
// end - this saves a lot of time if we're rendering singular low-poly objects, at the cost of each
// object sharing the same material / object-level properties (color / material blending mode, for
// example).
if pair.Model.DynamicBatcher() {
modelSlice := pair.Model.DynamicBatchModels[pair.MeshPart]
sort.Slice(modelSlice, func(i, j int) bool {
return camera.DistanceSquaredTo(modelSlice[i]) > camera.DistanceSquaredTo(modelSlice[j])
for _, merged := range modelSlice {
if !merged.visible {
if merged.FrustumCulling {
if !camera.SphereInFrustum(merged.frustumCullingSphere) {
for _, part := range merged.Mesh.MeshParts {
render(renderPair{Model: merged, MeshPart: part})
} else {
camera.DebugInfo.currentFrameTime += time.Since(frametimeStart)
// packFloat packs two numbers into a single float64 with a given precision. 128 is a good number.
func packFloat(input1, input2, precision float32) float32 {
a := float32(int(input1 * precision))
b := input2 * 0.05
return a + b
type DrawSprite3dSettings struct {
// The image to render
Image *ebiten.Image
// How much to offset the depth - useful if you want the object to appear at a position,
// but in front of or behind other objects. Negative is towards the camera, positive is away.
// The offset ranges from 0 to 1.
DepthOffset float32
WorldPosition Vector // The position of the sprite in 3D space
var spriteRender3DVerts = []ebiten.Vertex{
{DstX: 0, DstY: 0, SrcX: 0, SrcY: 0, ColorR: 1, ColorG: 1, ColorB: 1, ColorA: 1},
{DstX: 0, DstY: 0, SrcX: 0, SrcY: 0, ColorR: 1, ColorG: 1, ColorB: 1, ColorA: 1},
{DstX: 0, DstY: 0, SrcX: 0, SrcY: 0, ColorR: 1, ColorG: 1, ColorB: 1, ColorA: 1},
{DstX: 0, DstY: 0, SrcX: 0, SrcY: 0, ColorR: 1, ColorG: 1, ColorB: 1, ColorA: 1},
var spriteRender3DIndices = []uint16{
0, 1, 2,
2, 3, 0,
// RenderSprite3D draws an image on the screen in 2D, but at the screen position of the 3D world position provided,
// and with depth intersection.
// This allows you to render 2D elements "at" a 3D position, and can be very useful in situations where you want
// a sprite to render at 100% size and no perspective or skewing, but still look like it's in the 3D space (like in
// a game with a fixed camera viewpoint).
func (camera *Camera) RenderSprite3D(screen *ebiten.Image, renderSettings ...DrawSprite3dSettings) {
// TODO: Replace this with a more performant alternative, where we minimize shader / texture switches.
depthMarginPercentage := (camera.far - camera.near) * camera.DepthMargin
camViewProj := camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection())
for _, rs := range renderSettings {
px := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(rs.WorldPosition)
out := camViewProj.MultVec(rs.WorldPosition)
depth := float32((out.Z + depthMarginPercentage) / (camera.far - camera.near + (depthMarginPercentage * 2)))
if depth < 0 {
depth = 0
if depth > 1 {
depth = 1
depth += float32(rs.DepthOffset)
imageW := float32(rs.Image.Bounds().Dx())
imageH := float32(rs.Image.Bounds().Dy())
halfImageW := imageW / 2
halfImageH := imageH / 2
spriteRender3DVerts[0].DstX = float32(px.X) - halfImageW
spriteRender3DVerts[0].DstY = float32(px.Y) - halfImageH
spriteRender3DVerts[1].DstX = float32(px.X) + halfImageW
spriteRender3DVerts[1].DstY = float32(px.Y) - halfImageH
spriteRender3DVerts[1].SrcX = imageW
spriteRender3DVerts[2].DstX = float32(px.X) + halfImageW
spriteRender3DVerts[2].DstY = float32(px.Y) + halfImageH
spriteRender3DVerts[2].SrcX = imageW
spriteRender3DVerts[2].SrcY = imageH
spriteRender3DVerts[3].DstX = float32(px.X) - halfImageW
spriteRender3DVerts[3].DstY = float32(px.Y) + halfImageH
spriteRender3DVerts[3].SrcY = imageH
shaderOptions := &ebiten.DrawTrianglesShaderOptions{}
shaderOptions.Images[0] = rs.Image
shaderOptions.Images[1] = camera.resultDepthTexture
shaderOptions.Uniforms = map[string]interface{}{
"SpriteDepth": depth,
screen.DrawTrianglesShader(spriteRender3DVerts, spriteRender3DIndices, camera.sprite3DShader, shaderOptions)
type DynamicRenderSettings struct {
Model *Model // The model to be cloned for usage
clonedModel *Model
Position Vector // The position to render the Model at. Ignored if Transform is set.
Scale Vector // The scale to render the Model at. Ignored if Transform is set.
Rotation Matrix4 // The rotation to render the Model with. Ignored if Transform is set.
Transform Matrix4 // A transform to use for rendering; this is used if it is non-zero.
Color Color // The color to render the Model.
var dynamicRenderMesh = NewCubeMesh()
var dynamicRenderOwner = NewModel("dynamic batch render cubes", dynamicRenderMesh)
// DynamicRender quickly and easily renders an object with the desired setup.
// The Camera must be present in a Scene to perform this function.
func (camera *Camera) DynamicRender(settings ...DynamicRenderSettings) error {
// TODO: Optimize this with perhaps background cubes that are dynamically batched so they could be rendered in one
// Render call.
if scene := camera.Scene(); scene != nil {
if len(settings) == 0 {
return errors.New("no render settings to render")
dynamicRenderOwner.Mesh.MeshParts[0].Material = settings[0].Model.Mesh.MeshParts[0].Material
dynamicRenderOwner.FrustumCulling = false
for _, setting := range settings {
if setting.clonedModel == nil {
if setting.Model == nil {
return errors.New("no model specified for usage with Camera.DynamicRender(); this function requires a model to clone")
setting.clonedModel = setting.Model.Clone().(*Model)
model := setting.clonedModel
if !setting.Transform.IsZero() {
} else {
model.Color = setting.Color
dynamicRenderOwner.DynamicBatchAdd(dynamicRenderOwner.Mesh.MeshParts[0], model)
lights := scene.Root.SearchTree().Lights()
camera.Render(scene, lights, dynamicRenderOwner)
} else {
return errors.New("camera is not in a scene; cannot render cubes")
return nil
// DrawDebugRenderInfo draws render debug information (like number of drawn objects, number of drawn triangles, frame time, etc)
// at the top-left of the provided screen *ebiten.Image, using the textScale and color provided.
// Note that the frame-time mentioned here is purely the time that Tetra3D spends sending render commands to the command queue.
// Any additional time that Ebitengine takes to flush that queue is not included in this average frame-time value, and is not
// visible outside of debugging and profiling, like with pprof.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugRenderInfo(screen *ebiten.Image, textScale float64, color Color) {
m := camera.DebugInfo.FrameTime.Round(time.Microsecond).Microseconds()
ft := fmt.Sprintf("%.2fms", float32(m)/1000)
m = camera.DebugInfo.AnimationTime.Round(time.Microsecond).Microseconds()
at := fmt.Sprintf("%.2fms", float32(m)/1000)
m = camera.DebugInfo.LightTime.Round(time.Microsecond).Microseconds()
lt := fmt.Sprintf("%.2fms", float32(m)/1000)
sectorName := "<Sector Rendering Off>"
if camera.SectorRendering {
if camera.currentSector == nil {
sectorName = "nil"
} else {
sectorName = camera.currentSector.Model.name
debugText := fmt.Sprintf(
"TPS: %f\nFPS: %f\nTotal render frame-time: %s\nSkinned mesh animation time: %s\nLighting frame-time: %s\nDraw calls: %d/%d (%d dynamically batched)\nRendered triangles: %d/%d\nActive Lights: %d/%d\nCurrent Sector:%s",
camera.DebugDrawText(screen, debugText, 0, 0, textScale, color)
// DrawDebugWireframe draws the wireframe triangles of all visible Models underneath the rootNode in the color provided to the screen
// image provided.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugWireframe(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, color Color) {
vpMatrix := camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection())
allModels := append([]INode{rootNode}, rootNode.SearchTree().INodes()...)
camWidth, camHeight := camera.Size()
for _, m := range allModels {
if model, isModel := m.(*Model); isModel {
if model.FrustumCulling {
if !camera.SphereInFrustum(model.frustumCullingSphere) {
// if model.dynamicBatcher {
// for _, m := range model.DynamicBatchModels {
// for _, model := range m {
// if model.Root() == nil {
// camera.DrawDebugWireframe(screen, model, color)
// }
// }
// }
// }
for _, meshPart := range model.Mesh.MeshParts {
for _, tri := range model.ProcessVertices(vpMatrix, camera, meshPart, false) {
indices := tri.Triangle.VertexIndices
v0 := camera.clipToScreen(model.Mesh.vertexTransforms[indices[0]], indices[0], model, float64(camWidth), float64(camHeight), true)
v1 := camera.clipToScreen(model.Mesh.vertexTransforms[indices[1]], indices[1], model, float64(camWidth), float64(camHeight), true)
v2 := camera.clipToScreen(model.Mesh.vertexTransforms[indices[2]], indices[2], model, float64(camWidth), float64(camHeight), true)
if (v0.X < 0 && v1.X < 0 && v2.X < 0) ||
(v0.Y < 0 && v1.Y < 0 && v2.Y < 0) ||
(v0.X > float64(camWidth) && v1.X > float64(camWidth) && v2.X > float64(camWidth)) ||
(v0.Y > float64(camHeight) && v1.Y > float64(camHeight) && v2.Y > float64(camHeight)) {
c := color.ToRGBA64()
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, float64(v0.X), float64(v0.Y), float64(v1.X), float64(v1.Y), c)
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, float64(v1.X), float64(v1.Y), float64(v2.X), float64(v2.Y), c)
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, float64(v2.X), float64(v2.Y), float64(v0.X), float64(v0.Y), c)
} else if path, isPath := m.(*Path); isPath {
points := path.Children()
if path.Closed {
points = append(points, points[0])
for i := 0; i < len(points)-1; i++ {
p1 := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(points[i].WorldPosition())
p2 := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(points[i+1].WorldPosition())
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y, color.ToRGBA64())
} else if grid, isGrid := m.(*Grid); isGrid {
for _, point := range grid.Points() {
p1 := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(point.WorldPosition())
ebitenutil.DrawCircle(screen, p1.X, p1.Y, 8, image.White)
for _, connection := range point.Connections {
p2 := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(connection.To.WorldPosition())
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y, color.ToRGBA64())
// DrawDebugDrawOrder draws the drawing order of all triangles of all visible Models underneath the rootNode in the color provided to the screen
// image provided.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugDrawOrder(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, textScale float64, color Color) {
vpMatrix := camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection())
allModels := append([]INode{rootNode}, rootNode.SearchTree().INodes()...)
for _, m := range allModels {
if model, isModel := m.(*Model); isModel {
if model.FrustumCulling {
if !camera.SphereInFrustum(model.frustumCullingSphere) {
for _, meshPart := range model.Mesh.MeshParts {
model.ProcessVertices(vpMatrix, camera, meshPart, false)
for triIndex, sortingTri := range meshPart.sortingTriangles {
screenPos := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(model.Transform().MultVec(sortingTri.Triangle.Center))
camera.DebugDrawText(screen, fmt.Sprintf("%d", triIndex), screenPos.X, screenPos.Y+(textScale*16), textScale, color)
// DrawDebugDrawCallCount draws the draw call count of all visible Models underneath the rootNode in the color provided to the screen
// image provided.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugDrawCallCount(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, textScale float64, color Color) {
allModels := append([]INode{rootNode}, rootNode.SearchTree().INodes()...)
for _, m := range allModels {
if model, isModel := m.(*Model); isModel {
if model.FrustumCulling {
if !camera.SphereInFrustum(model.frustumCullingSphere) {
screenPos := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(model.WorldPosition())
camera.DebugDrawText(screen, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(model.Mesh.MeshParts)), screenPos.X, screenPos.Y+(textScale*16), textScale, color)
// DrawDebugNormals draws the normals of visible models underneath the rootNode given to the screen. NormalLength is the length of the normal lines
// in units. Color is the color to draw the normals.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugNormals(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, normalLength float64, color Color) {
allModels := append([]INode{rootNode}, rootNode.SearchTree().INodes()...)
for _, m := range allModels {
if model, isModel := m.(*Model); isModel {
if model.FrustumCulling {
if !camera.SphereInFrustum(model.frustumCullingSphere) {
for _, tri := range model.Mesh.Triangles {
center := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(model.Transform().MultVecW(tri.Center))
transformedNormal := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(model.Transform().MultVecW(tri.Center.Add(tri.Normal.Scale(normalLength))))
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, center.X, center.Y, transformedNormal.X, transformedNormal.Y, color.ToRGBA64())
// DrawDebugCenters draws the center positions of nodes under the rootNode using the color given to the screen image provided.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugCenters(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, color Color) {
allModels := append([]INode{rootNode}, rootNode.SearchTree().INodes()...)
c := color.ToRGBA64()
for _, node := range allModels {
if node == camera {
px := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(node.WorldPosition())
ebitenutil.DrawCircle(screen, px.X, px.Y, 6, c)
// If the node's parent is something, and its parent's parent is something (i.e. it's not the root)
if node.Parent() != nil && node.Parent() != node.Root() {
parentPos := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(node.Parent().WorldPosition())
pos := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(node.WorldPosition())
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, pos.X, pos.Y, parentPos.X, parentPos.Y, c)
func (camera *Camera) DebugDrawText(screen *ebiten.Image, txtStr string, posX, posY, textScale float64, color Color) {
size := text.BoundString(basicfont.Face7x13, txtStr).Size()
if camera.debugTextTexture == nil || size.X > camera.debugTextTexture.Bounds().Dx() || size.Y > camera.debugTextTexture.Bounds().Dy() {
camera.debugTextTexture = ebiten.NewImage(size.X, size.Y+13)
opt := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
opt.GeoM.Translate(0, 13)
text.DrawWithOptions(camera.debugTextTexture, txtStr, basicfont.Face7x13, opt)
// TODO: This is slow, this could be way faster by drawing once to an image and then drawing that result
dr := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
dr.ColorScale.Scale(0, 0, 0, 1)
periodOffset := 8.0
for y := -1; y < 2; y++ {
for x := -1; x < 2; x++ {
dr.GeoM.Translate(posX+4+float64(x), posY+4+float64(y)+periodOffset)
dr.GeoM.Scale(textScale, textScale)
screen.DrawImage(camera.debugTextTexture, dr)
dr.GeoM.Translate(posX+4, posY+4+periodOffset)
dr.GeoM.Scale(textScale, textScale)
screen.DrawImage(camera.debugTextTexture, dr)
// ColorTexture returns the camera's final result color texture from any previous Render() or RenderNodes() calls.
func (camera *Camera) ColorTexture() *ebiten.Image {
return camera.resultColorTexture
// DepthTexture returns the camera's final result depth texture from any previous Render() or RenderNodes() calls. If Camera.RenderDepth is set to false,
// the function will return nil instead.
func (camera *Camera) DepthTexture() *ebiten.Image {
if !camera.RenderDepth {
return nil
return camera.resultDepthTexture
// NormalTexture returns the camera's final result normal texture from any previous Render() or RenderNodes() calls. If Camera.RenderNormals is set to false,
// the function will return nil instead.
func (camera *Camera) NormalTexture() *ebiten.Image {
if !camera.RenderNormals {
return nil
return camera.resultNormalTexture
// AccumulationColorTexture returns the camera's final result accumulation color texture from previous renders. If the Camera's AccumulateColorMode
// property is set to AccumulateColorModeNone, the function will return nil instead.
func (camera *Camera) AccumulationColorTexture() *ebiten.Image {
if camera.AccumulationColorMode == AccumulationColorModeNone {
return nil
return camera.resultAccumulatedColorTexture
type DrawDebugBoundsColoredSettings struct {
RenderAABBs bool
AABBColor Color
RenderSpheres bool
SphereColor Color
RenderCapsules bool
CapsuleColor Color
RenderTriangles bool
TrianglesColor Color
RenderTrianglesAABB bool
TrianglesAABBColor Color
RenderBroadphase bool
BroadphaseColor Color
// DrawDebugBoundsColored will draw shapes approximating the shapes and positions of BoundingObjects underneath the rootNode. The shapes will
// be drawn in the color provided for each kind of bounding object to the screen image provided. If the passed color is nil, that kind of shape
// won't be debug-rendered.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugBoundsColored(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, options DrawDebugBoundsColoredSettings) {
allModels := append([]INode{rootNode}, rootNode.SearchTree().INodes()...)
for _, n := range allModels {
if b, isBounds := n.(IBoundingObject); isBounds {
switch bounds := b.(type) {
case *BoundingSphere:
if options.RenderSpheres {
camera.drawSphere(screen, bounds, options.SphereColor)
case *BoundingCapsule:
if options.RenderCapsules {
pos := bounds.WorldPosition()
radius := bounds.WorldRadius()
height := bounds.Height / 2
uv := bounds.WorldRotation().Up()
rv := bounds.WorldRotation().Right()
fv := bounds.WorldRotation().Forward()
u := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(height)))
ur := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(height - radius)).Add(rv.Scale(radius)))
ul := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(height - radius)).Add(rv.Scale(-radius)))
uf := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(height - radius)).Add(fv.Scale(radius)))
ub := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(height - radius)).Add(fv.Scale(-radius)))
d := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(-height)))
dr := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(-(height - radius))).Add(rv.Scale(radius)))
dl := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(-(height - radius))).Add(rv.Scale(-radius)))
df := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(-(height - radius))).Add(fv.Scale(radius)))
db := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(uv.Scale(-(height - radius))).Add(fv.Scale(-radius)))
lines := []Vector{
u, ur, dr, d, dl, ul,
u, uf, df, d, db, ub, u,
ul, uf, ur, ub, ul,
dl, db, dr, df, dl,
for i := range lines {
if i >= len(lines)-1 {
start := lines[i]
end := lines[i+1]
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, options.CapsuleColor.ToRGBA64())
case *BoundingAABB:
if options.RenderAABBs {
pos := bounds.WorldPosition()
size := bounds.Dimensions.Size().Scale(0.5)
ufr := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{size.X, size.Y, size.Z, 0}))
ufl := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{-size.X, size.Y, size.Z, 0}))
ubr := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{size.X, size.Y, -size.Z, 0}))
ubl := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{-size.X, size.Y, -size.Z, 0}))
dfr := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{size.X, -size.Y, size.Z, 0}))
dfl := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{-size.X, -size.Y, size.Z, 0}))
dbr := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{size.X, -size.Y, -size.Z, 0}))
dbl := camera.WorldToScreenPixels(pos.Add(Vector{-size.X, -size.Y, -size.Z, 0}))
lines := []Vector{
ufr, ufl, ubl, ubr, ufr,
dfr, dfl, dbl, dbr, dfr,
ufr, ufl, dfl, dbl, ubl, ubr, dbr,
for i := range lines {
if i >= len(lines)-1 {
start := lines[i]
end := lines[i+1]
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, options.AABBColor.ToRGBA64())
case *BoundingTriangles:
if options.RenderBroadphase {
for _, b := range bounds.Broadphase.allAABBPositions() {
camera.DrawDebugBoundsColored(screen, b, DrawDebugBoundsColoredSettings{
RenderAABBs: true,
AABBColor: options.AABBColor,
if options.RenderTriangles {
camWidth, camHeight := camera.Size()
lines := []Vector{}
mesh := bounds.Mesh
for _, tri := range mesh.Triangles {
mvpMatrix := bounds.Transform().Mult(camera.ViewMatrix().Mult(camera.Projection()))
v0 := camera.clipToScreen(mvpMatrix.MultVecW(mesh.VertexPositions[tri.VertexIndices[0]]), 0, nil, float64(camWidth), float64(camHeight), false)
v1 := camera.clipToScreen(mvpMatrix.MultVecW(mesh.VertexPositions[tri.VertexIndices[1]]), 0, nil, float64(camWidth), float64(camHeight), false)
v2 := camera.clipToScreen(mvpMatrix.MultVecW(mesh.VertexPositions[tri.VertexIndices[2]]), 0, nil, float64(camWidth), float64(camHeight), false)
if (v0.X < 0 && v1.X < 0 && v2.X < 0) ||
(v0.Y < 0 && v1.Y < 0 && v2.Y < 0) ||
(v0.X > float64(camWidth) && v1.X > float64(camWidth) && v2.X > float64(camWidth)) ||
(v0.Y > float64(camHeight) && v1.Y > float64(camHeight) && v2.Y > float64(camHeight)) {
lines = append(lines, v0, v1, v2)
triColor := options.TrianglesColor.ToRGBA64()
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i += 3 {
if i >= len(lines)-1 {
start := lines[i]
end := lines[i+1]
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, triColor)
start = lines[i+1]
end = lines[i+2]
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, triColor)
start = lines[i+2]
end = lines[i]
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, triColor)
if options.RenderTriangles {
camera.DrawDebugBoundsColored(screen, bounds.BoundingAABB, DrawDebugBoundsColoredSettings{
RenderTrianglesAABB: true,
TrianglesAABBColor: options.TrianglesAABBColor,
// DefaultDrawDebugBoundsSettings returns the default settings for drawing the debug bounds for a nodegraph.
func DefaultDrawDebugBoundsSettings() DrawDebugBoundsColoredSettings {
return DrawDebugBoundsColoredSettings{
RenderAABBs: true,
RenderSpheres: true,
RenderCapsules: true,
RenderTriangles: true,
RenderTrianglesAABB: true,
RenderBroadphase: true,
AABBColor: NewColor(0, 0.25, 1, 1),
SphereColor: NewColor(0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 1),
CapsuleColor: NewColor(0.25, 1, 0, 1),
TrianglesColor: NewColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5),
TrianglesAABBColor: NewColor(1, 0.5, 0, 0.25),
BroadphaseColor: NewColor(1, 0, 0, 0.25),
// DrawDebugFrustums will draw shapes approximating the frustum spheres for objects underneath the rootNode.
// The shapes will be drawn in the color provided to the screen image provided.
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugFrustums(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, color Color) {
allModels := append([]INode{rootNode}, rootNode.SearchTree().INodes()...)
for _, n := range allModels {
if model, ok := n.(*Model); ok {
bounds := model.frustumCullingSphere
camera.drawSphere(screen, bounds, color)
var debugIcosphereMesh = NewIcosphereMesh(1)
var debugIcosphere = NewModel("debug icosphere", debugIcosphereMesh)
func (camera *Camera) drawSphere(screen *ebiten.Image, sphere *BoundingSphere, color Color) {
s := sphere.WorldRadius()
debugIcosphere.SetLocalScaleVec(Vector{s, s, s, 0})
camera.DrawDebugWireframe(screen, debugIcosphere, color)
// AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph
// hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (camera *Camera) AddChildren(children ...INode) {
camera.addChildren(camera, children...)
// Unparent unparents the Camera from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph.
func (camera *Camera) Unparent() {
if camera.parent != nil {
// Index returns the index of the Node in its parent's children list.
// If the node doesn't have a parent, its index will be -1.
func (camera *Camera) Index() int {
if camera.parent != nil {
for i, c := range camera.parent.Children() {
if c == camera {
return i
return -1
// Type returns the NodeType for this object.
func (camera *Camera) Type() NodeType {
return NodeTypeCamera