
216 lines
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package tetra3d
// Broadphase is a utility object specifically created to assist with quickly ruling out triangles
// for collision detection or mesh rendering. This works largely automatically; you should generally
// not have to tweak this too much.
// The general idea is that the broadphase is composed of AABBs in a grid layout, completely covering
// the owning mesh. When you, say, check for a collision against a BoundingTriangles object, it first
// checks to see if the colliding object is within the BoundingTriangles' overall AABB bounding box.
// If so, it proceeds to the broadphase check, where it sees which set(s) of triangles the colliding
// object could be colliding with, and then returns that set for finer examination.
type Broadphase struct {
GridCellCount int // The number of cells in the broadphase grid
cellSize float64 // The size of each cell in the grid
center *Node // The center node of the broadphase
workingAABB *BoundingAABB // The working-process AABB used to determine which triangles belong in which cells
TriSets [][][][]uint16 // The sets of triangles
allTriSet Set[uint16] // A set containing all triangles
mesh *Mesh // The mesh used for the Broadphase object
// NewBroadphase returns a new Broadphase object.
// gridCellCount is number of cells in the grid.
// worldPosition is the world position of the broadphase object; this should be a zero vector if
// it's being used for a mesh, and should be the position of the BoundingTriangles if it's being used for
// collision testing.
// mesh is the Mesh to be used for broadphase testing.
func NewBroadphase(gridCellCount int, worldPosition Vector, mesh *Mesh) *Broadphase {
b := &Broadphase{
mesh: mesh,
center: NewNode("broadphase center"),
workingAABB: NewBoundingAABB("bounding aabb", 1, 1, 1),
b.center.Transform() // Update the transform so that when resizing, the aabb can properly check all triangles
return b
// Clone clones the Broadphase.
func (b *Broadphase) Clone() *Broadphase {
newBroadphase := NewBroadphase(0, b.center.WorldPosition(), b.mesh)
newBroadphase.center = b.center.Clone().(*Node)
newBroadphase.workingAABB = newBroadphase.center.children[0].(*BoundingAABB)
newBroadphase.GridCellCount = b.GridCellCount
newBroadphase.cellSize = b.cellSize
ts := make([][][][]uint16, len(b.TriSets))
for i := range b.TriSets {
ts[i] = make([][][]uint16, len(b.TriSets[i]))
for j := range b.TriSets[i] {
ts[i][j] = make([][]uint16, len(b.TriSets[i][j]))
for k := range b.TriSets[i][j] {
ts[i][j][k] = make([]uint16, len(b.TriSets[i][j][k]))
copy(ts[i][j][k], b.TriSets[i][j][k])
newBroadphase.TriSets = ts
newBroadphase.allTriSet = b.allTriSet.Clone()
return newBroadphase
// Resize resizes the Broadphase struct, using the new gridSize for how big in units each cell in the grid should be.
func (b *Broadphase) Resize(gridSize int) {
b.GridCellCount = gridSize
if gridSize <= 0 {
maxDim := b.mesh.Dimensions.MaxDimension()
cellSize := (maxDim / float64(gridSize)) + 1 // The +1 adds a little extra room
b.cellSize = cellSize
b.workingAABB.internalSize.X = cellSize
b.workingAABB.internalSize.Y = cellSize
b.workingAABB.internalSize.Z = cellSize
b.TriSets = make([][][][]uint16, gridSize)
b.allTriSet = newSet[uint16]()
hg := float64(b.GridCellCount) / 2
for i := 0; i < gridSize; i++ {
b.TriSets[i] = make([][][]uint16, gridSize)
for j := 0; j < gridSize; j++ {
b.TriSets[i][j] = make([][]uint16, gridSize)
for k := 0; k < gridSize; k++ {
b.TriSets[i][j][k] = []uint16{}
(float64(i) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
(float64(j) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
(float64(k) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
center := b.workingAABB.WorldPosition()
for _, tri := range b.mesh.Triangles {
v0 := b.mesh.VertexPositions[tri.VertexIndices[0]]
v1 := b.mesh.VertexPositions[tri.VertexIndices[1]]
v2 := b.mesh.VertexPositions[tri.VertexIndices[2]]
closestOnTri := closestPointOnTri(center, v0, v1, v2)
if b.workingAABB.PointInside(closestOnTri) {
b.TriSets[i][j][k] = append(b.TriSets[i][j][k], tri.ID)
// Mesh returns the mesh that is associated with the Broadphase object.
func (b *Broadphase) Mesh() *Mesh {
return b.mesh
// TrianglesFromBoundingObject returns a set of triangle IDs, based on where the BoundingObject is
// in relation to the Broadphase owning BoundingTriangles instance. The returned set contains each triangle only
// once, of course.
func (b *Broadphase) TrianglesFromBoundingObject(boundingObject IBoundingObject) Set[uint16] {
if b.GridCellCount <= 1 {
return b.allTriSet
trianglesSet := make(Set[uint16], len(b.TriSets))
hg := float64(b.GridCellCount) / 2
// We're brute forcing it here; this isn't ideal, but it works alright for now
for i := 0; i < b.GridCellCount; i++ {
for j := 0; j < b.GridCellCount; j++ {
for k := 0; k < b.GridCellCount; k++ {
// We can skip empty sets
if len(b.TriSets[i][j][k]) == 0 {
(float64(i) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
(float64(j) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
(float64(k) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
if b.workingAABB.Colliding(boundingObject) {
// triangles = append(triangles, bp.TriSets[i][j][k]...)
for _, triID := range b.TriSets[i][j][k] {
return trianglesSet
func (b *Broadphase) allAABBPositions() []*BoundingAABB {
aabbs := []*BoundingAABB{}
if b.GridCellCount <= 0 || b.cellSize <= 0 {
return aabbs
hg := float64(b.GridCellCount) / 2
for i := 0; i < b.GridCellCount; i++ {
for j := 0; j < b.GridCellCount; j++ {
for k := 0; k < b.GridCellCount; k++ {
clone := b.workingAABB.Clone().(*BoundingAABB)
(float64(i) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
(float64(j) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
(float64(k) - hg + 0.5) * b.cellSize,
aabbs = append(aabbs, clone)
return aabbs