
189 lines
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package tetra3d
import (
// BoundingCapsule represents a 3D capsule, whose primary purpose is to perform intersection testing between itself and other Bounding Nodes.
type BoundingCapsule struct {
Height float64
Radius float64
internalSphere *BoundingSphere
// NewBoundingCapsule returns a new BoundingCapsule instance. Name is the name of the underlying Node for the Capsule, height is the total
// height of the Capsule, and radius is how big around the capsule is. Height has to be at least radius (otherwise, it would no longer be a capsule).
func NewBoundingCapsule(name string, height, radius float64) *BoundingCapsule {
return &BoundingCapsule{
Node: NewNode(name),
Height: math.Max(radius, height),
Radius: radius,
internalSphere: NewBoundingSphere("internal capsule sphere", 0),
// Clone returns a new BoundingCapsule.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Clone() INode {
clone := NewBoundingCapsule(capsule.name, capsule.Height, capsule.Radius)
clone.Node = capsule.Node.Clone().(*Node)
return clone
// WorldRadius is the radius of the Capsule in world units, after taking into account its scale.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) WorldRadius() float64 {
maxScale := 1.0
if capsule.Node != nil {
scale := capsule.Node.LocalScale()
maxScale = math.Max(math.Max(math.Abs(scale.X), math.Abs(scale.Y)), math.Abs(scale.Z))
return capsule.Radius * maxScale
// Colliding returns true if the BoundingCapsule is intersecting the other BoundingObject.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Colliding(other IBoundingObject) bool {
return capsule.Collision(other) != nil
// Collision returns a Collision struct if the BoundingCapsule is intersecting another BoundingObject. If
// no intersection is reported, Collision returns nil.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Collision(other IBoundingObject) *Collision {
if other == capsule || other == nil {
return nil
switch otherBounds := other.(type) {
case *BoundingCapsule:
return btCapsuleCapsule(capsule, otherBounds)
case *BoundingSphere:
intersection := btSphereCapsule(otherBounds, capsule)
if intersection != nil {
for _, inter := range intersection.Intersections {
inter.MTV = inter.MTV.Invert()
inter.Normal = inter.Normal.Invert()
intersection.BoundingObject = otherBounds
return intersection
case *BoundingAABB:
return btCapsuleAABB(capsule, otherBounds)
case *BoundingTriangles:
return btCapsuleTriangles(capsule, otherBounds)
panic("Unimplemented bounds type")
// CollisionTest performs a collision test using the provided collision test settings structure.
// As a nicety, CollisionTest also returns a distance-sorted slice of all of the Collisions (but you should rather
// handle collisions with intent using the OnCollision function of the CollisionTestSettings struct).
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) CollisionTest(settings CollisionTestSettings) []*Collision {
return CommonCollisionTest(capsule, settings)
// PointInside returns true if the point provided is within the capsule.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) PointInside(point Vector) bool {
return capsule.ClosestPoint(point).Sub(point).Magnitude() < capsule.WorldRadius()
// ClosestPoint returns the closest point on the capsule's "central line" to the point provided. Essentially, ClosestPoint returns a point
// along the capsule's line in world coordinates, capped between its bottom and top.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) ClosestPoint(point Vector) Vector {
up := capsule.Node.WorldRotation().Up()
pos := capsule.Node.WorldPosition()
start := pos
start.X += up.X * (-capsule.Height/2 + capsule.Radius)
start.Y += up.Y * (-capsule.Height/2 + capsule.Radius)
start.Z += up.Z * (-capsule.Height/2 + capsule.Radius)
end := pos
end.X += up.X * (capsule.Height/2 - capsule.Radius)
end.Y += up.Y * (capsule.Height/2 - capsule.Radius)
end.Z += up.Z * (capsule.Height/2 - capsule.Radius)
segment := end.Sub(start)
point = point.Sub(start)
t := point.Dot(segment) / segment.Dot(segment)
if t > 1 {
t = 1
} else if t < 0 {
t = 0
start.X += segment.X * t
start.Y += segment.Y * t
start.Z += segment.Z * t
return start
// lineTop returns the world position of the internal top end of the BoundingCapsule's line (i.e. this subtracts the
// capsule's radius).
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) lineTop() Vector {
up := capsule.Node.WorldRotation().Up()
return capsule.Node.WorldPosition().Add(up.Scale(capsule.Height/2 - capsule.Radius))
// Top returns the world position of the top of the BoundingCapsule.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Top() Vector {
up := capsule.Node.WorldRotation().Up()
return capsule.Node.WorldPosition().Add(up.Scale(capsule.Height / 2))
// lineBottom returns the world position of the internal bottom end of the BoundingCapsule's line (i.e. this subtracts the
// capsule's radius).
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) lineBottom() Vector {
up := capsule.Node.WorldRotation().Up()
return capsule.Node.WorldPosition().Add(up.Scale(-capsule.Height/2 + capsule.Radius))
// Bottom returns the world position of the bottom of the BoundingCapsule.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Bottom() Vector {
up := capsule.Node.WorldRotation().Up()
return capsule.Node.WorldPosition().Add(up.Scale(-capsule.Height / 2))
// AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph
// hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) AddChildren(children ...INode) {
capsule.addChildren(capsule, children...)
// Unparent unparents the Camera from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Unparent() {
if capsule.parent != nil {
// Index returns the index of the Node in its parent's children list.
// If the node doesn't have a parent, its index will be -1.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Index() int {
if capsule.parent != nil {
for i, c := range capsule.parent.Children() {
if c == capsule {
return i
return -1
// Type returns the NodeType for this object.
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Type() NodeType {
return NodeTypeBoundingCapsule