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Romfos 09f094c811 [dotnet, csharp] Run tests for supported platforms .NET 6, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (#12378)
What's changed?
- Update some nuget packages (for test projects)
- Run unit tests for supported platforms: .NET 6 + .NET Framework 4.6.2

.NET Framework 4.6.1 is out of support, .NET Framework 4.6.2 is the older version that is still supported

.NET 5 is out of support

.NET Core 3.1 is out of support

Visual studio 2012 is out of support

Closes #12378

COPYBARA_INTEGRATE_REVIEW=https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pull/12378 from Romfos:main 227661e02c
PiperOrigin-RevId: 523196896
2023-04-10 13:28:23 -07:00
.github [dotnet, csharp] Run tests for supported platforms .NET 6, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (#12378) 2023-04-10 13:28:23 -07:00
build_defs Re-attach OSGI headers to lite,core, and util. This information was dropped in the move from maven to bazel. 2023-03-21 07:35:58 -07:00
ci Pull after committing regenerated files 2023-03-14 08:53:06 -07:00
cmake Edit READMEs to include new cmake instructions and remove references to language specific source distributions. 2023-03-31 12:08:27 -07:00
conformance Remove ODR violation from WKT codegen (#12406) 2023-04-06 13:19:50 -07:00
csharp [dotnet, csharp] Run tests for supported platforms .NET 6, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (#12378) 2023-04-10 13:28:23 -07:00
docs Add Cybozu to options.md (#12324) 2023-03-23 19:06:48 -07:00
editors [editors/emacs] Fix protobuf-mode definition (#9572) 2022-03-03 09:16:46 -08:00
examples Remove ODR violation from WKT codegen (#12406) 2023-04-06 13:19:50 -07:00
java Breaking change: Lock down visibility for FileDescriptor.getSyntax(). 2023-03-29 13:56:22 -07:00
objectivec Internal Code Change 2023-03-27 11:13:36 -07:00
php Open-source extension declaration definition. 2023-03-27 09:57:28 -07:00
pkg Remove ODR violation from WKT codegen (#12406) 2023-04-06 13:19:50 -07:00
python sync to current upb and enable new unit test on upb 2023-03-22 12:36:44 -07:00
ruby Breaking change: Lock down visibility for FileDescriptor.getSyntax(). 2023-03-29 13:56:22 -07:00
rust Add initial end-to-end test directory structure. 2023-04-04 13:31:07 -07:00
src Refactor ARM-optimized varint parsing. 2023-04-10 10:04:04 -07:00
third_party Bump to Abseil 20230125.rc3 for cmake builds (#11663) 2023-01-25 09:41:06 -08:00
toolchain Add libm linkage to toolchains 2023-03-01 15:00:24 -08:00
.bazelignore Clean up leftover benchmark cruft (#10480) 2022-08-29 16:05:04 -04:00
.bazelrc Modify release artifacts for protoc to statically link system libraries. 2023-02-28 14:13:48 -08:00
.gitignore Migrate to composite GHA actions (#11718) 2023-02-01 11:34:03 -08:00
.gitmodules Breaking change: Migrate to Abseil's logging library. 2023-01-24 21:51:03 -08:00
.readthedocs.yml python: publish sphinx docs to read the docs 2020-02-28 13:36:50 -06:00
BUILD.bazel Remove ODR violation from WKT codegen (#12406) 2023-04-06 13:19:50 -07:00
CMakeLists.txt Merge 22.x back to main (#12200) 2023-03-10 13:25:18 -08:00
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Add a code of conduct based on https://www.contributor-covenant.org/ and https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang/blob/trunk/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 2022-12-01 09:29:45 -08:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Squashed 'third_party/utf8_range/' content from commit 72c943dea 2023-01-19 16:02:55 -08:00
CONTRIBUTORS.txt Match service argument names to abstract interface (#9418) 2022-02-03 09:14:44 -08:00
LICENSE Squashed 'third_party/utf8_range/' content from commit 72c943dea 2023-01-19 16:02:55 -08:00
Protobuf-C++.podspec Merge 22.x back to main (#12200) 2023-03-10 13:25:18 -08:00
Protobuf.podspec Merge 22.x back to main (#12200) 2023-03-10 13:25:18 -08:00
README.md Updates links to use the new protobuf.dev site, and adds a link to the new version support page. 2023-02-09 15:01:54 -08:00
SECURITY.md grammar nit 2021-08-13 14:50:07 -04:00
WORKSPACE Update dependency on com_google_googletest to use the newly added googletest_deps to install transitive dependencies. 2023-03-16 13:52:00 -07:00
appveyor.bat [dotnet, csharp] Run tests for supported platforms .NET 6, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (#12378) 2023-04-10 13:28:23 -07:00
appveyor.yml Upgrade to MSVC 2017 (#10437) 2022-08-22 14:29:12 -07:00
fix_permissions.sh Set execute bit on files if and only if they begin with (#!). (#7347) 2020-04-01 15:28:25 -07:00
generate_changelog.py Sync from Piper @484138213 2022-10-26 20:10:29 -07:00
generate_descriptor_proto.sh Migrate remaining macOS tests to GHA actions 2023-02-02 15:54:29 -08:00
global.json Update .NET SDKs to LTS versions 2021-11-10 08:49:53 +13:00
google3_export_generated_files.sh Bump protobuf to latest upb version. 2023-01-14 00:11:12 -08:00
maven_install.json Re-attach OSGI headers to lite,core, and util. This information was dropped in the move from maven to bazel. 2023-03-21 07:35:58 -07:00
protobuf.bzl Add missing mnemonic on a couple of proto compilation actions. 2023-01-17 11:00:10 -08:00
protobuf_deps.bzl sync to current upb and enable new unit test on upb 2023-03-22 12:36:44 -07:00
protobuf_release.bzl Update protobuf_version.bzl to separate protoc and per-language java major version (#9900) 2022-05-03 11:58:31 -04:00
protobuf_version.bzl Merge 22.x back to main (#12200) 2023-03-10 13:25:18 -08:00
regenerate_stale_files.sh [ObjC] Set up a stateless test for the WKTs. 2023-02-10 14:12:37 -08:00
update_subtrees.sh Merge branch 'main' into utf8_range_dep 2023-01-19 18:11:34 -08:00
version.json Undo ruby major version bump based on discussions with cloud team. 2023-01-31 12:13:23 -08:00


Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format

Copyright 2008 Google Inc.


Protocol Buffers (a.k.a., protobuf) are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. You can learn more about it in protobuf's documentation.

This README file contains protobuf installation instructions. To install protobuf, you need to install the protocol compiler (used to compile .proto files) and the protobuf runtime for your chosen programming language.

Protocol Compiler Installation

The protocol compiler is written in C++. If you are using C++, please follow the C++ Installation Instructions to install protoc along with the C++ runtime.

For non-C++ users, the simplest way to install the protocol compiler is to download a pre-built binary from our GitHub release page.

In the downloads section of each release, you can find pre-built binaries in zip packages: protoc-$VERSION-$PLATFORM.zip. It contains the protoc binary as well as a set of standard .proto files distributed along with protobuf.

If you are looking for an old version that is not available in the release page, check out the Maven repository.

These pre-built binaries are only provided for released versions. If you want to use the github main version at HEAD, or you need to modify protobuf code, or you are using C++, it's recommended to build your own protoc binary from source.

If you would like to build protoc binary from source, see the C++ Installation Instructions.

Protobuf Runtime Installation

Protobuf supports several different programming languages. For each programming language, you can find instructions in the corresponding source directory about how to install protobuf runtime for that specific language:

Language Source
C++ (include C++ runtime and protoc) src
Java java
Python python
Objective-C objectivec
C# csharp
Ruby ruby
Go protocolbuffers/protobuf-go
PHP php
Dart dart-lang/protobuf
Javascript protocolbuffers/protobuf-javascript

Quick Start

The best way to learn how to use protobuf is to follow the tutorials in our developer guide.

If you want to learn from code examples, take a look at the examples in the examples directory.


The complete documentation is available at the Protocol Buffers doc site.

Support Policy

Read about our version support policy to stay current on support timeframes for the language libraries.

Developer Community

To be alerted to upcoming changes in Protocol Buffers and connect with protobuf developers and users, join the Google Group.