Updated freshness on several docs, and made some minor updates to the content.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 604993985
Joshua Haberman 2024-02-07 08:36:04 -08:00 committed by Copybara-Service
parent f55a9b4936
commit ffd7e1702a
1 changed files with 20 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Document freshness: For more information, see go/fresh-source.
freshness: { owner: 'haberman' reviewed: '2022-05-08' }
freshness: { owner: 'haberman' reviewed: '2024-02-05' }
Since upb is written in pure C, we supplement the
@ -47,19 +47,31 @@ PyObject* PyUpb_CMessage_GetAttr(PyObject* _self, PyObject* attr);
### Private Functions and Members
Since we do not have `private` in C++, we use a leading underscore convention
to mark internal functions and variables that should only be accessed from
Since we do not have `private` in C++, we use the `UPB_PRIVATE()` macro to mark
internal functions and variables that should only be accessed from upb:
// Internal-only function.
int64_t _upb_Int64_FromLL();
int64_t UPB_PRIVATE(upb_Int64_FromLL)();
// Internal-only members. Underscore prefixes are only necessary when the
// structure is defined in a header file.
typedef struct {
const int32_t* _values; // List of values <0 or >63
uint64_t _mask; // Bits are set for acceptable value 0 <= x < 64
int _value_count;
const int32_t* UPB_PRIVATE(values);
uint64_t UPB_PRIVATE(mask);
int UPB_PRIVATE(value_count);
} upb_MiniTableEnum;
// Using these members in an internal function.
int upb_SomeFunction(const upb_MiniTableEnum* e) {
return e->UPB_PRIVATE(value_count);
This prevents users from accessing these symbols, because `UPB_PRIVATE()`
is defined in `port_def.inc` and undefined in `port_undef.inc`, and these
textual headers are not accessible by users.
It is only necessary to use `UPB_PRIVATE()` for things defined in headers.
For symbols in `.c` files, it is sufficient to mark private functions with