raze: update to raze-1.9.1

Raze 1.9.1

  * account for resorted directories when accessing the local file
    path array in file_directory.cpp. This fixes issues with wrong
    data being loaded from directories.

 Changelog from 1.9.0:

  * fixed autoaiming. The WW2GI pistol check was completely wrong. :(
  * perform music volume lookup by lump number instead of name. This
    way any setting will work for both short and long file names.
  * do music volume adjustment by modifying the raw waveform data to
    get around the clamping of AL_GAIN.
  * fixed: The generic sound loader for SNDINFO must use
    S_LookupSound to match the feature set of the game specific code.
  * added missing null check in clipmove. This only very rarely
    triggered for Blood's projectiles, no other things use this code
  * Duke: Fixed statnum for the geisha statues.
  * RR: fixed bad destination name for one Route66 sound
  * Blood: fixed cutscene sound not playing when starting a map from
    the console.
  * RR: Set Route66's Gator's size explicitly. The CON code for this
    sets its correct size with 'sizeto' which is an animating
    instruction so it is clearly visible when they shrink to their
    proper size.
  * internal FileSystem rewrite.
  * RR: fixed typo in spawn list.
  * RR: fixed secret trigger reporting.
  * fixed: Resource IDs for sounds must be unique. If an ID gets used
    it must be taken off any other sound that has it.
  * SW: fix vertical spread for the Uzi
  * fixed case mapping for Georgian script.
  * Duke: fixed keycard colors on alt. HUD.
  * Exhumed: fix crash on bad player animation sequence.
  * Duke: remove setting the xflip flag for sprites rendered in a
    mirror. The new renderer handles this internally so this flag
    will just un-flip the sprite again.
  * fix ChangeLevel when called for ending the game.
  * reverted some unstable changes from 1.8.x.

Raze 1.9.0

Lots of bugfixes.
This also reverts some organizational changes from 1.8 that proved
to be too unstable and were causing countless bug reports.
Yorick Hardy 2024-01-23 10:12:21 +02:00
parent 506169f67d
commit 77e51675e6
4 changed files with 38 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ PKGNAME= raze-${DISTNAME}
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org

View File

@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
BLAKE2s (Raze/1.8.1.tar.gz) = 8abfa0b3e59a7f761a5b06710a31ccba73d7a77497465e95195f2a604b3a17fc
SHA512 (Raze/1.8.1.tar.gz) = 60e9f2499d4605bda30a6328fee0fdbcb9e543f9601a62a24fea21dcd2f6a601ffbaf972efd4af7103717af006a2dff3aae3b5fa522542867d8c187c16fd91de
Size (Raze/1.8.1.tar.gz) = 18326513 bytes
BLAKE2s (Raze/1.9.1.tar.gz) = 6157042ee7c48c117150c8bebdcb8c3c2b362787643a734151c852c33f4623df
SHA512 (Raze/1.9.1.tar.gz) = 7786ddf01d568f2ca23d55ee46934e94fa0cc6c6905e08f52381cfd975a51d64651c4dada60fd86b22b977e1d46d0d570f08370e5b67fd1cc43c36afa5a88b78
Size (Raze/1.9.1.tar.gz) = 18494171 bytes
SHA1 (patch-libraries_ZVulkan_CMakeLists.txt) = 7600c20a8a421686bceeb3ad0623ac1a7c329bb3
SHA1 (patch-source_CMakeLists.txt) = 6307c68b08138bddafc5ecfea2f550c1e1c68699
SHA1 (patch-source_common_audio_music_i__music.h) = bee5cefbc98fff6464ff829223c0d710c5b3207b
SHA1 (patch-source_common_engine_files.h) = 0c7a8f38e7600c61a5cd213a0f156c88461fa884
SHA1 (patch-source_common_engine_palettecontainer.cpp) = e9b8a76dae41ab9e5e0f79f56bfe1e783626cd7d
SHA1 (patch-source_common_objects_autosegs.cpp) = a3d568441d4c13543a36ef43a168153ec9e37c97
SHA1 (patch-source_common_objects_autosegs.h) = 26b7e4ca2de35d260a10596a421f5bd91bd17565
SHA1 (patch-source_common_textures_bitmap.h) = 46857773c2ef73c6ce56861e173521d3fcb59c36
SHA1 (patch-source_common_utility_engineerrors.cpp) = 09e9dc7330094e8584e6d55647ef794f0f865a83
SHA1 (patch-source_common_utility_gitinfo.cpp) = e525ca850a5b5a138ef0ce1125e8960a914a945d
SHA1 (patch-source_common_utility_palette.cpp) = d9085817ae0a6ffa9e0c9e839a8f569d3de76699
SHA1 (patch-source_core_gameconfigfile.cpp) = 46ddce26760e50cf90375a66835557b9d33ea0b5
SHA1 (patch-source_games_blood_src_nnexts.cpp) = 09c29fdae8228dc82555f722b3907355bd1b3106

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Add a missing include for source/common/utility/writezip.cpp.
--- source/common/engine/files.h.orig 2024-01-01 06:47:40.000000000 +0000
+++ source/common/engine/files.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "fs_files.h"
+#include "fs_decompress.h"
using FileSys::FileReader;
using FileSys::FileWriter;
-using FileSys::BufferWriter;
\ No newline at end of file
+using FileSys::BufferWriter;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Don't return the git version (this is not a git checkout), use the
--- source/common/utility/gitinfo.cpp.orig 2024-01-17 17:21:01.292994816 +0000
+++ source/common/utility/gitinfo.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
const char *GetGitDescription()
+ return "\0";
const char *GetGitHash()