
887 lines
32 KiB

;; -*- lisp-data -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; List of packages.
;; The list is made of elements of the form (NAME . PLIST)
;; Every package needs a corresponding Git branch in the repository
;; with name `externals/NAME`.
;; See "Specifications" in the admin/README file for the properties
;; that can be used in PLIST.
(adoc-mode :url "")
(beancount :url ""
:readme "")
(afternoon-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("*.png"))
(alect-themes :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "tests" "Makefile" "colors"))
(ample-theme :url "")
(annotate :url ""
:news ""
:readme "")
(anti-zenburn-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("anti-zenburn-snapshot.jpeg"))
(anzu :url ""
:readme ""
:news "Changes"
:ignored-files (".github" "image" "Cask" "Makefile"))
(apache-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(apropospriate-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("*.png"))
(arduino-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("Cask"))
(auto-dim-other-buffers :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "screenshot.gif"))
(autothemer :url ""
:readme "")
(base32 :url ""
:ignored-files ("totp-auth*.el" "Makefile" "*.md" "*.html" "tests" "README")
:readme ignore ;; The README is for `totp-auth'.
:version-map (("0.2" "1.0" "v1.0")))
(bash-completion :url ""
:readme "")
(better-jumper :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(bind-map :url ""
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "Cask" "LICENSE"))
(bison-mode :url "")
(blow :url "")
(blueprint-ts-mode :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(boxquote :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING"))
(buttercup :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(camera :url "")
(caml :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING")
;; The version 4.7.1 from Melpa-stable seems to correspond to
;; revision a9134009.
;; :version-map ((nil "4.7.1" "a9134009bd037a39cbda21806867d0534d340bca"))
(cdlatex :url "")
(cider :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "doc" "logo" "refcard" "test")
:news "")
(clojure-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("clojure-mode-extra-font-locking.el" "doc" "test" "test.clj")
:news "")
(clojure-ts-mode :url ""
:readme ""
:news "")
(coffee-mode :url "")
(consult-flycheck :url "")
(corfu-terminal :url "")
(crux :url ""
:readme ""
:news "")
(cyberpunk-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("cyberpunk-theme.png" ""))
(cycle-at-point :url ""
:readme "readme.rst"
:ignored-files (".elisp-autofmt" "LICENSE" "tests"))
(d-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "coverage" "tests-todo" "tests" "Cask" "Makefile" "d-mode-tests.el"))
(dart-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "test" "Cask" "Makefile")
:news "")
(denote-refs :url "")
(devhelp :url "")
(devil :url ""
:readme ""
:news ""
:doc "")
(diff-ansi :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
;; (dirvish :url "")
(doc-show-inline :url ""
:news "changelog.rst")
(dockerfile-mode :url "")
(dracula-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("" "screenshot.png" "" "test-profile.el"))
(drupal-mode :url ""
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "COPYING" "Cask"))
(eat :url ""
:doc "eat.texi")
(edit-indirect :url "")
(editorconfig :url ""
:doc "doc/editorconfig.texi"
:news ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "bin" "ert-tests"))
;; (el-mock :url "")
(elixir-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("tests" "Eldev")
:news "")
(elpher :url ""
:doc "elpher.texi"
:ignored-files ("Makefile" "" "RELEASE" ""))
(emacsql :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files (".github" "Makefile" "tests"))
(engine-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("doc/demo.gif"))
(evil :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "lib" "scripts")
:doc "doc/build/texinfo/evil.texi")
(evil-anzu :url ""
:readme ""
:news "Changes"
:ignored-files ("image" "Cask"))
(evil-args :url ""
:readme "")
(evil-escape :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(evil-exchange :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "Cask" "test" "Makefile"))
(evil-goggles :url ""
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "test" "Makefile"))
(evil-iedit-state :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(evil-indent-plus :url ""
:readme "")
(evil-lisp-state :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files "LICENSE")
(evil-matchit :url ""
:ignored-files ("tests" "Makefile" "screencast.gif"))
(evil-nerd-commenter :url ""
:ignored-files ("tests" "Makefile" "evil-nerd-commenter-demo.gif" ""))
(evil-numbers :url ""
:news ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING"))
(evil-surround :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("" "test"))
(evil-visual-mark-mode :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(evil-visualstar :url ""
:readme "")
(exec-path-from-shell :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" "Makefile"))
(flx :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "LICENSE"
"flx-ido.el" "misc/flx-ido-demo.el" "misc/flx-test-list.el"))
(flx-ido :url ""
:readme ignore
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "Cask" "LICENSE" "tests" "Makefile"
"flx.el" "misc/flx-helm-demo.el" "misc/flx-test-list.el"))
(flycheck :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" "maint" "test" "Makefile" "doc"))
;; (flymake-collection :url ""
;; ;; :shell-command "emacs --batch -l package --eval '(package-generate-autoloads `flymake-collection-checkers \"src/checkers/\")'"
;; :make "checkers-autoloads"
;; :lisp-dir "src")
(flymake-guile :url "")
(flymake-kondor :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING.txt"))
(flymake-popon :url "")
(focus :url ""
:ignored-files ("*.gif"))
(forth-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("test" "Makefile" "compile.el"))
(free-keys :url "")
(gc-buffers :url "")
(geiser :url ""
:lisp-dir "elisp"
:readme ""
:doc "doc/geiser.texi")
(geiser-chez :url "")
(geiser-chibi :url "")
(geiser-chicken :url "")
(geiser-gambit :url "")
(geiser-gauche :url "")
(geiser-guile :url "")
(geiser-kawa :url ""
:lisp-dir "elisp"
:ignored-files ("elisp/tests"))
(geiser-mit :url "")
(geiser-racket :url "")
(geiser-stklos :url "")
(git-commit :url ""
:lisp-dir "lisp"
("LICENSE" ".github" ".mailsdopcmap"
"docs" "Makefile" "" "lisp/Makefile" "lisp/*-pkg.el" "test"
"" ""
"lisp/git-rebase.el" "lisp/magit-*.el" "lisp/magit.el"))
(git-modes :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".mailmap"))
(gnu-apl-mode :url ""
;; :doc "texi/gnu-apl-mode.texi" ; the manual is currently empty
:ignored-files ("Makefile"))
(gnu-indent :url "")
(gnuplot :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "Makefile" "gpelcard.tex")
:news "")
(go-mode :url ""
:ignored-files (""))
(golden-ratio :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(gotham-theme :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("img" "LICENSE"))
(goto-chg :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(gptel :url ""
:readme ignore)
(graphql-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("test"))
(gruber-darker-theme :url ""
:readme "")
(gruvbox-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("images" "palette"))
(guru-mode :url "")
(haml-mode :url ""
;; The version attribute is set to "0", yet the the maintainer(s?)
;; seem unresponsive (
;; and thus the package isn't published on the main archive. We
;; manually set the latest commit to a proper version number:
:version-map (("0" "3.1.10" "bf5b6c11b1206759d2b28af48765e04882dd1fc4")))
(haskell-mode :url ""
:doc "doc/haskell-mode.texi"
:ignored-files ("images" "test" "logo.svg"))
(haskell-tng-mode :url ""
:ignored-files "COPYING")
(helm :url ""
:ignored-files ("images" "Cask" "Makefile" "" "helm-core.el" "helm.el"
"helm-lib.el" "helm-source.el" "helm-multi-match.el"))
(helm-core :url ""
:ignored-files ("images" "Cask" "Makefile" "" "helm-adaptive.el"
"helm-bookmark.el" "helm-buffers.el" "helm-color.el" "helm-comint.el"
"helm-command.el" "helm-config.el" "helm-dabbrev.el" "helm-easymenu.el"
"helm-elisp.el" "helm-elisp-package.el" "helm-epa.el" "helm-eshell.el"
"helm-eval.el" "helm-external.el" "helm-fd.el" "helm-files.el" "helm-find.el"
"helm-font.el" "helm-for-files.el" "helm-global-bindings.el" "helm-grep.el"
"helm-help.el" "helm-id-utils.el" "helm-imenu.el" "helm-info.el" "helm-locate.el"
"helm-man.el" "helm-misc.el" "helm-mode.el" "helm-net.el" "helm-occur.el"
"helm-pkg.el" "helm-regexp.el" "helm-ring.el" "helm-semantic.el" "helm-shell.el"
"helm-sys.el" "helm-tags.el" "helm-types.el" "helm-utils.el" "helm-x-files.el"))
(highlight-parentheses :url ""
:branch "main"
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(hl-block-mode :url "")
(hl-column :url "")
(htmlize :url ""
:ignored-files ("htmlize.el.html")
:release-branch "stable")
(hyperdrive :url ""
:readme ""
:news ""
:release-branch "stable"
:doc "doc/")
(idle-highlight-mode :url ""
:ignored-files (".elisp-autofmt"))
(idris-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "test-data" "Makefile" "documentation.tex"
"logo-small.png" "idris-tests*.el")
:news "CHANGES.markdown")
(iedit :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "iedit-demo.gif" ""))
(inf-clojure :url ""
:ignored-files ("test")
:news "")
(inf-ruby :url "")
(inkpot-theme :url "")
(iwindow :url "")
(j-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(jade-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("test" "Cask" "Makefile" "example.jade" "example.json"
(jinja2-mode :url "")
(julia-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("julia-mode-tests.el" "logo.png")
:news "")
(keycast :url ""
:ignored-files ("Makefile"))
(kotlin-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("doc" "test" "Cask" "Makefile"))
(lorem-ipsum :url ""
:readme "")
(lua-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "test" "travis" "init-tryout.el"))
(macrostep :url ""
:ignored-files ("macrostep-test.el"))
(magit :url ""
:lisp-dir "lisp"
:doc "docs/magit.texi"
:renames (("docs/" ""))
("LICENSE" ".github" ".mailmap"
"docs" "Makefile" "" "lisp/Makefile" "lisp/*-pkg.el" "test"
"lisp/git-commit.el" "lisp/magit-libgit.el" "lisp/magit-section.el"))
(magit-section :url ""
:lisp-dir "lisp"
:doc "docs/magit-section.texi"
:renames (("docs/" ""))
("LICENSE" ".github" ".mailmap"
"docs" "Makefile" "" "lisp/Makefile" "lisp/*-pkg.el" "test"
"" ""
"lisp/git-commit.el" "lisp/git-rebase.el" "lisp/magit-apply.el"
"lisp/magit-autoloads.el" "lisp/magit-autorevert.el" "lisp/magit-bisect.el"
"lisp/magit-base.el" "lisp/magit-blame.el" "lisp/magit-bookmark.el"
"lisp/magit-branch.el" "lisp/magit-bundle.el"
"lisp/magit-clone.el" "lisp/magit-commit.el" "lisp/magit-core.el"
"lisp/magit-diff.el" "lisp/magit-ediff.el" "lisp/magit.el"
"lisp/magit-extras.el" "lisp/magit-fetch.el" "lisp/magit-files.el"
"lisp/magit-git.el" "lisp/magit-gitignore.el" "lisp/magit-imenu.el"
"lisp/magit-libgit.el" "lisp/magit-log.el" "lisp/magit-margin.el"
"lisp/magit-merge.el" "lisp/magit-mode.el" "lisp/magit-notes.el"
"lisp/magit-obsolete.el" "lisp/magit-patch.el" "lisp/magit-process.el"
"lisp/magit-pull.el" "lisp/magit-push.el" "lisp/magit-reflog.el"
"lisp/magit-refs.el" "lisp/magit-remote.el" "lisp/magit-repos.el"
"lisp/magit-reset.el" "lisp/magit-sequence.el"
"lisp/magit-sparse-checkout.el" "lisp/magit-stash.el"
"lisp/magit-status.el" "lisp/magit-submodule.el" "lisp/magit-subtree.el"
"lisp/magit-tag.el" "lisp/magit-transient.el" "lisp/magit-utils.el"
"lisp/magit-wip.el" "lisp/magit-worktree.el"))
(markdown-mode :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("scripts" "tests" "Makefile" "")
:news ""
;; Not needed any more:
;; :dont-release "-dev\\'"
:news "")
(mastodon :url ""
:branch ;; "develop"
;; :release-branch
:lisp-dir "lisp"
:doc "mastodon.texi"
:readme "")
(material-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("*.png")
:readme ""
:news "")
(mentor :url "")
(meow :url ""
:readme ""
:news "")
(minibar :url "")
(moe-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("pics" "LICENSE"))
(monokai-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("" "assets"))
(mpv :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING"))
(multiple-cursors :url ""
:ignored-files ("features"))
(nasm-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("Makefile"))
(nginx-mode :url "")
(nix-mode :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" "tests" "Cask" "*.nix" "*.lock")
:news "")
;; FIXME: The Notmuch package is currently not suited to (Non)GNU ELPA for
;; various reasons:
;; - The main one is that the Emacs code needs to be in-sync with the non-Emacs
;; code, so installing this separately can be a problem. For the same
;; reason the upstream recommends against installing from MELPA. It's
;; a recurring source of problem.
;; - The upstream Git branch includes the whole of Notmuch rather than just
;; the part we need for (Non)GNU ELPA, so it needlessly bloats nognu.git
;; and
;; - Various more minor issues about the format and the requirements
;; to build the tarballs, which haven't been worked out yet.
;; (notmuch :url ""
;; :lisp-dir "emacs"
;; :ignored-files
;; ("emacs/make-deps.el" "emacs/Makefile*" "emacs/*.tmpl" "emacs/rstdoc.*"
;; "emacs/notmuch-emacs-mua*" "bindings" "compat" "completion" "contrib"
;; "debian" "devel" "doc" "lib" "packaging" "parse-time-string" "COPYING"
;; "performance-test" "test" "util" "vim" "*.c" "*.h" "configure"
;; "INSTALL" "Makefile*" "README.rst" "" "version.txt"
;; ".travis.yml" "sh.config" "sphinx.config" ".mailmap" "COPYING-GPL-3")
;; :make ("emacs/notmuch-pkg.el" "emacs/notmuch-version.el")
;; :version-map ((nil "0.37" "????")))
(oblivion-theme :url "")
(opam-switch-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE")
:readme "")
(org-auto-tangle :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files (""))
(org-contrib :url ""
:lisp-dir "lisp"
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" ""))
(org-drill :url ""
:ignored-files (".gitlab-ci.yml" "Cask"))
(org-journal :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" ".travis.yml" "Makefile" "org-journal.svg" "tests"))
(org-mime :url ""
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "Makefile" "screenshot.png" "test"))
(org-present :url ""
:readme "")
(org-superstar :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".github" "demos" "tests" "" "sample_image.png"))
(org-tree-slide :url ""
:news "ChangeLog"
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".github"))
(orgit :url "")
(p4-16-mode :url "")
(package-lint :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" "batch-tests" "tools" "package-lint-test.el" ""))
(pacmacs :url ""
:ignored-files ("it-cases" "sprites/src" "test-data" "test" "tools"
".travis.yml" "Cask"))
(page-break-lines :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" "Makefile" "*.png"))
(paredit :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "" "" "test.el"))
(parseclj :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "test")
:news "")
(parseedn :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("test")
:news "")
(pcmpl-args :url ""
:readme "")
(pcre2el :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files (".travis.yml" "pcre2el-tests.el"))
(pdf-tools :url ""
:news "NEWS"
:readme ""
:lisp-dir "lisp"
:ignored-files ("COPYING"))
(php-mode :url ""
:lisp-dir "lisp"
:news ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(popon :url "")
(popup :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
;; (prescient :url "")
(projectile :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "doc" "test")
:news "")
(proof-general :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "ci")
:news "CHANGES"
:doc "doc/ProofGeneral.texi")
(prop-menu :url ""
:ignored-files ("Makefile" "prop-menu-tests.el"))
(racket-mode :url ""
:doc "doc/racket-mode.texi"
:rolling-release "1")
(rainbow-delimiters :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" ".github" "rainbow-delimiters-test.el" ""))
(raku-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("test" "Cask" "Makefile" "npq-mode.el")
:news "")
(recomplete :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt"))
(reformatter :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" "Makefile" "*-tests.el"))
(request :url ""
:ignored-files ("tests" "doc" "COPYING"))
(rfc-mode :url ""
:readme ""
:news "")
(rubocop :url "")
(rust-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("test-*" "triagebot.toml" "*.sh"))
(sass-mode :url "")
(scad-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE")
:readme "")
(scala-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "test" "Cask" "Makefile"))
(scroll-on-drag :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt"))
(scroll-on-jump :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt"))
(sesman :url ""
:ignored-files ("targets"))
(shellcop :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "demo.png"))
;; FIXME: Upstream has accidentally diverged, see
(slime :url ""
;; According to `git log -- NEWS`, seems to be the closest to "maintainer".
:maintainer "Stas Boukarev <>"
;; FIXME: Apparently upstream is not cooperative enough :-(
:doc "doc/slime.texi")
(sly :url ""
:doc "doc/sly.texi"
;; Not needed any more:
;; :version-map (("1.0.0-beta-3" "1.0.0beta3"))
(smartparens :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "dev" "doc" "images" "test")
;; See
;; Until a version tag is added, the commit of the latest tag is
;; used to mark the last stable release:
:version-map ((nil "1.11.0" "4873352b5d0a1c5142658122de1b6950b8fe7e4d")))
(solarized-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("child-theme-example" "colorlab" "dev-emacs.d"
"Cask" "Makefile"))
(spacemacs-theme :url ""
;; :main-file "spacemacs-common.el"
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "img"))
(spell-fu :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt")
:news "changelog.rst")
(sqlite3 :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "tests" "tools"))
(stylus-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("test" "Cask" "Makefile" "example.jade" "example.json"
(subatomic-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("readme-files"))
(subed :url ""
:lisp-dir "subed"
:ignored-files "LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt")
(sweeprolog :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE")
:doc "sweep.texi")
(swift-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "scripts" "test" "Eldev" "Makefile"))
;; Renamed to `window-commander` and moved to GNU ELPA.
;;(swsw :url ""
;; :readme ignore
;; :doc "swsw.texi"
;; :news "NEWS")
(symbol-overlay :url ""
:ignored-files ("*.png"))
(systemd :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "test" "Makefile"))
(tablist :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING"))
(tangotango-theme :url ""
:ignored-files ("color-theme-tangotango.el" "screenshots"))
(telephone-line :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "screenshots"))
(testcover-mark-line :url "")
(textile-mode :url "")
(toc-org :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" ".travis.yml" "toc-org-test.el"))
(totp-auth :url ""
:ignored-files ("base32.el" "Makefile" "*.md" "*.html" "tests")
:version-map (("0.4" "1.0" "v1.0")))
(treeview :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(tuareg :url ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING"))
(typescript-mode :url ""
:ignored-files (".github" "Cask" "Dockerfile" "Makefile" "*test*"))
(ujelly-theme :url "")
(undo-fu :url ""
:ignored-files (".elisp-autofmt" "LICENSE")
:news "changelog.rst")
(undo-fu-session :url ""
:ignored-files (".elisp-autofmt" "LICENSE")
:news "changelog.rst")
(vc-fossil :url "")
(vcomplete :url ""
:readme ignore
:doc "vcomplete.texi"
:news "NEWS")
(visual-fill-column :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("Cask" "LICENSE" "adaptive-wrap.png" "after.png" "before.png"
"centered.png" "no-adaptive-wrap.png" "test" ))
;; (vm :url "bzr::"
;; :lisp-dir "lisp")
(web-mode :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "issues" "tests" ""))
(webpaste :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE"))
(wfnames :url "")
(wgrep :url ""
:ignored-files "COPYING")
(why-this :url "")
(with-editor :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "htmlxref.cnf" ".travis.yml" ".mailmap" "Makefile")
:lisp-dir "lisp"
:doc "docs/with-editor.texi")
(with-simulated-input :url "")
(workroom :url ""
:doc "workroom.texi")
(writegood-mode :url ""
:readme "")
(ws-butler :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("COPYING" "tests" "Makefile" ".travis.yml"))
(xah-fly-keys :url ""
:ignored-files ("*.png"))
(xkcd :url ""
:readme ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" ".travis.yml" "images"))
(xml-rpc :url ""
:readme "")
(yaml-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE.txt" "test-files" "Makefile")
:news "Changes")
(yasnippet-snippets :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "report" "snippets.html"))
(zenburn-theme :url ""
:news ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "screenshots"))
(zig-mode :url ""
:ignored-files ("LICENSE" "appveyor.yml" "" "tests.el"))
;; Local Variables:
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End: