
2195 lines
107 KiB

* Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "account.h"
#include "discovery.h"
#include "common/filesystembase.h"
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "syncfileitem.h"
#include "progressdispatcher.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <algorithm>
#include <QEventLoop>
#include <QDir>
#include <set>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include "vio/csync_vio_local.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QFile>
#include <QThreadPool>
#include <common/checksums.h>
#include <common/constants.h>
#include "csync_exclude.h"
#include "csync.h"
constexpr const char *editorNamesForDelayedUpload[] = {"PowerPDF"};
constexpr const char *fileExtensionsToCheckIfOpenForSigning[] = {".pdf"};
constexpr auto delayIntervalForSyncRetryForOpenedForSigningFilesSeconds = 60;
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcDisco, "nextcloud.sync.discovery", QtInfoMsg)
ProcessDirectoryJob::ProcessDirectoryJob(DiscoveryPhase *data, PinState basePinState, qint64 lastSyncTimestamp, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _lastSyncTimestamp(lastSyncTimestamp)
, _discoveryData(data)
qCDebug(lcDisco) << data;
ProcessDirectoryJob::ProcessDirectoryJob(const PathTuple &path, const SyncFileItemPtr &dirItem, QueryMode queryLocal, QueryMode queryServer, qint64 lastSyncTimestamp, ProcessDirectoryJob *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _dirItem(dirItem)
, _lastSyncTimestamp(lastSyncTimestamp)
, _queryServer(queryServer)
, _queryLocal(queryLocal)
, _discoveryData(parent->_discoveryData)
, _currentFolder(path)
qCDebug(lcDisco) << path._server << queryServer << path._local << queryLocal << lastSyncTimestamp;
ProcessDirectoryJob::ProcessDirectoryJob(DiscoveryPhase *data, PinState basePinState, const PathTuple &path, const SyncFileItemPtr &dirItem, QueryMode queryLocal, qint64 lastSyncTimestamp, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _dirItem(dirItem)
, _lastSyncTimestamp(lastSyncTimestamp)
, _queryLocal(queryLocal)
, _discoveryData(data)
, _currentFolder(path)
void ProcessDirectoryJob::start()
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "STARTING" << _currentFolder._server << _queryServer << _currentFolder._local << _queryLocal;
_discoveryData->_noCaseConflictRecordsInDb = _discoveryData->_statedb->caseClashConflictRecordPaths().isEmpty();
if (_queryServer == NormalQuery) {
_serverJob = startAsyncServerQuery();
} else {
_serverQueryDone = true;
// Check whether a normal local query is even necessary
if (_queryLocal == NormalQuery) {
if (!_discoveryData->_shouldDiscoverLocaly(_currentFolder._local)
&& (_currentFolder._local == _currentFolder._original || !_discoveryData->_shouldDiscoverLocaly(_currentFolder._original))
&& !_discoveryData->isInSelectiveSyncBlackList(_currentFolder._original)) {
_queryLocal = ParentNotChanged;
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "adjusted discovery policy" << _currentFolder._server << _queryServer << _currentFolder._local << _queryLocal;
if (_queryLocal == NormalQuery) {
} else {
_localQueryDone = true;
if (_localQueryDone && _serverQueryDone) {
void ProcessDirectoryJob::process()
ASSERT(_localQueryDone && _serverQueryDone);
// Build lookup tables for local, remote and db entries.
// For suffix-virtual files, the key will normally be the base file name
// without the suffix.
// However, if foo and foo.owncloud exists locally, there'll be "foo"
// with local, db, server entries and "foo.owncloud" with only a local
// entry.
std::map<QString, Entries> entries;
for (auto &e : _serverNormalQueryEntries) {
entries[].serverEntry = std::move(e);
// fetch all the name from the DB
auto pathU8 = _currentFolder._original.toUtf8();
if (!_discoveryData->_statedb->listFilesInPath(pathU8, [&](const SyncJournalFileRecord &rec) {
auto name = pathU8.isEmpty() ? rec._path : QString::fromUtf8(rec._path.constData() + (pathU8.size() + 1));
if (rec.isVirtualFile() && isVfsWithSuffix())
auto &dbEntry = entries[name].dbEntry;
dbEntry = rec;
})) {
for (auto &e : _localNormalQueryEntries) {
entries[].localEntry = e;
if (isVfsWithSuffix()) {
// For vfs-suffix the local data for suffixed files should usually be associated
// with the non-suffixed name. Unless both names exist locally or there's
// other data about the suffixed file.
// This is done in a second path in order to not depend on the order of
// _localNormalQueryEntries.
for (auto &e : _localNormalQueryEntries) {
if (!e.isVirtualFile)
auto &suffixedEntry = entries[];
bool hasOtherData = suffixedEntry.serverEntry.isValid() || suffixedEntry.dbEntry.isValid();
auto nonvirtualName =;
auto &nonvirtualEntry = entries[nonvirtualName];
// If the non-suffixed entry has no data, move it
if (!nonvirtualEntry.localEntry.isValid()) {
std::swap(nonvirtualEntry.localEntry, suffixedEntry.localEntry);
if (!hasOtherData)
} else if (!hasOtherData) {
// Normally a lone local suffixed file would be processed under the
// unsuffixed name. In this special case it's under the suffixed name.
// To avoid lots of special casing, make sure PathTuple::addName()
// will be called with the unsuffixed name anyway.
suffixedEntry.nameOverride = nonvirtualName;
// Iterate over entries and process them
for (auto &f : entries) {
auto &e = f.second;
PathTuple path;
path = _currentFolder.addName(e.nameOverride.isEmpty() ? f.first : e.nameOverride);
if (!_discoveryData->_listExclusiveFiles.isEmpty() && !_discoveryData->_listExclusiveFiles.contains(path._server)) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Skipping a file:" << path._server << "as it is not listed in the _listExclusiveFiles";
if (isVfsWithSuffix()) {
// Without suffix vfs the paths would be good. But since the dbEntry and localEntry
// can have different names from f.first when suffix vfs is on, make sure the
// corresponding _original and _local paths are right.
if (e.dbEntry.isValid()) {
path._original = e.dbEntry._path;
} else if (e.localEntry.isVirtualFile) {
// We don't have a db entry - but it should be at this path
path._original = PathTuple::pathAppend(_currentFolder._original,;
if (e.localEntry.isValid()) {
path._local = PathTuple::pathAppend(_currentFolder._local,;
} else if (e.dbEntry.isVirtualFile()) {
// We don't have a local entry - but it should be at this path
// On the server the path is mangled in case of E2EE
if (!e.serverEntry.e2eMangledName.isEmpty()) {
const auto rootPath = _discoveryData->_remoteFolder.mid(1);
path._server = e.serverEntry.e2eMangledName.mid(rootPath.length());
// If the filename starts with a . we consider it a hidden file
// For windows, the hidden state is also discovered within the vio
// local stat function.
// Recall file shall not be ignored (#4420)
bool isHidden = e.localEntry.isHidden || (!f.first.isEmpty() && f.first[0] == '.' && f.first != QLatin1String(".sys.admin#recall#"));
if (handleExcluded(path._target, e, entries, isHidden))
const auto isEncryptedFolderButE2eIsNotSetup = e.serverEntry.isValid() && e.serverEntry.isE2eEncrypted() &&
_discoveryData->_account->e2e() && !_discoveryData->_account->e2e()->_publicKey.isNull() && _discoveryData->_account->e2e()->_privateKey.isNull();
if (isEncryptedFolderButE2eIsNotSetup) {
checkAndUpdateSelectiveSyncListsForE2eeFolders(path._server + "/");
if (_queryServer == InBlackList || _discoveryData->isInSelectiveSyncBlackList(path._original) || isEncryptedFolderButE2eIsNotSetup) {
processBlacklisted(path, e.localEntry, e.dbEntry);
// HACK: Sometimes the serverEntry.etag does not correctly have its quotation marks amputated in the string.
// We are once again making sure they are chopped off here, but we should really find the root cause for why
// exactly they are not being lobbed off at any of the prior points of processing.
e.serverEntry.etag = Utility::normalizeEtag(e.serverEntry.etag);
processFile(std::move(path), e.localEntry, e.serverEntry, e.dbEntry);
QTimer::singleShot(0, _discoveryData, &DiscoveryPhase::scheduleMoreJobs);
bool ProcessDirectoryJob::handleExcluded(const QString &path, const Entries &entries, const std::map<QString, Entries> &allEntries, bool isHidden)
const auto isDirectory = entries.localEntry.isDirectory || entries.serverEntry.isDirectory;
auto excluded = _discoveryData->_excludes->traversalPatternMatch(path, isDirectory ? ItemTypeDirectory : ItemTypeFile);
const auto fileName = path.mid(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (excluded == CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED) {
const auto endsWithSpace = fileName.endsWith(QLatin1Char(' '));
const auto startsWithSpace = fileName.startsWith(QLatin1Char(' '));
if (startsWithSpace && endsWithSpace) {
} else if (endsWithSpace) {
} else if (startsWithSpace) {
// we don't need to trigger a warning if trailing/leading space file is already on the server or has already been synced down
// only if the OS supports trailing/leading spaces
const auto wasSyncedAlreadyAndOsSupportsSpaces = !Utility::isWindows() && (entries.serverEntry.isValid() || entries.dbEntry.isValid());
&& (wasSyncedAlreadyAndOsSupportsSpaces || _discoveryData->_leadingAndTrailingSpacesFilesAllowed.contains(_discoveryData->_localDir + path))) {
// FIXME: move to ExcludedFiles 's regexp ?
bool isInvalidPattern = false;
if (excluded == CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED && !_discoveryData->_invalidFilenameRx.pattern().isEmpty()) {
if (path.contains(_discoveryData->_invalidFilenameRx)) {
isInvalidPattern = true;
if (excluded == CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED && _discoveryData->_ignoreHiddenFiles && isHidden) {
const auto &localName =;
if (excluded == CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED && !localName.isEmpty()
&& _discoveryData->_serverBlacklistedFiles.contains(localName)) {
isInvalidPattern = true;
auto localCodec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
if (!OCC::Utility::isWindows() && localCodec->mibEnum() != 106) {
// If the locale codec is not UTF-8, we must check that the filename from the server can
// be encoded in the local file system.
// (Note: on windows, the FS is always UTF-16, so we don't need to check) //
// We cannot use QTextCodec::canEncode() since that can incorrectly return true, see
QTextEncoder encoder(localCodec, QTextCodec::ConvertInvalidToNull);
if (encoder.fromUnicode(path).contains('\0')) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "Cannot encode " << path << " to local encoding " << localCodec->name();
if (excluded == CSYNC_NOT_EXCLUDED && !entries.localEntry.isSymLink) {
return false;
emit _discoveryData->silentlyExcluded(path);
return true;
auto item = SyncFileItemPtr::create();
item->_file = path;
item->_originalFile = path;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
if (excluded == CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_CASE_CLASH_CONFLICT && canRemoveCaseClashConflictedCopy(path, allEntries)) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
emit _discoveryData->itemDiscovered(item);
return true;
if (entries.localEntry.isSymLink) {
/* Symbolic links are ignored. */
item->_errorString = tr("Symbolic links are not supported in syncing.");
} else {
switch (excluded) {
qFatal("These were handled earlier");
item->_errorString = tr("File is listed on the ignore list.");
if (item->_file.endsWith('.')) {
item->_errorString = tr("File names ending with a period are not supported on this file system.");
} else {
char invalid = '\0';
foreach (char x, QByteArray("\\:?*\"<>|")) {
if (item->_file.contains(x)) {
invalid = x;
if (invalid) {
item->_errorString = tr("File names containing the character \"%1\" are not supported on this file system.").arg(QLatin1Char(invalid));
} else if (isInvalidPattern) {
item->_errorString = tr("File name contains at least one invalid character");
} else {
item->_errorString = tr("The file name is a reserved name on this file system.");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::FileNameInvalid;
item->_errorString = tr("Filename contains trailing spaces.");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::FileNameInvalid;
item->_errorString = tr("Filename contains leading spaces.");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::FileNameInvalid;
item->_errorString = tr("Filename contains leading and trailing spaces.");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::FileNameInvalid;
item->_errorString = tr("Filename is too long.");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::FileNameInvalid;
item->_errorString = tr("File/Folder is ignored because it's hidden.");
item->_errorString = tr("Stat failed.");
item->_errorString = tr("Conflict: Server version downloaded, local copy renamed and not uploaded.");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::Conflict;
item->_errorString = tr("Case Clash Conflict: Server file downloaded and renamed to avoid clash.");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::FileNameClash;
item->_errorString = tr("The filename cannot be encoded on your file system.");
item->_errorString = tr("The filename is blacklisted on the server.");
_childIgnored = true;
emit _discoveryData->itemDiscovered(item);
return true;
bool ProcessDirectoryJob::canRemoveCaseClashConflictedCopy(const QString &path, const std::map<QString, Entries> &allEntries)
const auto conflictRecord = _discoveryData->_statedb->caseConflictRecordByPath(path.toUtf8());
const auto originalBaseFileName = QFileInfo(QString(_discoveryData->_localDir + "/" + conflictRecord.initialBasePath)).fileName();
if (allEntries.find(originalBaseFileName) == allEntries.end()) {
// original entry is no longer on the server, remove conflicted copy
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "original entry:" << originalBaseFileName << "is no longer on the server, remove conflicted copy:" << path;
return true;
auto numMatchingEntries = 0;
for (auto it = allEntries.cbegin(); it != allEntries.cend(); ++it) {
if (it->, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 && it->second.serverEntry.isValid()) {
// only case-insensitive matching entries that are present on the server
if (numMatchingEntries >= 2) {
if (numMatchingEntries < 2) {
// original entry is present on the server but there is no case-clash conflict anymore, remove conflicted copy (only 1 matching file found during case-insensitive search)
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "original entry:" << originalBaseFileName << "is present on the server, but there is no case-clas conflict anymore, remove conflicted copy:" << path;
_discoveryData->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;
return true;
return false;
void ProcessDirectoryJob::checkAndUpdateSelectiveSyncListsForE2eeFolders(const QString &path)
bool ok = false;
const auto pathWithTrailingSpace = Utility::trailingSlashPath(path);
auto blackListSet = _discoveryData->_statedb->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, &ok).toSet();
auto blackList = blackListSet.values();
_discoveryData->_statedb->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList, blackList);
auto toRemoveFromBlacklistSet = _discoveryData->_statedb->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncE2eFoldersToRemoveFromBlacklist, &ok).toSet();
// record it into a separate list to automatically remove from blacklist once the e2EE gets set up
auto toRemoveFromBlacklist = toRemoveFromBlacklistSet.values();
_discoveryData->_statedb->setSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncE2eFoldersToRemoveFromBlacklist, toRemoveFromBlacklist);
void ProcessDirectoryJob::processFile(PathTuple path,
const LocalInfo &localEntry, const RemoteInfo &serverEntry,
const SyncJournalFileRecord &dbEntry)
const auto hasServer = serverEntry.isValid() ? "true" : _queryServer == ParentNotChanged ? "db" : "false";
const auto hasLocal = localEntry.isValid() ? "true" : _queryLocal == ParentNotChanged ? "db" : "false";
const auto serverFileIsLocked = (serverEntry.isValid() ? (serverEntry.locked == SyncFileItem::LockStatus::LockedItem ? "locked" : "not locked") : "");
const auto localFileIsLocked = dbEntry._lockstate._locked ? "locked" : "not locked";
const auto serverFileLockType = serverEntry.isValid() ? QString::number(static_cast<int>(serverEntry.lockOwnerType)) : QStringLiteral("");
const auto localFileLockType = dbEntry._lockstate._locked ? QString::number(static_cast<int>(dbEntry._lockstate._lockOwnerType)) : QStringLiteral("");
qCInfo(lcDisco).nospace() << "Processing " << path._original
<< " | (db/local/remote)"
<< " | valid: " << dbEntry.isValid() << "/" << hasLocal << "/" << hasServer
<< " | mtime: " << dbEntry._modtime << "/" << localEntry.modtime << "/" << serverEntry.modtime
<< " | size: " << dbEntry._fileSize << "/" << localEntry.size << "/" << serverEntry.size
<< " | etag: " << dbEntry._etag << "//" << serverEntry.etag
<< " | checksum: " << dbEntry._checksumHeader << "//" << serverEntry.checksumHeader
<< " | perm: " << dbEntry._remotePerm << "//" << serverEntry.remotePerm
<< " | fileid: " << dbEntry._fileId << "//" << serverEntry.fileId
<< " | type: " << dbEntry._type << "/" << localEntry.type << "/" << (serverEntry.isDirectory ? ItemTypeDirectory : ItemTypeFile)
<< " | e2ee: " << dbEntry.isE2eEncrypted() << "/" << serverEntry.isE2eEncrypted()
<< " | e2eeMangledName: " << dbEntry.e2eMangledName() << "/" << serverEntry.e2eMangledName
<< " | file lock: " << localFileIsLocked << "//" << serverFileIsLocked
<< " | file lock type: " << localFileLockType << "//" << serverFileLockType
<< " | metadata missing: /" << localEntry.isMetadataMissing << '/';
if (localEntry.isValid()
&& !serverEntry.isValid()
&& !dbEntry.isValid()
&& localEntry.modtime < _lastSyncTimestamp) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "File" << path._original << "was modified before the last sync run and is not in the sync journal and server";
if (_discoveryData->isRenamed(path._original)) {
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "Ignoring renamed";
return; // Ignore this.
const auto item = SyncFileItem::fromSyncJournalFileRecord(dbEntry);
item->_file = path._target;
item->_originalFile = path._original;
item->_previousSize = dbEntry._fileSize;
item->_previousModtime = dbEntry._modtime;
if (dbEntry._modtime == localEntry.modtime && dbEntry._type == ItemTypeVirtualFile && localEntry.type == ItemTypeFile) {
item->_type = ItemTypeFile;
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Changing item type from virtual to normal file" << item->_file;
// The item shall only have this type if the db request for the virtual download
// was successful (like: no conflicting remote remove etc). This decision is done
// either in processFileAnalyzeRemoteInfo() or further down here.
if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload)
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFile;
// Similarly db entries with a dehydration request denote a regular file
// until the request is processed.
if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration) {
item->_type = ItemTypeFile;
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Changing item type from virtual to normal file" << item->_file;
// VFS suffixed files on the server are ignored
if (isVfsWithSuffix()) {
if (hasVirtualFileSuffix(
|| (localEntry.isVirtualFile && !dbEntry.isVirtualFile() && hasVirtualFileSuffix(dbEntry._path))) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
item->_errorString = tr("File has extension reserved for virtual files.");
_childIgnored = true;
emit _discoveryData->itemDiscovered(item);
if (serverEntry.isValid()) {
processFileAnalyzeRemoteInfo(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry);
// Downloading a virtual file is like a server action and can happen even if
// server-side nothing has changed
// NOTE: Normally setting the VirtualFileDownload flag means that local and
// remote will be rediscovered. This is just a fallback for a similar check
// in processFileAnalyzeRemoteInfo().
if (_queryServer == ParentNotChanged
&& dbEntry.isValid()
&& (dbEntry._type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload
|| localEntry.type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload)
&& (localEntry.isValid() || _queryLocal == ParentNotChanged)) {
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload;
processFileAnalyzeLocalInfo(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry, _queryServer);
// Compute the checksum of the given file and assign the result in item->_checksumHeader
// Returns true if the checksum was successfully computed
static bool computeLocalChecksum(const QByteArray &header, const QString &path, const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
auto type = parseChecksumHeaderType(header);
if (!type.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: compute async?
QByteArray checksum = ComputeChecksum::computeNowOnFile(path, type);
if (!checksum.isEmpty()) {
item->_checksumHeader = makeChecksumHeader(type, checksum);
return true;
return false;
void ProcessDirectoryJob::postProcessServerNew(const SyncFileItemPtr &item,
PathTuple &path,
const LocalInfo &localEntry,
const RemoteInfo &serverEntry,
const SyncJournalFileRecord &dbEntry)
if (item->isDirectory()) {
[=](bool result) {
if (!result) {
processFileAnalyzeLocalInfo(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry, _queryServer);
QTimer::singleShot(0, _discoveryData, &DiscoveryPhase::scheduleMoreJobs);
// Turn new remote files into virtual files if the option is enabled.
const auto opts = _discoveryData->_syncOptions;
if (!localEntry.isValid() &&
item->_type == ItemTypeFile &&
opts._vfs->mode() != Vfs::Off &&
!FileSystem::isLnkFile(item->_file) &&
_pinState != PinState::AlwaysLocal &&
!FileSystem::isExcludeFile(item->_file)) {
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFile;
if (isVfsWithSuffix()) {
if (opts._vfs->mode() != Vfs::Off && !item->_encryptedFileName.isEmpty()) {
// We are syncing a file for the first time (local entry is invalid) and it is encrypted file that will be virtual once synced
// to avoid having error of "file has changed during sync" when trying to hydrate it explicitly - we must remove Constants::e2EeTagSize bytes from the end
// as explicit hydration does not care if these bytes are present in the placeholder or not, but, the size must not change in the middle of the sync
// this way it works for both implicit and explicit hydration by making a placeholder size that does not includes encryption tag Constants::e2EeTagSize bytes
// another scenario - we are syncing a file which is on disk but not in the database (database was removed or file was not written there yet)
item->_size = serverEntry.size - Constants::e2EeTagSize;
processFileAnalyzeLocalInfo(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry, _queryServer);
void ProcessDirectoryJob::processFileAnalyzeRemoteInfo(const SyncFileItemPtr &item,
PathTuple path,
const LocalInfo &localEntry,
const RemoteInfo &serverEntry,
const SyncJournalFileRecord &dbEntry)
item->_checksumHeader = serverEntry.checksumHeader;
item->_fileId = serverEntry.fileId;
item->_remotePerm = serverEntry.remotePerm;
item->_isShared = serverEntry.remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsShared) || serverEntry.sharedByMe;
item->_sharedByMe = serverEntry.sharedByMe;
item->_lastShareStateFetchedTimestamp = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
item->_type = serverEntry.isDirectory ? ItemTypeDirectory : ItemTypeFile;
item->_etag = serverEntry.etag;
item->_directDownloadUrl = serverEntry.directDownloadUrl;
item->_directDownloadCookies = serverEntry.directDownloadCookies;
item->_e2eEncryptionStatus = serverEntry.isE2eEncrypted() ? SyncFileItem::EncryptionStatus::Encrypted : SyncFileItem::EncryptionStatus::NotEncrypted;
if (serverEntry.isE2eEncrypted()) {
item->_e2eEncryptionServerCapability = EncryptionStatusEnums::fromEndToEndEncryptionApiVersion(_discoveryData->_account->capabilities().clientSideEncryptionVersion());
item->_encryptedFileName = [=] {
if (serverEntry.e2eMangledName.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
const auto rootPath = _discoveryData->_remoteFolder.mid(1);
return serverEntry.e2eMangledName.mid(rootPath.length());
item->_locked = serverEntry.locked;
item->_lockOwnerDisplayName = serverEntry.lockOwnerDisplayName;
item->_lockOwnerId = serverEntry.lockOwnerId;
item->_lockOwnerType = serverEntry.lockOwnerType;
item->_lockEditorApp = serverEntry.lockEditorApp;
item->_lockTime = serverEntry.lockTime;
item->_lockTimeout = serverEntry.lockTimeout;
qCDebug(lcDisco()) << "item lock for:" << item->_file
<< item->_locked
<< item->_lockOwnerDisplayName
<< item->_lockOwnerId
<< item->_lockOwnerType
<< item->_lockEditorApp
<< item->_lockTime
<< item->_lockTimeout;
// Check for missing server data
QStringList missingData;
if (serverEntry.size == -1)
if (serverEntry.remotePerm.isNull())
if (serverEntry.etag.isEmpty())
if (serverEntry.fileId.isEmpty())
missingData.append(tr("file id"));
if (!missingData.isEmpty()) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
_childIgnored = true;
item->_errorString = tr("Server reported no %1").arg(missingData.join(QLatin1String(", ")));
emit _discoveryData->itemDiscovered(item);
// We want to check the lock state of this file after the lock time has expired
if(serverEntry.locked == SyncFileItem::LockStatus::LockedItem && serverEntry.lockTimeout > 0) {
const auto lockExpirationTime = serverEntry.lockTime + serverEntry.lockTimeout;
const auto timeRemaining = QDateTime::currentDateTime().secsTo(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(lockExpirationTime));
// Add on a second as a precaution, sometimes we catch the server before it has had a chance to update
const auto lockExpirationTimeout = qMax(5LL, timeRemaining + 1);
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "File:" << path._original << "is locked."
<< "Lock expires in:" << lockExpirationTimeout << "seconds."
<< "A sync run will be scheduled for around that time.";
_discoveryData->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;
_discoveryData->_filesNeedingScheduledSync.insert(path._original, lockExpirationTimeout);
} else if (serverEntry.locked == SyncFileItem::LockStatus::UnlockedItem && dbEntry._lockstate._locked) {
// We have received data that this file has been unlocked remotely, so let's notify the sync engine
// that we no longer need a scheduled sync run for this file
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "File:" << path._original << "is unlocked and a scheduled sync is no longer needed."
<< "Will remove scheduled sync if there is one.";
// The file is known in the db already
if (dbEntry.isValid()) {
const auto isDbEntryAnE2EePlaceholder = dbEntry.isVirtualFile() && !dbEntry.e2eMangledName().isEmpty();
Q_ASSERT(!isDbEntryAnE2EePlaceholder || serverEntry.size >= Constants::e2EeTagSize);
const auto isVirtualE2EePlaceholder = isDbEntryAnE2EePlaceholder && serverEntry.size >= Constants::e2EeTagSize;
const auto sizeOnServer = isVirtualE2EePlaceholder ? serverEntry.size - Constants::e2EeTagSize : serverEntry.size;
const auto metaDataSizeNeedsUpdateForE2EeFilePlaceholder = isVirtualE2EePlaceholder && dbEntry._fileSize == serverEntry.size;
if (serverEntry.isDirectory) {
// Even if over quota, continue syncing as normal for now
if (serverEntry.isDirectory != dbEntry.isDirectory()) {
// If the type of the entity changed, it's like NEW, but
// needs to delete the other entity first.
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_modtime = serverEntry.modtime;
item->_size = sizeOnServer;
} else if ((dbEntry._type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload || localEntry.type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload)
&& (localEntry.isValid() || _queryLocal == ParentNotChanged)) {
// The above check for the localEntry existing is important. Otherwise it breaks
// the case where a file is moved and simultaneously tagged for download in the db.
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload;
} else if (dbEntry._etag != serverEntry.etag) {
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_modtime = serverEntry.modtime;
item->_size = sizeOnServer;
if (serverEntry.isDirectory) {
} else if (!localEntry.isValid() && _queryLocal != ParentNotChanged) {
// Deleted locally, changed on server
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
} else {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: File" << item->_file << "if (dbEntry._etag != serverEntry.etag)"
<< "dbEntry._etag:" << dbEntry._etag
<< "serverEntry.etag:" << serverEntry.etag
<< "serverEntry.isDirectory:" << serverEntry.isDirectory
<< "dbEntry.isDirectory:" << dbEntry.isDirectory();
} else if (dbEntry._modtime != serverEntry.modtime && localEntry.size == serverEntry.size && dbEntry._fileSize == serverEntry.size
&& dbEntry._etag == serverEntry.etag) {
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_modtime = serverEntry.modtime;
item->_size = sizeOnServer;
} else if (dbEntry._remotePerm != serverEntry.remotePerm || dbEntry._fileId != serverEntry.fileId || metaDataSizeNeedsUpdateForE2EeFilePlaceholder) {
if (metaDataSizeNeedsUpdateForE2EeFilePlaceholder) {
// we are updating placeholder sizes after migrating from older versions with VFS + E2EE implicit hydration not supported
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "Migrating the E2EE VFS placeholder " << dbEntry.path() << " from older version. The old size is " << item->_size << ". The new size is " << sizeOnServer;
item->_size = sizeOnServer;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
} else {
// if (is virtual mode enabled and folder is encrypted - check if the size is the same as on the server and then - trigger server query
// to update a placeholder with corrected size (-16 Bytes)
// or, maybe, add a flag to the database - vfsE2eeSizeCorrected? if it is not set - subtract it from the placeholder's size and re-create/update a placeholder?
const QueryMode serverQueryMode = [this, &dbEntry, &serverEntry]() {
const auto isVfsModeOn = _discoveryData && _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs && _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->mode() != Vfs::Off;
if (isVfsModeOn && dbEntry.isDirectory() && dbEntry.isE2eEncrypted()) {
qint64 localFolderSize = 0;
const auto listFilesCallback = [&localFolderSize](const OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord &record) {
if (record.isFile()) {
// add Constants::e2EeTagSize so we will know the size of E2EE file on the server
localFolderSize += record._fileSize + Constants::e2EeTagSize;
} else if (record.isVirtualFile()) {
// just a virtual file, so, the size must contain Constants::e2EeTagSize if it was not corrected already
localFolderSize += record._fileSize;
const auto listFilesSucceeded = _discoveryData->_statedb->listFilesInPath(dbEntry.path().toUtf8(), listFilesCallback);
if (listFilesSucceeded && localFolderSize != 0 && localFolderSize == serverEntry.sizeOfFolder) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Migration of E2EE folder " << dbEntry.path() << " from older version to the one, supporting the implicit VFS hydration.";
return NormalQuery;
return ParentNotChanged;
processFileAnalyzeLocalInfo(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry, serverQueryMode);
processFileAnalyzeLocalInfo(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry, _queryServer);
// Unknown in db: new file on the server
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_modtime = serverEntry.modtime;
item->_size = serverEntry.size;
const auto conflictRecord = _discoveryData->_noCaseConflictRecordsInDb
? ConflictRecord{} :
if (conflictRecord.isValid() && QString::fromUtf8(conflictRecord.path).contains(QStringLiteral("(case clash from"))) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "should ignore" << item->_file << "has already a case clash conflict record" << conflictRecord.path;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
// Potential NEW/NEW conflict is handled in AnalyzeLocal
if (localEntry.isValid()) {
postProcessServerNew(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry);
// Not in db or locally: either new or a rename
Q_ASSERT(!dbEntry.isValid() && !localEntry.isValid());
// Check for renames (if there is a file with the same file id)
bool done = false;
bool async = false;
// This function will be executed for every candidate
auto renameCandidateProcessing = [&](const OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord &base) {
if (done)
if (!base.isValid())
// Remote rename of a virtual file we have locally scheduled for download.
if (base._type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload) {
// We just consider this NEW but mark it for download.
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload;
done = true;
// Remote rename targets a file that shall be locally dehydrated.
if (base._type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration) {
// Don't worry about the rename, just consider it DELETE + NEW(virtual)
done = true;
// Some things prohibit rename detection entirely.
// Since we don't do the same checks again in reconcile, we can't
// just skip the candidate, but have to give up completely.
if (base.isDirectory() != item->isDirectory()) {
qCInfo(lcDisco, "file types different, not a rename");
done = true;
if (!serverEntry.isDirectory && base._etag != serverEntry.etag) {
/* File with different etag, don't do a rename, but download the file again */
qCInfo(lcDisco, "file etag different, not a rename");
done = true;
// Now we know there is a sane rename candidate.
const auto originalPath = base.path();
if (_discoveryData->isRenamed(originalPath)) {
qCInfo(lcDisco, "folder already has a rename entry, skipping");
/* A remote rename can also mean Encryption Mangled Name.
* if we find one of those in the database, we ignore it.
if (!base._e2eMangledName.isEmpty()) {
qCWarning(lcDisco, "Encrypted file can not rename");
done = true;
const auto originalPathAdjusted = _discoveryData->adjustRenamedPath(originalPath, SyncFileItem::Up);
if (!base.isDirectory()) {
csync_file_stat_t buf;
if (csync_vio_local_stat(_discoveryData->_localDir + originalPathAdjusted, &buf)) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Local file does not exist anymore." << originalPathAdjusted;
// NOTE: This prohibits some VFS renames from being detected since
// suffix-file size is different from the db size. That's ok, they'll DELETE+NEW.
if (buf.modtime != base._modtime || buf.size != base._fileSize || buf.type == ItemTypeDirectory) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "File has changed locally, not a rename." << originalPath;
} else {
if (!QFileInfo(_discoveryData->_localDir + originalPathAdjusted).isDir()) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Local directory does not exist anymore." << originalPathAdjusted;
// Renames of virtuals are possible
if (base.isVirtualFile()) {
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFile;
const auto wasDeletedOnServer = _discoveryData->findAndCancelDeletedJob(originalPath).first;
auto postProcessRename = [this, item, base, originalPath](PathTuple &path) {
const auto adjustedOriginalPath = _discoveryData->adjustRenamedPath(originalPath, SyncFileItem::Up);
_discoveryData->_renamedItemsRemote.insert(originalPath, path._target);
item->_modtime = base._modtime;
item->_inode = base._inode;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_renameTarget = path._target;
item->_file = adjustedOriginalPath;
item->_originalFile = originalPath;
path._original = originalPath;
path._local = adjustedOriginalPath;
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Rename detected (down) " << item->_file << " -> " << item->_renameTarget;
if (wasDeletedOnServer) {
done = true;
} else {
// we need to make a request to the server to know that the original file is deleted on the server
const auto job = new RequestEtagJob(_discoveryData->_account, _discoveryData->_remoteFolder + originalPath, this);
connect(job, &RequestEtagJob::finishedWithResult, this, [=](const HttpResult<QByteArray> &etag) mutable {
QTimer::singleShot(0, _discoveryData, &DiscoveryPhase::scheduleMoreJobs);
if (etag || etag.error().code != 404 ||
// Somehow another item claimed this original path, consider as if it existed
_discoveryData->isRenamed(originalPath)) {
// If the file exist or if there is another error, consider it is a new file.
postProcessServerNew(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry);
// The file do not exist, it is a rename
// In case the deleted item was discovered in parallel
processFileFinalize(item, path, item->isDirectory(), item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME ? NormalQuery : ParentDontExist, _queryServer);
done = true; // Ideally, if the origin still exist on the server, we should continue searching... but that'd be difficult
async = true;
if (!_discoveryData->_statedb->getFileRecordsByFileId(serverEntry.fileId, renameCandidateProcessing)) {
if (async) {
return; // We went async
if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW) {
postProcessServerNew(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry);
processFileAnalyzeLocalInfo(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry, _queryServer);
void ProcessDirectoryJob::processFileAnalyzeLocalInfo(
const SyncFileItemPtr &item, PathTuple path, const LocalInfo &localEntry,
const RemoteInfo &serverEntry, const SyncJournalFileRecord &dbEntry, QueryMode recurseQueryServer)
bool noServerEntry = (_queryServer != ParentNotChanged && !serverEntry.isValid())
|| (_queryServer == ParentNotChanged && !dbEntry.isValid());
if (noServerEntry)
recurseQueryServer = ParentDontExist;
bool serverModified = item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC
|| item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE;
const auto isTypeChange = item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE;
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "File" << item->_file << "- servermodified:" << serverModified
<< "noServerEntry:" << noServerEntry;
// Decay server modifications to UPDATE_METADATA if the local virtual exists
bool hasLocalVirtual = localEntry.isVirtualFile || (_queryLocal == ParentNotChanged && dbEntry.isVirtualFile());
bool virtualFileDownload = item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload;
if (serverModified && !isTypeChange && !virtualFileDownload && hasLocalVirtual) {
serverModified = false;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFile;
if (dbEntry.isVirtualFile() && (!localEntry.isValid() || localEntry.isVirtualFile) && !virtualFileDownload && !isTypeChange) {
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFile;
_childModified |= serverModified;
auto finalize = [&] {
bool recurse = item->isDirectory() || localEntry.isDirectory || serverEntry.isDirectory;
// Even if we have a local directory: If the remote is a file that's propagated as a
// conflict we don't need to recurse into it. (local c1.owncloud, c1/ ; remote: c1)
if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT && !item->isDirectory())
recurse = false;
if (_queryLocal != NormalQuery && _queryServer != NormalQuery)
recurse = false;
if ((item->_direction == SyncFileItem::Down || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC) &&
(item->_modtime <= 0 || item->_modtime >= 0xFFFFFFFF)) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
item->_errorString = tr("Cannot sync due to invalid modification time");
item->_status = SyncFileItem::Status::NormalError;
const auto foundEditorsKeepingFileBusy = queryEditorsKeepingFileBusy(item, path);
if (!foundEditorsKeepingFileBusy.isEmpty()) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
const auto editorsString = foundEditorsKeepingFileBusy.join(", ");
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Failed, because it is open in the editor." << item->_file << "direction" << item->_direction << editorsString;
item->_errorString = tr("Could not upload file, because it is open in \"%1\".").arg(editorsString);
item->_status = SyncFileItem::Status::SoftError;
_discoveryData->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;
_discoveryData->_filesNeedingScheduledSync.insert(path._original, delayIntervalForSyncRetryForOpenedForSigningFilesSeconds);
if (dbEntry.isValid() && item->isDirectory()) {
item->_e2eEncryptionStatus = EncryptionStatusEnums::fromDbEncryptionStatus(dbEntry._e2eEncryptionStatus);
if (item->isEncrypted()) {
item->_e2eEncryptionServerCapability = EncryptionStatusEnums::fromEndToEndEncryptionApiVersion(_discoveryData->_account->capabilities().clientSideEncryptionVersion());
auto recurseQueryLocal = _queryLocal == ParentNotChanged ? ParentNotChanged : localEntry.isDirectory || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME ? NormalQuery : ParentDontExist;
processFileFinalize(item, path, recurse, recurseQueryLocal, recurseQueryServer);
if (!localEntry.isValid()) {
if (_queryLocal == ParentNotChanged && dbEntry.isValid()) {
// Not modified locally (ParentNotChanged)
if (noServerEntry) {
// not on the server: Removed on the server, delete locally
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "File" << item->_file << "is not anymore on server. Going to delete it locally.";
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
} else if (dbEntry._type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration) {
// dehydration requested
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration;
} else if (noServerEntry) {
// Not locally, not on the server. The entry is stale!
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Stale DB entry";
if (!_discoveryData->_statedb->deleteFileRecord(path._original, true)) {
emit _discoveryData->fatalError(tr("Error while deleting file record %1 from the database").arg(path._original), ErrorCategory::GenericError);
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "Failed to delete a file record from the local DB" << path._original;
} else if (dbEntry._type == ItemTypeVirtualFile && isVfsWithSuffix()) {
// If the virtual file is removed, recreate it.
// This is a precaution since the suffix files don't look like the real ones
// and we don't want users to accidentally delete server data because they
// might not expect that deleting the placeholder will have a remote effect.
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFile;
} else if (!serverModified) {
// Removed locally: also remove on the server.
if (!dbEntry._serverHasIgnoredFiles) {
#if !defined QT_NO_DEBUG
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "File" << item->_file << "was deleted locally. Going to delete it on the server.";
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
item->_inode = localEntry.inode;
if (dbEntry.isValid()) {
bool typeChange = localEntry.isDirectory != dbEntry.isDirectory();
if (!typeChange && localEntry.isVirtualFile) {
if (noServerEntry) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
} else if (!dbEntry.isVirtualFile() && isVfsWithSuffix()) {
// If we find what looks to be a spurious "abc.owncloud" the base file "abc"
// might have been renamed to that. Make sure that the base file is not
// deleted from the server.
if (dbEntry._modtime == localEntry.modtime && dbEntry._fileSize == localEntry.size) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Base file was renamed to virtual file:" << item->_file;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration;
item->_renameTarget = item->_file;
} else {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Virtual file with non-virtual db entry, ignoring:" << item->_file;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
} else if (!typeChange && ((dbEntry._modtime == localEntry.modtime && dbEntry._fileSize == localEntry.size) || localEntry.isDirectory)) {
// Local file unchanged.
if (noServerEntry) {
#if !defined QT_NO_DEBUG
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "File" << item->_file << "is not anymore on server. Going to delete it locally.";
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
} else if (dbEntry._type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration || localEntry.type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration) {
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration;
} else if (!serverModified
&& (dbEntry._inode != localEntry.inode
|| (localEntry.isMetadataMissing && item->_type == ItemTypeFile && !FileSystem::isLnkFile(item->_file))
|| _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->needsMetadataUpdate(*item))) {
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
} else if (!typeChange && isVfsWithSuffix()
&& dbEntry.isVirtualFile() && !localEntry.isVirtualFile
&& dbEntry._inode == localEntry.inode
&& dbEntry._modtime == localEntry.modtime
&& localEntry.size == 1) {
// A suffix vfs file can be downloaded by renaming it to remove the suffix.
// This check leaks some details of VfsSuffix, particularly the size of placeholders.
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
if (noServerEntry) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_type = ItemTypeFile;
} else {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload;
item->_previousSize = 1;
} else if (serverModified
|| (isVfsWithSuffix() && dbEntry.isVirtualFile())) {
// There's a local change and a server change: Conflict!
// Alternatively, this might be a suffix-file that's virtual in the db but
// not locally. These also become conflicts. For in-place placeholders that's
// not necessary: they could be replaced by real files and should then trigger
// a regular SYNC upwards when there's no server change.
processFileConflict(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry);
} else if (typeChange) {
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
item->_size = localEntry.size;
item->_modtime = localEntry.modtime;
item->_type = localEntry.isDirectory ? ItemTypeDirectory : ItemTypeFile;
_childModified = true;
} else if (dbEntry._modtime > 0 && (localEntry.modtime <= 0 || localEntry.modtime >= 0xFFFFFFFF) && dbEntry._fileSize == localEntry.size) {
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_size = localEntry.size > 0 ? localEntry.size : dbEntry._fileSize;
item->_modtime = dbEntry._modtime;
item->_previousModtime = dbEntry._modtime;
item->_type = localEntry.isDirectory ? ItemTypeDirectory : ItemTypeFile;
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: File" << item->_file << "if (dbEntry._modtime > 0 && localEntry.modtime <= 0)"
<< "dbEntry._modtime:" << dbEntry._modtime
<< "localEntry.modtime:" << localEntry.modtime;
_childModified = true;
} else {
// Local file was changed
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC;
if (noServerEntry) {
// Special case! deleted on server, modified on client, the instruction is then NEW
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
item->_size = localEntry.size;
item->_modtime = localEntry.modtime;
_childModified = true;
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "Local file was changed: File" << item->_file
<< "item->_instruction:" << item->_instruction
<< "noServerEntry:" << noServerEntry
<< "item->_direction:" << item->_direction
<< "item->_size:" << item->_size
<< "item->_modtime:" << item->_modtime;
// Checksum comparison at this stage is only enabled for .eml files,
// check #4754 #4755
bool isEmlFile = path._original.endsWith(QLatin1String(".eml"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (isEmlFile && dbEntry._fileSize == localEntry.size && !dbEntry._checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
if (computeLocalChecksum(dbEntry._checksumHeader, _discoveryData->_localDir + path._local, item)
&& item->_checksumHeader == dbEntry._checksumHeader) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "NOTE: Checksums are identical, file did not actually change: " << path._local;
if (localEntry.isVirtualFile && !noServerEntry) {
// Somehow there is a missing DB entry while the virtual file already exists.
// The instruction should already be set correctly.
ASSERT(item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile);
} else if (serverModified) {
processFileConflict(item, path, localEntry, serverEntry, dbEntry);
// New local file or rename
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
item->_size = localEntry.size;
item->_modtime = localEntry.modtime;
item->_type = localEntry.isDirectory ? ItemTypeDirectory : localEntry.isVirtualFile ? ItemTypeVirtualFile : ItemTypeFile;
_childModified = true;
if (!localEntry.caseClashConflictingName.isEmpty()) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << item->_file << "case clash conflict" << localEntry.caseClashConflictingName;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT;
auto conflictRecord = _discoveryData->_statedb->caseConflictRecordByBasePath(item->_file);
if (conflictRecord.isValid() && QString::fromUtf8(conflictRecord.path).contains(QStringLiteral("(case clash from"))) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "should ignore" << item->_file << "has already a case clash conflict record" << conflictRecord.path;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
auto postProcessLocalNew = [item, localEntry, path, this]() {
// TODO: We may want to execute the same logic for non-VFS mode, as, moving/renaming the same folder by 2 or more clients at the same time is not possible in Web UI.
// Keeping it like this (for VFS files and folders only) just to fix a user issue.
if (!(_discoveryData && _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs && _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->mode() != Vfs::Off)) {
// for VFS files and folders only
if (!localEntry.isVirtualFile && !localEntry.isDirectory) {
if (localEntry.isDirectory && _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->mode() != Vfs::WindowsCfApi) {
// for VFS folders on Windows only
Q_ASSERT(item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW);
if (item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "Trying to wipe a virtual item" << path._local << " with item->_instruction" << item->_instruction;
// must be a dehydrated placeholder
const bool isFilePlaceHolder = !localEntry.isDirectory && _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->isDehydratedPlaceholder(_discoveryData->_localDir + path._local);
// either correct availability, or a result with error if the folder is new or otherwise has no availability set yet
const auto folderPlaceHolderAvailability = localEntry.isDirectory ? _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->availability(path._local, Vfs::AvailabilityRecursivity::RecursiveAvailability) : Vfs::AvailabilityResult(Vfs::AvailabilityError::NoSuchItem);
const auto folderPinState = localEntry.isDirectory ? _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->pinState(path._local) : Optional<PinState>(PinState::Unspecified);
if (!isFilePlaceHolder && !folderPlaceHolderAvailability.isValid() && !folderPinState.isValid()) {
// not a file placeholder and not a synced folder placeholder (new local folder)
const auto isFolderPinStateOnlineOnly = (folderPinState.isValid() && *folderPinState == PinState::OnlineOnly);
const auto isfolderPlaceHolderAvailabilityOnlineOnly = (folderPlaceHolderAvailability.isValid() && *folderPlaceHolderAvailability == VfsItemAvailability::OnlineOnly);
// a folder is considered online-only if: no files are hydrated, or, if it's an empty folder
const auto isOnlineOnlyFolder = isfolderPlaceHolderAvailabilityOnlineOnly || (!folderPlaceHolderAvailability && isFolderPinStateOnlineOnly);
if (!isFilePlaceHolder && !isOnlineOnlyFolder) {
if (localEntry.isDirectory && folderPlaceHolderAvailability.isValid() && !isOnlineOnlyFolder) {
// a VFS folder but is not online-only (has some files hydrated)
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Virtual directory without db entry for" << path._local << "but it contains hydrated file(s), so let's keep it and reupload.";
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "Virtual file without db entry for" << path._local
<< "but looks odd, keeping";
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
if (isOnlineOnlyFolder) {
// if we're wiping a folder, we will only get this function called once and will wipe a folder along with it's files and also display one error in GUI
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Wiping virtual folder without db entry for" << path._local;
if (isfolderPlaceHolderAvailabilityOnlineOnly && folderPlaceHolderAvailability.isValid()) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "*folderPlaceHolderAvailability:" << *folderPlaceHolderAvailability;
if (isFolderPinStateOnlineOnly && folderPinState.isValid()) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "*folderPinState:" << *folderPinState;
emit _discoveryData->addErrorToGui(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("Conflict when uploading a folder. It's going to get cleared!"), path._local, ErrorCategory::GenericError);
} else {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Wiping virtual file without db entry for" << path._local;
emit _discoveryData->addErrorToGui(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("Conflict when uploading a file. It's going to get removed!"), path._local, ErrorCategory::GenericError);
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
// this flag needs to be unset, otherwise a folder would get marked as new in the processSubJobs
_childModified = false;
// Check if it is a move
OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord base;
if (!_discoveryData->_statedb->getFileRecordByInode(localEntry.inode, &base)) {
const auto originalPath = base.path();
// Function to gradually check conditions for accepting a move-candidate
auto moveCheck = [&]() {
if (!base.isValid()) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Not a move, no item in db with inode" << localEntry.inode;
return false;
if (base.isDirectory() != item->isDirectory()) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Not a move, types don't match" << base._type << item->_type << localEntry.type;
return false;
// Directories and virtual files don't need size/mtime equality
if (!localEntry.isDirectory && !base.isVirtualFile()
&& (base._modtime != localEntry.modtime || base._fileSize != localEntry.size)) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Not a move, mtime or size differs, "
<< "modtime:" << base._modtime << localEntry.modtime << ", "
<< "size:" << base._fileSize << localEntry.size;
return false;
// The old file must have been deleted.
if (QFile::exists(_discoveryData->_localDir + originalPath)
// Exception: If the rename changes case only (like "foo" -> "Foo") the
// old filename might still point to the same file.
&& !(Utility::fsCasePreserving()
&&, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
&& originalPath != path._local)) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Not a move, base file still exists at" << originalPath;
return false;
// Verify the checksum where possible
if (!base._checksumHeader.isEmpty() && item->_type == ItemTypeFile && base._type == ItemTypeFile) {
if (computeLocalChecksum(base._checksumHeader, _discoveryData->_localDir + path._original, item)) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "checking checksum of potential rename " << path._original << item->_checksumHeader << base._checksumHeader;
if (item->_checksumHeader != base._checksumHeader) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Not a move, checksums differ";
return false;
if (_discoveryData->isRenamed(originalPath)) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Not a move, base path already renamed";
return false;
return true;
const auto isMove = moveCheck();
const auto isE2eeMove = isMove && (base.isE2eEncrypted() || isInsideEncryptedTree());
const auto isCfApiVfsMode = _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs && _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->mode() == Vfs::WindowsCfApi;
const bool isOnlineOnlyItem = isCfApiVfsMode && (localEntry.isDirectory || _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->isDehydratedPlaceholder(_discoveryData->_localDir + path._local));
const auto isE2eeMoveOnlineOnlyItemWithCfApi = isE2eeMove && isOnlineOnlyItem;
if (isE2eeMoveOnlineOnlyItemWithCfApi) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_isRestoration = true;
item->_errorString = tr("Moved to invalid target, restoring");
// If it's not a move it's just a local-NEW
if (!isMove || (isE2eeMove && !isE2eeMoveOnlineOnlyItemWithCfApi)) {
if (base.isE2eEncrypted()) {
// renaming the encrypted folder is done via remove + re-upload hence we need to mark the newly created folder as encrypted
// base is a record in the SyncJournal database that contains the data about the being-renamed folder with it's old name and encryption information
item->_e2eEncryptionStatus = EncryptionStatusEnums::fromDbEncryptionStatus(base._e2eEncryptionStatus);
item->_e2eEncryptionServerCapability = EncryptionStatusEnums::fromEndToEndEncryptionApiVersion(_discoveryData->_account->capabilities().clientSideEncryptionVersion());
/*if (item->isDirectory() && item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW && item->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up
&& _discoveryData->_account->capabilities().clientSideEncryptionVersion() >= 2.0) {
OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord rec;
_discoveryData->_statedb->findEncryptedAncestorForRecord(item->_file, &rec);
if (rec.isValid() && rec._e2eEncryptionStatus >= OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord::EncryptionStatus::EncryptedMigratedV2_0) {
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "Attempting to create a subfolder in top-level E2EE V2 folder. Ignoring.";
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::None;
item->_status = SyncFileItem::NormalError;
item->_errorString = tr("Creating nested encrypted folders is not supported yet.");
// Check local permission if we are allowed to put move the file here
// Technically we should use the permissions from the server, but we'll assume it is the same
const auto serverHasMountRootProperty = _discoveryData->_account->serverHasMountRootProperty();
const auto isExternalStorage = base._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsMounted);
const auto movePerms = checkMovePermissions(base._remotePerm, originalPath, item->isDirectory());
if (!movePerms.sourceOk || !movePerms.destinationOk || (serverHasMountRootProperty && isExternalStorage) || isE2eeMoveOnlineOnlyItemWithCfApi) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Move without permission to rename base file, "
<< "source:" << movePerms.sourceOk
<< ", target:" << movePerms.destinationOk
<< ", targetNew:" << movePerms.destinationNewOk
<< ", isExternalStorage:" << isExternalStorage
<< ", serverHasMountRootProperty:" << serverHasMountRootProperty
<< ", base._remotePerm:" << base._remotePerm.toString()
<< ", base.path():" << base.path();
// If we can create the destination, do that.
// Permission errors on the destination will be handled by checkPermissions later.
// If the destination upload will work, we're fine with the source deletion.
// If the source deletion can't work, checkPermissions will error.
// In case of external storage mounted folders we are never allowed to move/delete them
if (movePerms.destinationNewOk && !isExternalStorage && !isE2eeMoveOnlineOnlyItemWithCfApi) {
// Here we know the new location can't be uploaded: must prevent the source delete.
// Two cases: either the source item was already processed or not.
auto wasDeletedOnClient = _discoveryData->findAndCancelDeletedJob(originalPath);
if (wasDeletedOnClient.first) {
// More complicated. The REMOVE is canceled. Restore will happen next sync.
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Undid remove instruction on source" << originalPath;
if (!_discoveryData->_statedb->deleteFileRecord(originalPath, true)) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "Failed to delete a file record from the local DB" << originalPath;
_discoveryData->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;
} else {
// Signal to future checkPermissions() to forbid the REMOVE and set to restore instead
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Preventing future remove on source" << originalPath;
_discoveryData->_forbiddenDeletes[originalPath + '/'] = true;
auto wasDeletedOnClient = _discoveryData->findAndCancelDeletedJob(originalPath);
auto processRename = [item, originalPath, base, this](PathTuple &path) {
auto adjustedOriginalPath = _discoveryData->adjustRenamedPath(originalPath, SyncFileItem::Down);
_discoveryData->_renamedItemsLocal.insert(originalPath, path._target);
item->_renameTarget = path._target;
path._server = adjustedOriginalPath;
item->_file = path._server;
path._original = originalPath;
item->_originalFile = path._original;
item->_modtime = base._modtime;
item->_inode = base._inode;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
item->_fileId = base._fileId;
item->_remotePerm = base._remotePerm;
item->_isShared = base._isShared;
item->_sharedByMe = base._sharedByMe;
item->_lastShareStateFetchedTimestamp = base._lastShareStateFetchedTimestamp;
item->_etag = base._etag;
item->_type = base._type;
// Discard any download/dehydrate tags on the base file.
// They could be preserved and honored in a follow-up sync,
// but it complicates handling a lot and will happen rarely.
if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload)
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFile;
if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration) {
item->_type = ItemTypeFile;
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Changing item type from virtual to normal file" << item->_file;
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Rename detected (up) " << item->_file << " -> " << item->_renameTarget;
if (wasDeletedOnClient.first) {
recurseQueryServer = wasDeletedOnClient.second == base._etag ? ParentNotChanged : NormalQuery;
} else {
// We must query the server to know if the etag has not changed
QString serverOriginalPath = _discoveryData->_remoteFolder + _discoveryData->adjustRenamedPath(originalPath, SyncFileItem::Down);
if (base.isVirtualFile() && isVfsWithSuffix())
auto job = new RequestEtagJob(_discoveryData->_account, serverOriginalPath, this);
connect(job, &RequestEtagJob::finishedWithResult, this, [=](const HttpResult<QByteArray> &etag) mutable {
if (!etag || (etag.get() != base._etag && !item->isDirectory()) || _discoveryData->isRenamed(originalPath)
|| (isAnyParentBeingRestored(originalPath) && !isRename(originalPath))) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Can't rename because the etag has changed or the directory is gone or we are restoring one of the file's parents." << originalPath;
// Can't be a rename, leave it as a new.
} else {
// In case the deleted item was discovered in parallel
recurseQueryServer = etag.get() == base._etag ? ParentNotChanged : NormalQuery;
processFileFinalize(item, path, item->isDirectory(), NormalQuery, recurseQueryServer);
QTimer::singleShot(0, _discoveryData, &DiscoveryPhase::scheduleMoreJobs);
void ProcessDirectoryJob::processFileConflict(const SyncFileItemPtr &item, ProcessDirectoryJob::PathTuple path, const LocalInfo &localEntry, const RemoteInfo &serverEntry, const SyncJournalFileRecord &dbEntry)
item->_previousSize = localEntry.size;
item->_previousModtime = localEntry.modtime;
if (serverEntry.isDirectory && localEntry.isDirectory) {
// Folders of the same path are always considered equals
// A conflict with a virtual should lead to virtual file download
if (dbEntry.isVirtualFile() || localEntry.isVirtualFile)
item->_type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload;
// If there's no content hash, use heuristics
if (serverEntry.checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
// If the size or mtime is different, it's definitely a conflict.
bool isConflict = (serverEntry.size != localEntry.size) || (serverEntry.modtime != localEntry.modtime);
// It could be a conflict even if size and mtime match!
// In older client versions we always treated these cases as a
// non-conflict. This behavior is preserved in case the server
// doesn't provide a content checksum.
// SO: If there is no checksum, we can have !isConflict here
// even though the files might have different content! This is an
// intentional tradeoff. Downloading and comparing files would
// be technically correct in this situation but leads to too
// much waste.
// In particular this kind of NEW/NEW situation with identical
// sizes and mtimes pops up when the local database is lost for
// whatever reason.
item->_direction = isConflict ? SyncFileItem::None : SyncFileItem::Down;
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT: File" << item->_file << "if (serverEntry.checksumHeader.isEmpty())";
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT: serverEntry.size:" << serverEntry.size
<< "localEntry.size:" << localEntry.size
<< "serverEntry.modtime:" << serverEntry.modtime
<< "localEntry.modtime:" << localEntry.modtime;
if (!serverEntry.checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT: File" << item->_file << "if (!serverEntry.checksumHeader.isEmpty())";
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT: serverEntry.size:" << serverEntry.size
<< "localEntry.size:" << localEntry.size
<< "serverEntry.modtime:" << serverEntry.modtime
<< "localEntry.modtime:" << localEntry.modtime;
// Do we have an UploadInfo for this?
// Maybe the Upload was completed, but the connection was broken just before
// we received the etag (Issue #5106)
auto up = _discoveryData->_statedb->getUploadInfo(path._original);
if (up._valid && up._contentChecksum == serverEntry.checksumHeader) {
// Solve the conflict into an upload, or nothing
item->_instruction = up._modtime == localEntry.modtime && up._size == localEntry.size
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Up;
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: File" << item->_file << "if (up._valid && up._contentChecksum == serverEntry.checksumHeader)";
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: up._valid:" << up._valid
<< "up._contentChecksum:" << up._contentChecksum
<< "serverEntry.checksumHeader:" << serverEntry.checksumHeader;
// Update the etag and other server metadata in the journal already
// (We can't use a typical CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA because
// we must not store the size/modtime from the file system)
OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord rec;
if (_discoveryData->_statedb->getFileRecord(path._original, &rec)) {
rec._path = path._original.toUtf8();
rec._etag = serverEntry.etag;
rec._fileId = serverEntry.fileId;
rec._modtime = serverEntry.modtime;
rec._type = item->_type;
rec._fileSize = serverEntry.size;
rec._remotePerm = serverEntry.remotePerm;
rec._isShared = serverEntry.remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::IsShared) || serverEntry.sharedByMe;
rec._sharedByMe = serverEntry.sharedByMe;
rec._lastShareStateFetchedTimestamp = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
rec._checksumHeader = serverEntry.checksumHeader;
const auto result = _discoveryData->_statedb->setFileRecord(rec);
if (!result) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "Error when setting the file record to the database" << rec._path << result.error();
if (!up._valid || up._contentChecksum != serverEntry.checksumHeader) {
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: File" << item->_file << "if (!up._valid && up._contentChecksum != serverEntry.checksumHeader)";
qCDebug(lcDisco) << "CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC: up._valid:" << up._valid
<< "up._contentChecksum:" << up._contentChecksum
<< "serverEntry.checksumHeader:" << serverEntry.checksumHeader;
// Rely on content hash comparisons to optimize away non-conflicts inside the job
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::None;
void ProcessDirectoryJob::processFileFinalize(
const SyncFileItemPtr &item, PathTuple path, bool recurse,
QueryMode recurseQueryLocal, QueryMode recurseQueryServer)
// Adjust target path for virtual-suffix files
if (isVfsWithSuffix()) {
if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile) {
if (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME) {
} else {
if (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration
&& item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC) {
if (item->_renameTarget.isEmpty()) {
item->_renameTarget = item->_file;
if (path._original != path._target && (item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA || item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE)) {
ASSERT(_dirItem && _dirItem->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME);
// This is because otherwise subitems are not updated! (ideally renaming a directory could
// update the database for all items! See PropagateDirectory::slotSubJobsFinished)
const auto adjustedOriginalPath = _discoveryData->adjustRenamedPath(path._original, SyncFileItem::Down);
_discoveryData->_renamedItemsLocal.insert(path._original, path._target);
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_RENAME;
item->_renameTarget = path._target;
item->_direction = _dirItem->_direction;
const auto discoveredItemLog = QStringLiteral("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(item->_file).arg(item->_instruction).arg(item->_direction).arg(item->_type);
const auto isImportantInstruction = item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE && item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
if (isImportantInstruction) {
qCInfo(lcDisco) << discoveredItemLog;
} else {
qCDebug(lcDisco) << discoveredItemLog;
if (item->isDirectory() && item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_SYNC)
bool removed = item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
if (checkPermissions(item)) {
if (item->_isRestoration && item->isDirectory())
recurse = true;
} else {
recurse = false;
if (recurse) {
auto job = new ProcessDirectoryJob(path, item, recurseQueryLocal, recurseQueryServer,
_lastSyncTimestamp, this);
job->setInsideEncryptedTree(isInsideEncryptedTree() || item->isEncrypted());
if (removed) {
_discoveryData->enqueueDirectoryToDelete(path._original, job);
} else {
connect(job, &ProcessDirectoryJob::finished, this, &ProcessDirectoryJob::subJobFinished);
} else {
if (removed
// For the purpose of rename deletion, restored deleted placeholder is as if it was deleted
|| (item->_type == ItemTypeVirtualFile && item->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW)) {
_discoveryData->_deletedItem[path._original] = item;
emit _discoveryData->itemDiscovered(item);
void ProcessDirectoryJob::processBlacklisted(const PathTuple &path, const OCC::LocalInfo &localEntry,
const SyncJournalFileRecord &dbEntry)
if (!localEntry.isValid())
auto item = SyncFileItem::fromSyncJournalFileRecord(dbEntry);
item->_file = path._target;
item->_originalFile = path._original;
item->_inode = localEntry.inode;
item->_isSelectiveSync = true;
if (dbEntry.isValid() && ((dbEntry._modtime == localEntry.modtime && dbEntry._fileSize == localEntry.size) || (localEntry.isDirectory && dbEntry.isDirectory()))) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
} else {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
item->_status = SyncFileItem::FileIgnored;
item->_errorString = tr("Ignored because of the \"choose what to sync\" blacklist");
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Ignored because of the \"choose what to sync\" blacklist" << item->_file << "direction" << item->_direction;
_childIgnored = true;
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Discovered (blacklisted) " << item->_file << item->_instruction << item->_direction << item->isDirectory();
if (item->isDirectory() && item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE) {
auto job = new ProcessDirectoryJob(path, item, NormalQuery, InBlackList, _lastSyncTimestamp, this);
connect(job, &ProcessDirectoryJob::finished, this, &ProcessDirectoryJob::subJobFinished);
} else {
emit _discoveryData->itemDiscovered(item);
bool ProcessDirectoryJob::checkPermissions(const OCC::SyncFileItemPtr &item)
if (item->_direction != SyncFileItem::Up) {
// Currently we only check server-side permissions
return true;
switch (item->_instruction) {
const auto perms = !_rootPermissions.isNull() ? _rootPermissions
: _dirItem ? _dirItem->_remotePerm : _rootPermissions;
if (perms.isNull()) {
// No permissions set
return true;
} else if (item->isDirectory() && !perms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanAddSubDirectories)) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "checkForPermission: ERROR" << item->_file;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
item->_errorString = tr("Not allowed because you don't have permission to add subfolders to that folder");
return false;
} else if (!item->isDirectory() && !perms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanAddFile)) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "checkForPermission: ERROR" << item->_file;
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR;
item->_errorString = tr("Not allowed because you don't have permission to add files in that folder");
return false;
const auto perms = item->_remotePerm;
if (perms.isNull()) {
// No permissions set
return true;
if (!perms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanWrite)) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT;
item->_errorString = tr("Not allowed to upload this file because it is read-only on the server, restoring");
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_isRestoration = true;
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "checkForPermission: RESTORING" << item->_file << item->_errorString;
// Take the things to write to the db from the "other" node (i.e: info from server).
// Do a lookup into the csync remote tree to get the metadata we need to restore.
qSwap(item->_size, item->_previousSize);
qSwap(item->_modtime, item->_previousModtime);
return false;
QString fileSlash = item->_file + '/';
auto forbiddenIt = _discoveryData->_forbiddenDeletes.upperBound(fileSlash);
if (forbiddenIt != _discoveryData->_forbiddenDeletes.begin())
forbiddenIt -= 1;
if (forbiddenIt != _discoveryData->_forbiddenDeletes.end()
&& fileSlash.startsWith(forbiddenIt.key())) {
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_isRestoration = true;
item->_errorString = tr("Moved to invalid target, restoring");
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "checkForPermission: RESTORING" << item->_file << item->_errorString;
return true; // restore sub items
const auto perms = item->_remotePerm;
if (perms.isNull()) {
// No permissions set
return true;
if (!perms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanDelete) || isAnyParentBeingRestored(item->_file))
item->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
item->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
item->_isRestoration = true;
item->_errorString = tr("Not allowed to remove, restoring");
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "checkForPermission: RESTORING" << item->_file << item->_errorString;
return true; // (we need to recurse to restore sub items)
return true;
bool ProcessDirectoryJob::isAnyParentBeingRestored(const QString &file) const
for (const auto &directoryNameToRestore : qAsConst(_discoveryData->_directoryNamesToRestoreOnPropagation)) {
if (file.startsWith(QString(directoryNameToRestore + QLatin1Char('/')))) {
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "File" << file << " is within the tree that's being restored" << directoryNameToRestore;
return true;
return false;
bool ProcessDirectoryJob::isRename(const QString &originalPath) const
return (originalPath.startsWith(_currentFolder._original)
&& originalPath.lastIndexOf('/') == _currentFolder._original.size());
/* TODO: This was needed at some point to cover an edge case which I am no longer to reproduce and it might no longer be the case.
* Still, leaving this here just in case the edge case is caught at some point in future.
OCC::SyncJournalFileRecord base;
// are we allowed to rename?
if (!_discoveryData || !_discoveryData->_statedb || !_discoveryData->_statedb->getFileRecord(originalPath, &base)) {
return false;
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "isRename from" << originalPath << " to" << targetPath << " :"
<< base._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanRename);
return base._remotePerm.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanRename);
QStringList ProcessDirectoryJob::queryEditorsKeepingFileBusy(const SyncFileItemPtr &item, const PathTuple &path) const
QStringList matchingEditorsKeepingFileBusy;
if (item->isDirectory() || item->_direction != SyncFileItem::Up) {
return matchingEditorsKeepingFileBusy;
const auto isMatchingFileExtension = std::find_if(std::cbegin(fileExtensionsToCheckIfOpenForSigning), std::cend(fileExtensionsToCheckIfOpenForSigning),
[path](const auto &matchingExtension) {
return path._local.endsWith(matchingExtension, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
}) != std::cend(fileExtensionsToCheckIfOpenForSigning);
if (!isMatchingFileExtension) {
return matchingEditorsKeepingFileBusy;
const QString fullLocalPath(_discoveryData->_localDir + path._local);
const auto editorsKeepingFileBusy = Utility::queryProcessInfosKeepingFileOpen(fullLocalPath);
for (const auto &detectedEditorName : editorsKeepingFileBusy) {
const auto isMatchingEditorFound = std::find_if(std::cbegin(editorNamesForDelayedUpload), std::cend(editorNamesForDelayedUpload),
[detectedEditorName](const auto &matchingEditorName) {
return detectedEditorName.processName.startsWith(matchingEditorName, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
}) != std::cend(editorNamesForDelayedUpload);
if (isMatchingEditorFound) {
if (!matchingEditorsKeepingFileBusy.isEmpty()) {
return matchingEditorsKeepingFileBusy;
auto ProcessDirectoryJob::checkMovePermissions(RemotePermissions srcPerm, const QString &srcPath,
bool isDirectory)
-> MovePermissionResult
auto destPerms = !_rootPermissions.isNull() ? _rootPermissions
: _dirItem ? _dirItem->_remotePerm : _rootPermissions;
auto filePerms = srcPerm;
//true when it is just a rename in the same directory. (not a move)
bool isRename = srcPath.startsWith(_currentFolder._original)
&& srcPath.lastIndexOf('/') == _currentFolder._original.size();
// Check if we are allowed to move to the destination.
bool destinationOK = true;
bool destinationNewOK = true;
if (destPerms.isNull()) {
} else if ((isDirectory && !destPerms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanAddSubDirectories)) ||
(!isDirectory && !destPerms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanAddFile))) {
destinationNewOK = false;
if (!isRename && !destinationNewOK) {
// no need to check for the destination dir permission for renames
destinationOK = false;
// check if we are allowed to move from the source
bool sourceOK = true;
if (!filePerms.isNull()
&& ((isRename && !filePerms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanRename))
|| (!isRename && !filePerms.hasPermission(RemotePermissions::CanMove)))) {
// We are not allowed to move or rename this file
sourceOK = false;
return MovePermissionResult{sourceOK, destinationOK, destinationNewOK};
void ProcessDirectoryJob::subJobFinished()
auto job = qobject_cast<ProcessDirectoryJob *>(sender());
_childIgnored |= job->_childIgnored;
_childModified |= job->_childModified;
if (job->_dirItem)
emit _discoveryData->itemDiscovered(job->_dirItem);
int count = _runningJobs.removeAll(job);
ASSERT(count == 1);
QTimer::singleShot(0, _discoveryData, &DiscoveryPhase::scheduleMoreJobs);
int ProcessDirectoryJob::processSubJobs(int nbJobs)
if (_queuedJobs.empty() && _runningJobs.empty() && _pendingAsyncJobs == 0) {
_pendingAsyncJobs = -1; // We're finished, we don't want to emit finished again
if (_dirItem) {
if (_childModified && _dirItem->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
// re-create directory that has modified contents
_dirItem->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW;
_dirItem->_direction = _dirItem->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up ? SyncFileItem::Down : SyncFileItem::Up;
if (_childModified && _dirItem->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHANGE && !_dirItem->isDirectory()) {
// Replacing a directory by a file is a conflict, if the directory had modified children
_dirItem->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_CONFLICT;
if (_dirItem->_direction == SyncFileItem::Up) {
_dirItem->_type = ItemTypeDirectory;
_dirItem->_direction = SyncFileItem::Down;
if (_childIgnored && _dirItem->_instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_REMOVE) {
// Do not remove a directory that has ignored files
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "Child ignored for a folder to remove" << _dirItem->_file << "direction" << _dirItem->_direction;
_dirItem->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE;
emit finished();
int started = 0;
foreach (auto *rj, _runningJobs) {
started += rj->processSubJobs(nbJobs - started);
if (started >= nbJobs)
return started;
while (started < nbJobs && !_queuedJobs.empty()) {
auto f = _queuedJobs.front();
return started;
void ProcessDirectoryJob::dbError()
emit _discoveryData->fatalError(tr("Error while reading the database"), ErrorCategory::GenericError);
void ProcessDirectoryJob::addVirtualFileSuffix(QString &str) const
bool ProcessDirectoryJob::hasVirtualFileSuffix(const QString &str) const
if (!isVfsWithSuffix())
return false;
return str.endsWith(_discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->fileSuffix());
void ProcessDirectoryJob::chopVirtualFileSuffix(QString &str) const
if (!isVfsWithSuffix())
bool hasSuffix = hasVirtualFileSuffix(str);
if (hasSuffix)
DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob *ProcessDirectoryJob::startAsyncServerQuery()
if (_dirItem && _dirItem->isEncrypted() && _dirItem->_encryptedFileName.isEmpty()) {
_discoveryData->_topLevelE2eeFolderPaths.insert(_discoveryData->_remoteFolder + _dirItem->_file);
auto serverJob = new DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob(_discoveryData->_account,
if (!_dirItem) {
serverJob->setIsRootPath(); // query the fingerprint on the root
connect(serverJob, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::etag, this, &ProcessDirectoryJob::etag);
connect(serverJob, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::finished, this, [this, serverJob](const auto &results) {
if (_dirItem) {
if (_dirItem->isEncrypted()) {
_dirItem->_isFileDropDetected = serverJob->isFileDropDetected();
SyncJournalFileRecord record;
const auto alreadyDownloaded = _discoveryData->_statedb->getFileRecord(_dirItem->_file, &record) && record.isValid();
// we need to make sure we first download all e2ee files/folders before migrating
_dirItem->_isEncryptedMetadataNeedUpdate = alreadyDownloaded && serverJob->encryptedMetadataNeedUpdate();
_dirItem->_e2eEncryptionStatus = serverJob->currentEncryptionStatus();
_dirItem->_e2eEncryptionStatusRemote = serverJob->currentEncryptionStatus();
_dirItem->_e2eEncryptionServerCapability = serverJob->requiredEncryptionStatus();
_discoveryData->_anotherSyncNeeded = !alreadyDownloaded && serverJob->encryptedMetadataNeedUpdate();
qCInfo(lcDisco) << "serverJob has finished for folder:" << _dirItem->_file << " and it has _isFileDropDetected:" << _dirItem->_isFileDropDetected;
if (results) {
_serverNormalQueryEntries = *results;
_serverQueryDone = true;
if (!serverJob->_dataFingerprint.isEmpty() && _discoveryData->_dataFingerprint.isEmpty())
_discoveryData->_dataFingerprint = serverJob->_dataFingerprint;
if (_localQueryDone)
} else {
auto code = results.error().code;
qCWarning(lcDisco) << "Server error in directory" << _currentFolder._server << code;
if (_dirItem && code >= 403) {
// In case of an HTTP error, we ignore that directory
// 403 Forbidden can be sent by the server if the file firewall is active.
// A file or directory should be ignored and sync must continue. See #3490
// The server usually replies with the custom "503 Storage not available"
// if some path is temporarily unavailable. But in some cases a standard 503
// is returned too. Thus we can't distinguish the two and will treat any
// 503 as request to ignore the folder. See #3113 #2884.
// Similarly, the server might also return 404 or 50x in case of bugs. #7199 #7586
_dirItem->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
_dirItem->_errorString = results.error().message;
emit this->finished();
} else {
// Fatal for the root job since it has no SyncFileItem, or for the network errors
emit _discoveryData->fatalError(tr("Server replied with an error while reading directory \"%1\" : %2")
.arg(_currentFolder._server, results.error().message), ErrorCategory::NetworkError);
connect(serverJob, &DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::firstDirectoryPermissions, this,
[this](const RemotePermissions &perms) { _rootPermissions = perms; });
return serverJob;
void ProcessDirectoryJob::startAsyncLocalQuery()
QString localPath = _discoveryData->_localDir + _currentFolder._local;
auto localJob = new DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob(_discoveryData->_account, localPath, _discoveryData->;
connect(localJob, &DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob::itemDiscovered, _discoveryData, &DiscoveryPhase::itemDiscovered);
connect(localJob, &DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob::childIgnored, this, [this](bool b) {
_childIgnored = b;
connect(localJob, &DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob::finishedFatalError, this, [this](const QString &msg) {
if (_serverJob)
emit _discoveryData->fatalError(msg, ErrorCategory::NetworkError);
connect(localJob, &DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob::finishedNonFatalError, this, [this](const QString &msg) {
if (_dirItem) {
_dirItem->_instruction = CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE;
_dirItem->_errorString = msg;
emit this->finished();
} else {
// Fatal for the root job since it has no SyncFileItem
emit _discoveryData->fatalError(msg, ErrorCategory::GenericError);
connect(localJob, &DiscoverySingleLocalDirectoryJob::finished, this, [this](const auto &results) {
_localNormalQueryEntries = results;
_localQueryDone = true;
if (_serverQueryDone)
QThreadPool *pool = QThreadPool::globalInstance();
pool->start(localJob); // QThreadPool takes ownership
bool ProcessDirectoryJob::isVfsWithSuffix() const
return _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->mode() == Vfs::WithSuffix;
void ProcessDirectoryJob::computePinState(PinState parentState)
_pinState = parentState;
if (_queryLocal != ParentDontExist && QFileInfo::exists(_discoveryData->_localDir + _currentFolder._local)) {
if (auto state = _discoveryData->_syncOptions._vfs->pinState(_currentFolder._local)) // ouch! pin local or original?
_pinState = *state;
void ProcessDirectoryJob::setupDbPinStateActions(SyncJournalFileRecord &record)
// Only suffix-vfs uses the db for pin states.
// Other plugins will set localEntry._type according to the file's pin state.
if (!isVfsWithSuffix())
auto pin = _discoveryData->_statedb->internalPinStates().rawForPath(record._path);
if (!pin || *pin == PinState::Inherited)
pin = _pinState;
// OnlineOnly hydrated files want to be dehydrated
if (record._type == ItemTypeFile && *pin == PinState::OnlineOnly)
record._type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDehydration;
// AlwaysLocal dehydrated files want to be hydrated
if (record._type == ItemTypeVirtualFile && *pin == PinState::AlwaysLocal)
record._type = ItemTypeVirtualFileDownload;