
771 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Sumner Evans
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
package verificationhelper
import (
type verificationState int
const (
verificationStateRequested verificationState = iota
verificationStateTheirQRScanned // We scanned their QR code
verificationStateOurQRScanned // They scanned our QR code
verificationStateSASStarted // An SAS verification has been started
verificationStateSASAccepted // An SAS verification has been accepted
verificationStateSASKeysExchanged // An SAS verification has exchanged keys
verificationStateSASMACExchanged // An SAS verification has exchanged MACs
func (step verificationState) String() string {
switch step {
case verificationStateRequested:
return "requested"
case verificationStateReady:
return "ready"
case verificationStateCancelled:
return "cancelled"
case verificationStateTheirQRScanned:
return "their_qr_scanned"
case verificationStateOurQRScanned:
return "our_qr_scanned"
case verificationStateSASStarted:
return "sas_started"
case verificationStateSASAccepted:
return "sas_accepted"
case verificationStateSASKeysExchanged:
return "sas_keys_exchanged"
case verificationStateSASMACExchanged:
return "sas_mac"
return fmt.Sprintf("verificationStep(%d)", step)
type verificationTransaction struct {
// RoomID is the room ID if the verification is happening in a room or
// empty if it is a to-device verification.
RoomID id.RoomID
// VerificationState is the current step of the verification flow.
VerificationState verificationState
// TransactionID is the ID of the verification transaction.
TransactionID id.VerificationTransactionID
// TheirDevice is the device ID of the device that either made the initial
// request or accepted our request.
TheirDevice id.DeviceID
// TheirUser is the user ID of the other user.
TheirUser id.UserID
// TheirSupportedMethods is a list of verification methods that the other
// device supports.
TheirSupportedMethods []event.VerificationMethod
// SentToDeviceIDs is a list of devices which the initial request was sent
// to. This is only used for to-device verification requests, and is meant
// to be used to send cancellation requests to all other devices when a
// verification request is accepted via a m.key.verification.ready event.
SentToDeviceIDs []id.DeviceID
// QRCodeSharedSecret is the shared secret that was encoded in the QR code
// that we showed.
QRCodeSharedSecret []byte
StartedByUs bool // Whether the verification was started by us
StartEventContent *event.VerificationStartEventContent // The m.key.verification.start event content
Commitment []byte // The commitment from the m.key.verification.accept event
MACMethod event.MACMethod // The method used to calculate the MAC
EphemeralKey *ecdh.PrivateKey // The ephemeral key
EphemeralPublicKeyShared bool // Whether this device's ephemeral public key has been shared
OtherPublicKey *ecdh.PublicKey // The other device's ephemeral public key
ReceivedTheirMAC bool // Whether we have received their MAC
SentOurMAC bool // Whether we have sent our MAC
ReceivedTheirDone bool // Whether we have received their done event
SentOurDone bool // Whether we have sent our done event
// RequiredCallbacks is an interface representing the callbacks required for
// the [VerificationHelper].
type RequiredCallbacks interface {
// VerificationRequested is called when a verification request is received
// from another device.
VerificationRequested(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, from id.UserID)
// VerificationCancelled is called when the verification is cancelled.
VerificationCancelled(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, code event.VerificationCancelCode, reason string)
// VerificationDone is called when the verification is done.
VerificationDone(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID)
type showSASCallbacks interface {
// ShowSAS is a callback that is called when the SAS verification has
// generated a short authentication string to show. It is guaranteed that
// either the emojis list, or the decimals list, or both will be present.
ShowSAS(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, emojis []rune, decimals []int)
type showQRCodeCallbacks interface {
// ScanQRCode is called when another device has sent a
// m.key.verification.ready event and indicated that they are capable of
// showing a QR code.
ScanQRCode(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID)
// ShowQRCode is called when the verification has been accepted and a QR
// code should be shown to the user.
ShowQRCode(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, qrCode *QRCode)
// QRCodeScanned is called when the other user has scanned the QR code and
// sent the m.key.verification.start event.
QRCodeScanned(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID)
type VerificationHelper struct {
client *mautrix.Client
mach *crypto.OlmMachine
activeTransactions map[id.VerificationTransactionID]*verificationTransaction
activeTransactionsLock sync.Mutex
// supportedMethods are the methods that *we* support
supportedMethods []event.VerificationMethod
verificationRequested func(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, from id.UserID)
verificationCancelledCallback func(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, code event.VerificationCancelCode, reason string)
verificationDone func(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID)
showSAS func(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, emojis []rune, decimals []int)
scanQRCode func(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID)
showQRCode func(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, qrCode *QRCode)
qrCodeScaned func(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID)
var _ mautrix.VerificationHelper = (*VerificationHelper)(nil)
func NewVerificationHelper(client *mautrix.Client, mach *crypto.OlmMachine, callbacks any, supportsScan bool) *VerificationHelper {
if client.Crypto == nil {
panic("client.Crypto is nil")
helper := VerificationHelper{
client: client,
mach: mach,
activeTransactions: map[id.VerificationTransactionID]*verificationTransaction{},
if c, ok := callbacks.(RequiredCallbacks); !ok {
panic("callbacks must implement VerificationRequested")
} else {
helper.verificationRequested = c.VerificationRequested
helper.verificationCancelledCallback = c.VerificationCancelled
helper.verificationDone = c.VerificationDone
if c, ok := callbacks.(showSASCallbacks); ok {
helper.supportedMethods = append(helper.supportedMethods, event.VerificationMethodSAS)
helper.showSAS = c.ShowSAS
if c, ok := callbacks.(showQRCodeCallbacks); ok {
helper.supportedMethods = append(helper.supportedMethods,
event.VerificationMethodQRCodeShow, event.VerificationMethodReciprocate)
helper.scanQRCode = c.ScanQRCode
helper.showQRCode = c.ShowQRCode
helper.qrCodeScaned = c.QRCodeScanned
if supportsScan {
helper.supportedMethods = append(helper.supportedMethods,
event.VerificationMethodQRCodeScan, event.VerificationMethodReciprocate)
helper.supportedMethods = slices.Compact(helper.supportedMethods)
return &helper
func (vh *VerificationHelper) getLog(ctx context.Context) *zerolog.Logger {
logger := zerolog.Ctx(ctx).With().
Str("component", "verification").
Any("supported_methods", vh.supportedMethods).
return &logger
// Init initializes the verification helper by adding the necessary event
// handlers to the syncer.
func (vh *VerificationHelper) Init(ctx context.Context) error {
if vh == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("verification helper is nil")
syncer, ok := vh.client.Syncer.(mautrix.ExtensibleSyncer)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("the client syncer must implement ExtensibleSyncer")
// Event handlers for verification requests. These are special since we do
// not need to check that the transaction ID is known.
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationRequest, vh.onVerificationRequest)
syncer.OnEventType(event.EventMessage, func(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
if evt.Content.AsMessage().MsgType == event.MsgVerificationRequest {
vh.onVerificationRequest(ctx, evt)
// Wrapper for the event handlers to check that the transaction ID is known
// and ignore the event if it isn't.
wrapHandler := func(callback func(context.Context, *verificationTransaction, *event.Event)) func(context.Context, *event.Event) {
return func(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
log := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Str("verification_action", "check transaction ID").
Stringer("sender", evt.Sender).
Stringer("room_id", evt.RoomID).
Stringer("event_id", evt.ID).
var transactionID id.VerificationTransactionID
if evt.ID != "" {
transactionID = id.VerificationTransactionID(evt.ID)
} else {
txnID, ok := evt.Content.Raw["transaction_id"].(string)
if !ok {
log.Warn().Msg("Ignoring verification event without a transaction ID")
transactionID = id.VerificationTransactionID(txnID)
log = log.With().Stringer("transaction_id", transactionID).Logger()
txn, ok := vh.activeTransactions[transactionID]
if !ok || txn.VerificationState == verificationStateCancelled || txn.VerificationState == verificationStateDone {
var code event.VerificationCancelCode
var reason string
if !ok {
log.Warn().Msg("Ignoring verification event for an unknown transaction and sending cancellation")
// We have to create a fake transaction so that the call to
// verificationCancelled works.
txn = &verificationTransaction{
RoomID: evt.RoomID,
TheirUser: evt.Sender,
txn.TransactionID = evt.Content.Parsed.(event.VerificationTransactionable).GetTransactionID()
if txn.TransactionID == "" {
txn.TransactionID = id.VerificationTransactionID(evt.ID)
if fromDevice, ok := evt.Content.Raw["from_device"]; ok {
txn.TheirDevice = id.DeviceID(fromDevice.(string))
code = event.VerificationCancelCodeUnknownTransaction
reason = "The transaction ID was not recognized."
} else if txn.VerificationState == verificationStateCancelled {
log.Warn().Msg("Ignoring verification event for a cancelled transaction")
code = event.VerificationCancelCodeUnexpectedMessage
reason = "The transaction is cancelled."
} else if txn.VerificationState == verificationStateDone {
code = event.VerificationCancelCodeUnexpectedMessage
reason = "The transaction is done."
// Send the actual cancellation event.
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, code, reason)
logCtx := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Stringer("transaction_step", txn.VerificationState).
Stringer("sender", evt.Sender)
if evt.RoomID != "" {
logCtx = logCtx.
Stringer("room_id", evt.RoomID).
Stringer("event_id", evt.ID)
callback(logCtx.Logger().WithContext(ctx), txn, evt)
// Event handlers for the to-device verification events.
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationReady, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationReady))
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationStart, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationStart))
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationDone, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationDone))
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationCancel, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationCancel))
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationAccept, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationAccept)) // SAS
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationKey, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationKey)) // SAS
syncer.OnEventType(event.ToDeviceVerificationMAC, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationMAC)) // SAS
// Event handlers for the in-room verification events.
syncer.OnEventType(event.InRoomVerificationReady, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationReady))
syncer.OnEventType(event.InRoomVerificationStart, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationStart))
syncer.OnEventType(event.InRoomVerificationDone, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationDone))
syncer.OnEventType(event.InRoomVerificationCancel, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationCancel))
syncer.OnEventType(event.InRoomVerificationAccept, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationAccept)) // SAS
syncer.OnEventType(event.InRoomVerificationKey, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationKey)) // SAS
syncer.OnEventType(event.InRoomVerificationMAC, wrapHandler(vh.onVerificationMAC)) // SAS
return nil
// StartVerification starts an interactive verification flow with the given
// user via a to-device event.
func (vh *VerificationHelper) StartVerification(ctx context.Context, to id.UserID) (id.VerificationTransactionID, error) {
txnID := id.NewVerificationTransactionID()
devices, err := vh.mach.CryptoStore.GetDevices(ctx, to)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get devices for user: %w", err)
} else if len(devices) == 0 {
// HACK: we are doing this because the client doesn't wait until it has
// the devices before starting verification.
if _, err := vh.mach.FetchKeys(ctx, []id.UserID{to}, true); err != nil {
return "", err
Str("verification_action", "start verification").
Stringer("transaction_id", txnID).
Stringer("to", to).
Any("device_ids", maps.Keys(devices)).
Msg("Sending verification request")
content := &event.Content{
Parsed: &event.VerificationRequestEventContent{
ToDeviceVerificationEvent: event.ToDeviceVerificationEvent{TransactionID: txnID},
FromDevice: vh.client.DeviceID,
Methods: vh.supportedMethods,
Timestamp: jsontime.UnixMilliNow(),
req := mautrix.ReqSendToDevice{Messages: map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*event.Content{to: {}}}
for deviceID := range devices {
if deviceID == vh.client.DeviceID {
// Don't ever send the event to the current device. We are likely
// trying to send a verification request to our other devices.
req.Messages[to][deviceID] = content
_, err = vh.client.SendToDevice(ctx, event.ToDeviceVerificationRequest, &req)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to send verification request: %w", err)
defer vh.activeTransactionsLock.Unlock()
vh.activeTransactions[txnID] = &verificationTransaction{
VerificationState: verificationStateRequested,
TransactionID: txnID,
TheirUser: to,
SentToDeviceIDs: maps.Keys(devices),
return txnID, nil
// StartVerification starts an interactive verification flow with the given
// user in the given room.
func (vh *VerificationHelper) StartInRoomVerification(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, to id.UserID) (id.VerificationTransactionID, error) {
log := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Str("verification_action", "start in-room verification").
Stringer("room_id", roomID).
Stringer("to", to).
log.Info().Msg("Sending verification request")
content := event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgVerificationRequest,
Body: "Alice is requesting to verify your device, but your client does not support verification, so you may need to use a different verification method.",
FromDevice: vh.client.DeviceID,
Methods: vh.supportedMethods,
To: to,
encryptedContent, err := vh.client.Crypto.Encrypt(ctx, roomID, event.EventMessage, &content)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to encrypt verification request: %w", err)
resp, err := vh.client.SendMessageEvent(ctx, roomID, event.EventMessage, encryptedContent)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to send verification request: %w", err)
txnID := id.VerificationTransactionID(resp.EventID)
log.Info().Stringer("transaction_id", txnID).Msg("Got a transaction ID for the verification request")
defer vh.activeTransactionsLock.Unlock()
vh.activeTransactions[txnID] = &verificationTransaction{
RoomID: roomID,
VerificationState: verificationStateRequested,
TransactionID: txnID,
TheirUser: to,
return txnID, nil
// AcceptVerification accepts a verification request. The transaction ID should
// be the transaction ID of a verification request that was received via the
// VerificationRequested callback in [RequiredCallbacks].
func (vh *VerificationHelper) AcceptVerification(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID) error {
log := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Str("verification_action", "accept verification").
Stringer("transaction_id", txnID).
txn, ok := vh.activeTransactions[txnID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown transaction ID")
if txn.VerificationState != verificationStateRequested {
return fmt.Errorf("transaction is not in the requested state")
log.Info().Msg("Sending ready event")
readyEvt := &event.VerificationReadyEventContent{
FromDevice: vh.client.DeviceID,
Methods: vh.supportedMethods,
err := vh.sendVerificationEvent(ctx, txn, event.InRoomVerificationReady, readyEvt)
if err != nil {
return err
txn.VerificationState = verificationStateReady
if slices.Contains(txn.TheirSupportedMethods, event.VerificationMethodQRCodeShow) {
vh.scanQRCode(ctx, txn.TransactionID)
return vh.generateAndShowQRCode(ctx, txn)
// CancelVerification cancels a verification request. The transaction ID should
// be the transaction ID of a verification request that was received via the
// VerificationRequested callback in [RequiredCallbacks].
func (vh *VerificationHelper) CancelVerification(ctx context.Context, txnID id.VerificationTransactionID, code event.VerificationCancelCode, reason string) error {
log := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Str("verification_action", "cancel verification").
Stringer("transaction_id", txnID).
ctx = log.WithContext(ctx)
txn, ok := vh.activeTransactions[txnID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown transaction ID")
return vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, code, reason)
// sendVerificationEvent sends a verification event to the other user's device
// setting the m.relates_to or transaction ID as necessary.
// Notes:
// - "content" must implement [event.Relatable] and
// [event.VerificationTransactionable].
// - evtType can be either the to-device or in-room version of the event type
// as it is always stringified.
func (vh *VerificationHelper) sendVerificationEvent(ctx context.Context, txn *verificationTransaction, evtType event.Type, content any) error {
if txn.RoomID != "" {
content.(event.Relatable).SetRelatesTo(&event.RelatesTo{Type: event.RelReference, EventID: id.EventID(txn.TransactionID)})
_, err := vh.client.SendMessageEvent(ctx, txn.RoomID, evtType, &event.Content{
Parsed: content,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send start event: %w", err)
} else {
req := mautrix.ReqSendToDevice{Messages: map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*event.Content{
txn.TheirUser: {
txn.TheirDevice: &event.Content{Parsed: content},
_, err := vh.client.SendToDevice(ctx, evtType, &req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send start event: %w", err)
return nil
func (vh *VerificationHelper) cancelVerificationTxn(ctx context.Context, txn *verificationTransaction, code event.VerificationCancelCode, reasonFmtStr string, fmtArgs ...any) error {
log := vh.getLog(ctx)
reason := fmt.Sprintf(reasonFmtStr, fmtArgs...)
Stringer("transaction_id", txn.TransactionID).
Str("code", string(code)).
Str("reason", reason).
Msg("Sending cancellation event")
cancelEvt := &event.VerificationCancelEventContent{
Code: code,
Reason: reason,
err := vh.sendVerificationEvent(ctx, txn, event.InRoomVerificationCancel, cancelEvt)
if err != nil {
return err
txn.VerificationState = verificationStateCancelled
vh.verificationCancelledCallback(ctx, txn.TransactionID, code, reason)
return nil
func (vh *VerificationHelper) onVerificationRequest(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
logCtx := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Str("verification_action", "verification request").
Stringer("sender", evt.Sender)
if evt.RoomID != "" {
logCtx = logCtx.
Stringer("room_id", evt.RoomID).
Stringer("event_id", evt.ID)
log := logCtx.Logger()
var verificationRequest *event.VerificationRequestEventContent
switch evt.Type {
case event.EventMessage:
to := evt.Content.AsMessage().To
if to != vh.client.UserID {
log.Info().Stringer("to", to).Msg("Ignoring verification request for another user")
verificationRequest = event.VerificationRequestEventContentFromMessage(evt)
case event.ToDeviceVerificationRequest:
verificationRequest = evt.Content.AsVerificationRequest()
log.Warn().Str("type", evt.Type.Type).Msg("Ignoring verification request of unknown type")
if verificationRequest.FromDevice == vh.client.DeviceID {
log.Warn().Msg("Ignoring verification request from our own device. Why did it even get sent to us?")
if verificationRequest.TransactionID == "" {
log.Warn().Msg("Ignoring verification request without a transaction ID")
log = log.With().Any("requested_methods", verificationRequest.Methods).Logger()
ctx = log.WithContext(ctx)
log.Info().Msg("Received verification request")
_, ok := vh.activeTransactions[verificationRequest.TransactionID]
if ok {
log.Info().Msg("Ignoring verification request for an already active transaction")
vh.activeTransactions[verificationRequest.TransactionID] = &verificationTransaction{
RoomID: evt.RoomID,
VerificationState: verificationStateRequested,
TransactionID: verificationRequest.TransactionID,
TheirDevice: verificationRequest.FromDevice,
TheirUser: evt.Sender,
TheirSupportedMethods: verificationRequest.Methods,
vh.verificationRequested(ctx, verificationRequest.TransactionID, evt.Sender)
func (vh *VerificationHelper) onVerificationReady(ctx context.Context, txn *verificationTransaction, evt *event.Event) {
log := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Str("verification_action", "verification ready").
if txn.VerificationState != verificationStateRequested {
log.Warn().Msg("Ignoring verification ready event for a transaction that is not in the requested state")
defer vh.activeTransactionsLock.Unlock()
readyEvt := evt.Content.AsVerificationReady()
// Update the transaction state.
txn.VerificationState = verificationStateReady
txn.TheirDevice = readyEvt.FromDevice
txn.TheirSupportedMethods = readyEvt.Methods
// If we sent this verification request, send cancellations to all of the
// other devices.
if len(txn.SentToDeviceIDs) > 0 {
content := &event.Content{
Parsed: &event.VerificationCancelEventContent{
ToDeviceVerificationEvent: event.ToDeviceVerificationEvent{TransactionID: txn.TransactionID},
Code: event.VerificationCancelCodeAccepted,
Reason: "The verification was accepted on another device.",
devices, err := vh.mach.CryptoStore.GetDevices(ctx, txn.TheirUser)
if err != nil {
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUser, "failed to get devices for %s: %v", txn.TheirUser, err)
req := mautrix.ReqSendToDevice{Messages: map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*event.Content{txn.TheirUser: {}}}
for deviceID := range devices {
if deviceID == txn.TheirDevice {
// Don't ever send a cancellation to the device that accepted
// the request.
req.Messages[txn.TheirUser][deviceID] = content
_, err = vh.client.SendToDevice(ctx, event.ToDeviceVerificationRequest, &req)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to send cancellation requests")
if slices.Contains(txn.TheirSupportedMethods, event.VerificationMethodQRCodeShow) {
vh.scanQRCode(ctx, txn.TransactionID)
err := vh.generateAndShowQRCode(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUser, "failed to generate and show QR code: %v", err)
func (vh *VerificationHelper) onVerificationStart(ctx context.Context, txn *verificationTransaction, evt *event.Event) {
startEvt := evt.Content.AsVerificationStart()
log := vh.getLog(ctx).With().
Str("verification_action", "verification start").
Str("method", string(startEvt.Method)).
ctx = log.WithContext(ctx)
defer vh.activeTransactionsLock.Unlock()
if txn.VerificationState == verificationStateSASStarted || txn.VerificationState == verificationStateOurQRScanned || txn.VerificationState == verificationStateTheirQRScanned {
// We might have sent the event, and they also sent an event.
if txn.StartEventContent == nil || !txn.StartedByUs {
// We didn't sent a start event yet, so we have gotten ourselves
// into a bad state. They've either sent two start events, or we
// have gone on to a new state.
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUnexpectedMessage,
"got repeat start event from other user")
// Otherwise, we need to implement the following algorithm from Section
// of the Spec:
// If Alice's and Bob's clients both send an m.key.verification.start
// message, and both specify the same verification method, then the
// m.key.verification.start message sent by the user whose ID is the
// lexicographically largest user ID should be ignored, and the
// situation should be treated the same as if only the user with the
// lexicographically smallest user ID had sent the
// m.key.verification.start message. In the case where the user IDs are
// the same (that is, when a user is verifying their own device), then
// the device IDs should be compared instead. If the two
// m.key.verification.start messages do not specify the same
// verification method, then the verification should be cancelled with
// a code of m.unexpected_message.
if txn.StartEventContent.Method != startEvt.Method {
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUnexpectedMessage, "the start events have different verification methods")
if txn.TheirUser < vh.client.UserID || (txn.TheirUser == vh.client.UserID && txn.TheirDevice < vh.client.DeviceID) {
// Use their start event instead of ours
txn.StartedByUs = false
txn.StartEventContent = startEvt
} else if txn.VerificationState != verificationStateReady {
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUnexpectedMessage,
"got start event for transaction that is not in ready state")
switch startEvt.Method {
case event.VerificationMethodSAS:
txn.VerificationState = verificationStateSASStarted
if err := vh.onVerificationStartSAS(ctx, txn, evt); err != nil {
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUser, "failed to handle SAS verification start: %v", err)
case event.VerificationMethodReciprocate:
log.Info().Msg("Received reciprocate start event")
if !bytes.Equal(txn.QRCodeSharedSecret, startEvt.Secret) {
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeKeyMismatch, "reciprocated shared secret does not match")
txn.VerificationState = verificationStateOurQRScanned
vh.qrCodeScaned(ctx, txn.TransactionID)
// Note that we should never get or m.qr_code.scan.v1
// here, since the start command for scanning and showing QR codes
// should be of type m.reciprocate.v1.
log.Error().Str("method", string(startEvt.Method)).Msg("Unsupported verification method in start event")
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUnknownMethod, fmt.Sprintf("unknown method %s", startEvt.Method))
func (vh *VerificationHelper) onVerificationDone(ctx context.Context, txn *verificationTransaction, evt *event.Event) {
Str("verification_action", "done").
Stringer("transaction_id", txn.TransactionID).
Msg("Verification done")
defer vh.activeTransactionsLock.Unlock()
if txn.VerificationState != verificationStateTheirQRScanned && txn.VerificationState != verificationStateSASMACExchanged {
vh.cancelVerificationTxn(ctx, txn, event.VerificationCancelCodeUnexpectedMessage,
"got done event for transaction that is not in QR-scanned or MAC-exchanged state")
txn.VerificationState = verificationStateDone
txn.ReceivedTheirDone = true
if txn.SentOurDone {
vh.verificationDone(ctx, txn.TransactionID)
func (vh *VerificationHelper) onVerificationCancel(ctx context.Context, txn *verificationTransaction, evt *event.Event) {
cancelEvt := evt.Content.AsVerificationCancel()
Str("verification_action", "cancel").
Stringer("transaction_id", txn.TransactionID).
Str("cancel_code", string(cancelEvt.Code)).
Str("reason", cancelEvt.Reason).
Msg("Verification was cancelled")
defer vh.activeTransactionsLock.Unlock()
txn.VerificationState = verificationStateCancelled
vh.verificationCancelledCallback(ctx, txn.TransactionID, cancelEvt.Code, cancelEvt.Reason)