## v0.18.1 (2024-04-16) * *(format)* Added a `context.Context` field to HTMLParser's Context struct. * *(bridge)* Added support for handling join rules, knocks, invites and bans (thanks to [@maltee1] in [#193] and [#204]). * *(crypto)* Changed forwarded room key handling to only accept keys with a lower first known index than the existing session if there is one. * *(crypto)* Changed key backup restore to assume own device list is up to date to avoid re-requesting device list for every deleted device that has signed key backup. * *(crypto)* Fixed memory cache not being invalidated when storing own cross-signing keys [@maltee1]: https://github.com/maltee1 [#193]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/193 [#204]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/204 ## v0.18.0 (2024-03-16) * **Breaking change *(client, bridge, appservice)*** Dropped support for maulogger. Only zerolog loggers are now provided by default. * *(bridge)* Fixed upload size limit not having a default if the server returned no value. * *(synapseadmin)* Added wrappers for some room and user admin APIs. (thanks to [@grvn-ht] in [#181]). * *(crypto/verificationhelper)* Fixed bugs. * *(crypto)* Fixed key backup uploading doing too much base64. * *(crypto)* Changed `EncryptMegolmEvent` to return an error if persisting the megolm session fails. This ensures that database errors won't cause messages to be sent with duplicate indexes. * *(crypto)* Changed `GetOrRequestSecret` to use a callback instead of returning the value directly. This allows validating the value in order to ignore invalid secrets. * *(id)* Added `ParseCommonIdentifier` function to parse any Matrix identifier in the [Common Identifier Format]. * *(federation)* Added simple key server that passes the federation tester. [@grvn-ht]: https://github.com/grvn-ht [#181]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/181 [Common Identifier Format]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/appendices/#common-identifier-format ### beta.1 (2024-02-16) * Bumped minimum Go version to 1.21. * *(bridge)* Bumped minimum Matrix spec version to v1.4. * **Breaking change *(crypto)*** Deleted old half-broken interactive verification code and replaced it with a new `verificationhelper`. * The new verification helper is still experimental. * Both QR and emoji verification are supported (in theory). * *(crypto)* Added support for server-side key backup. * *(crypto)* Added support for receiving and sending secrets like cross-signing private keys via secret sharing. * *(crypto)* Added support for tracking which devices megolm sessions were initially shared to, and allowing re-sharing the keys to those sessions. * *(client)* Changed cross-signing key upload method to accept a callback for user-interactive auth instead of only hardcoding password support. * *(appservice)* Dropped support for legacy non-prefixed appservice paths (e.g. `/transactions` instead of `/_matrix/app/v1/transactions`). * *(appservice)* Dropped support for legacy `access_token` authorization in appservice endpoints. * *(bridge)* Fixed `RawArgs` field in command events of command state callbacks. * *(appservice)* Added `CreateFull` helper function for creating an `AppService` instance with all the mandatory fields set. ## v0.17.0 (2024-01-16) * **Breaking change *(bridge)*** Added raw event to portal membership handling functions. * **Breaking change *(everything)*** Added context parameters to all functions (started by [@recht] in [#144]). * **Breaking change *(client)*** Moved event source from sync event handler function parameters to the `Mautrix.EventSource` field inside the event struct. * **Breaking change *(client)*** Moved `EventSource` to `event.Source`. * *(client)* Removed deprecated `OldEventIgnorer`. The non-deprecated version (`Client.DontProcessOldEvents`) is still available. * *(crypto)* Added experimental pure Go Olm implementation to replace libolm (thanks to [@DerLukas15] in [#106]). * You can use the `goolm` build tag to the new implementation. * *(bridge)* Added context parameter for bridge command events. * *(bridge)* Added method to allow custom validation for the entire config. * *(client)* Changed default syncer to not drop unknown events. * The syncer will still drop known events if parsing the content fails. * The behavior can be changed by changing the `ParseErrorHandler` function. * *(crypto)* Fixed some places using math/rand instead of crypto/rand. [@DerLukas15]: https://github.com/DerLukas15 [@recht]: https://github.com/recht [#106]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/106 [#144]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/144 ## v0.16.2 (2023-11-16) * *(event)* Added `Redacts` field to `RedactionEventContent` for room v11+. * *(event)* Added `ReverseTextToHTML` which reverses the changes made by `TextToHTML` (i.e. unescapes HTML characters and replaces `
` with `\n`). * *(bridge)* Added global zerologger to ensure all logs go through the bridge logger. * *(bridge)* Changed encryption error messages to be sent in a thread if the message that failed to decrypt was in a thread. ## v0.16.1 (2023-09-16) * **Breaking change *(id)*** Updated user ID localpart encoding to not encode `+` as per [MSC4009]. * *(bridge)* Added bridge utility to handle double puppeting logins. * The utility supports automatic logins with all three current methods (shared secret, legacy appservice, new appservice). * *(appservice)* Added warning logs and timeout on appservice event handling. * Defaults to warning after 30 seconds and timeout 15 minutes after that. * Timeouts can be adjusted or disabled by setting `ExecSync` variables in the `EventProcessor`. * *(crypto/olm)* Added `PkDecryption` wrapper. [MSC4009]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/4009 ## v0.16.0 (2023-08-16) * Bumped minimum Go version to 1.20. * **Breaking change *(util)*** Moved package to [go.mau.fi/util](https://go.mau.fi/util/) * *(event)* Removed MSC2716 `historical` field in the `m.room.power_levels` event content struct. * *(bridge)* Added `--version-json` flag to print bridge version info as JSON. * *(appservice)* Added option to use custom transaction handler for websocket mode. ## v0.15.4 (2023-07-16) * *(client)* Deprecated MSC2716 methods and added new Beeper-specific batch send methods, as upstream MSC2716 support has been abandoned. * *(client)* Added proper error handling and automatic retries to media downloads. * *(crypto, bridge)* Added option to remove all keys that were received before the automatic ratcheting was implemented (in v0.15.1). * *(dbutil)* Added `JSON` utility for writing/reading arbitrary JSON objects to the db conveniently without manually de/serializing. ## v0.15.3 (2023-06-16) * *(synapseadmin)* Added wrappers for some Synapse admin API endpoints. * *(pushrules)* Implemented new `event_property_is` and `event_property_contains` push rule condition kinds as per MSC3758 and MSC3966. * *(bridge)* Moved websocket code from mautrix-imessage to enable all bridges to use appservice websockets easily. * *(bridge)* Added retrying for appservice pings. * *(types)* Removed unstable field for MSC3952 (intentional mentions). * *(client)* Deprecated `OldEventIgnorer` and added `Client.DontProcessOldEvents` to replace it. * *(client)* Added `MoveInviteState` sync handler for moving state events in the invite section of sync inside the invite event itself. * *(crypto)* Added option to not rotate keys when devices change. * *(crypto)* Added additional duplicate message index check if decryption fails because the keys had been ratcheted forward. * *(client)* Stabilized support for asynchronous uploads. * `UnstableCreateMXC` and `UnstableUploadAsync` were renamed to `CreateMXC` and `UploadAsync` respectively. * *(util/dbutil)* Added option to use a separate database connection pool for read-only transactions. * This is mostly meant for SQLite and it enables read-only transactions that don't lock the database, even when normal transactions are configured to acquire a write lock immediately. * *(util/dbutil)* Enabled caller info in zerolog by default. ## v0.15.2 (2023-05-16) * *(client)* Changed member-fetching methods to clear existing member info in state store. * *(client)* Added support for inserting mautrix-go commit hash into default user agent at compile time. * *(bridge)* Fixed bridge bot intent not having state store set. * *(client)* Fixed `RespError` marshaling mutating the `ExtraData` map and potentially causing panics. * *(util/dbutil)* Added `DoTxn` method for an easier way to manage database transactions. * *(util)* Added a zerolog `CallerMarshalFunc` implementation that includes the function name. * *(bridge)* Added error reply to encrypted messages if the bridge isn't configured to do encryption. ## v0.15.1 (2023-04-16) * *(crypto, bridge)* Added options to automatically ratchet/delete megolm sessions to minimize access to old messages. * *(pushrules)* Added method to get entire push rule that matched (instead of only the list of actions). * *(pushrules)* Deprecated `NotifySpecified` as there's no reason to read it. * *(crypto)* Changed `max_age` column in `crypto_megolm_inbound_session` table to be milliseconds instead of nanoseconds. * *(util)* Added method for iterating `RingBuffer`. * *(crypto/cryptohelper)* Changed decryption errors to request session from all own devices in addition to the sender, instead of only asking the sender. * *(sqlstatestore)* Fixed `FindSharedRooms` throwing an error when using from a non-bridge context. * *(client)* Optimized `AccountDataSyncStore` to not resend save requests if the sync token didn't change. * *(types)* Added `Clone()` method for `PowerLevelEventContent`. ## v0.15.0 (2023-03-16) ### beta.3 (2023-03-15) * **Breaking change *(appservice)*** Removed `Load()` and `AppService.Init()` functions. The struct should just be created with `Create()` and the relevant fields should be filled manually. * **Breaking change *(appservice)*** Removed public `HomeserverURL` field and replaced it with a `SetHomeserverURL` method. * *(appservice)* Added support for unix sockets for homeserver URL and appservice HTTP server. * *(client)* Changed request logging to log durations as floats instead of strings (using zerolog's `Dur()`, so the exact output can be configured). * *(bridge)* Changed zerolog to use nanosecond precision timestamps. * *(crypto)* Added message index to log after encrypting/decrypting megolm events, and when failing to decrypt due to duplicate index. * *(sqlstatestore)* Fixed warning log for rooms that don't have encryption enabled. ### beta.2 (2023-03-02) * *(bridge)* Fixed building with `nocrypto` tag. * *(bridge)* Fixed legacy logging config migration not disabling file writer when `file_name_format` was empty. * *(bridge)* Added option to require room power level to run commands. * *(event)* Added structs for [MSC3952]: Intentional Mentions. * *(util/variationselector)* Added `FullyQualify` method to add necessary emoji variation selectors without adding all possible ones. [MSC3952]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3952 ### beta.1 (2023-02-24) * Bumped minimum Go version to 1.19. * **Breaking changes** * *(all)* Switched to zerolog for logging. * The `Client` and `Bridge` structs still include a legacy logger for backwards compatibility. * *(client, appservice)* Moved `SQLStateStore` from appservice module to the top-level (client) module. * *(client, appservice)* Removed unused `Typing` map in `SQLStateStore`. * *(client)* Removed unused `SaveRoom` and `LoadRoom` methods in `Storer`. * *(client, appservice)* Removed deprecated `SendVideo` and `SendImage` methods. * *(client)* Replaced `AppServiceUserID` field with `SetAppServiceUserID` boolean. The `UserID` field is used as the value for the query param. * *(crypto)* Renamed `GobStore` to `MemoryStore` and removed the file saving features. The data can still be persisted, but the persistence part must be implemented separately. * *(crypto)* Removed deprecated `DeviceIdentity` alias (renamed to `id.Device` long ago). * *(client)* Removed `Stringifable` interface as it's the same as `fmt.Stringer`. * *(client)* Renamed `Storer` interface to `SyncStore`. A type alias exists for backwards-compatibility. * *(crypto/cryptohelper)* Added package for a simplified crypto interface for clients. * *(example)* Added e2ee support to example using crypto helper. * *(client)* Changed default syncer to stop syncing on `M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN` errors. ## v0.14.0 (2023-02-16) * **Breaking change *(format)*** Refactored the HTML parser `Context` to have more data. * *(id)* Fixed escaping path components when forming matrix.to URLs or `matrix:` URIs. * *(bridge)* Bumped default timeouts for decrypting incoming messages. * *(bridge)* Added `RawArgs` to commands to allow accessing non-split input. * *(bridge)* Added `ReplyAdvanced` to commands to allow setting markdown settings. * *(event)* Added `notifications` key to `PowerLevelEventContent`. * *(event)* Changed `SetEdit` to cut off edit fallback if the message is long. * *(util)* Added `SyncMap` as a simple generic wrapper for a map with a mutex. * *(util)* Added `ReturnableOnce` as a wrapper for `sync.Once` with a return value. ## v0.13.0 (2023-01-16) * **Breaking change:** Removed `IsTyping` and `SetTyping` in `appservice.StateStore` and removed the `TypingStateStore` struct implementing those methods. * **Breaking change:** Removed legacy fields in Beeper MSS events. * Added knocked rooms to sync response structs. * Added wrapper for `/timestamp_to_event` endpoint added in Matrix v1.6. * Fixed MSC3870 uploads not failing properly after using up the max retry count. * Fixed parsing non-positive ordered list start positions in HTML parser. ## v0.12.4 (2022-12-16) * Added `SendReceipt` to support private read receipts and thread receipts in the same function. `MarkReadWithContent` is now deprecated. * Changed media download methods to return errors if the server returns a non-2xx status code. * Removed legacy `sql_store_upgrade.Upgrade` method. Using `store.DB.Upgrade()` after `NewSQLCryptoStore(...)` is recommended instead (the bridge module does this automatically). * Added missing `suggested` field to `m.space.child` content struct. * Added `device_unused_fallback_key_types` to `/sync` response and appservice transaction structs. * Changed `ReqSetReadMarkers` to omit empty fields. * Changed bridge configs to force `sqlite3-fk-wal` instead of `sqlite3`. * Updated bridge helper to close database connection when stopping. * Fixed read receipt and account data endpoints sending `null` instead of an empty object as the body when content isn't provided. ## v0.12.3 (2022-11-16) * **Breaking change:** Added logging for row iteration in the dbutil package. This changes the return type of `Query` methods from `*sql.Rows` to a new `dbutil.Rows` interface. * Added flag to disable wrapping database upgrades in a transaction (e.g. to allow setting `PRAGMA`s for advanced table mutations on SQLite). * Deprecated `MessageEventContent.GetReplyTo` in favor of directly using `RelatesTo.GetReplyTo`. RelatesTo methods are nil-safe, so checking if RelatesTo is nil is not necessary for using those methods. * Added wrapper for space hierarchyendpoint (thanks to [@mgcm] in [#100]). * Added bridge config option to handle transactions asynchronously. * Added separate channels for to-device events in appservice transaction handler to avoid blocking to-device events behind normal events. * Added `RelatesTo.GetNonFallbackReplyTo` utility method to get the reply event ID, unless the reply is a thread fallback. * Added `event.TextToHTML` as an utility method to HTML-escape a string and replace newlines with `
`. * Added check to bridge encryption helper to make sure the e2ee keys are still on the server. Synapse is known to sometimes lose keys randomly. * Changed bridge crypto syncer to crash on `M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN` errors instead of retrying forever pointlessly. * Fixed verifying signatures of fallback one-time keys. [@mgcm]: https://github.com/mgcm [#100]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/100 ## v0.12.2 (2022-10-16) * Added utility method to redact bridge commands. * Added thread ID field to read receipts to match Matrix v1.4 changes. * Added automatic fetching of media repo config at bridge startup to make it easier for bridges to check homeserver media size limits. * Added wrapper for the `/register/available` endpoint. * Added custom user agent to all requests mautrix-go makes. The value can be customized by changing the `DefaultUserAgent` variable. * Implemented [MSC3664], [MSC3862] and [MSC3873] in the push rule evaluator. * Added workaround for potential race conditions in OTK uploads when using appservice encryption ([MSC3202]). * Fixed generating registrations to use `.+` instead of `[0-9]+` in the username regex. * Fixed panic in megolm session listing methods if the store contains withheld key entries. * Fixed missing header in bridge command help messages. [MSC3664]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3664 [MSC3862]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3862 [MSC3873]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3873 ## v0.12.1 (2022-09-16) * Bumped minimum Go version to 1.18. * Added `omitempty` for a bunch of fields in response structs to make them more usable for server implementations. * Added `util.RandomToken` to generate GitHub-style access tokens with checksums. * Added utilities to call the push gateway API. * Added `unread_notifications` and [MSC2654] `unread_count` fields to /sync response structs. * Implemented [MSC3870] for uploading and downloading media directly to/from an external media storage like S3. * Fixed dbutil database ownership checks on SQLite. * Fixed typo in unauthorized encryption key withheld code (`m.unauthorized` -> `m.unauthorised`). * Fixed [MSC2409] support to have a separate field for to-device events. [MSC2654]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2654 [MSC3870]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3870 ## v0.12.0 (2022-08-16) * **Breaking change:** Switched `Client.UserTyping` to take a `time.Duration` instead of raw `int64` milliseconds. * **Breaking change:** Removed custom reply relation type and switched to using the wire format (nesting in `m.in_reply_to`). * Added device ID to appservice OTK count map to match updated [MSC3202]. This is also a breaking change, but the previous incorrect behavior wasn't implemented by anything other than mautrix-syncproxy/imessage. * (There are probably other breaking changes too). * Added database utility and schema upgrade framework * Originally from mautrix-whatsapp, but usable for non-bridges too * Includes connection wrapper to log query durations and mutate queries for SQLite compatibility (replacing `$x` with `?x`). * Added bridge utilities similar to mautrix-python. Currently includes: * Crypto helper * Startup flow * Command handling and some standard commands * Double puppeting things * Generic parts of config, basic config validation * Appservice SQL state store * Added alternative markdown spoiler parsing extension that doesn't support reasons, but works better otherwise. * Added Discord underline markdown parsing extension (`_foo_` -> foo). * Added support for parsing spoilers and color tags in the HTML parser. * Added support for mutating plain text nodes in the HTML parser. * Added room version field to the create room request struct. * Added empty JSON object as default request body for all non-GET requests. * Added wrapper for `/capabilities` endpoint. * Added `omitempty` markers for lots of structs to make the structs easier to use on the server side too. * Added support for registering to-device event handlers via the default Syncer's `OnEvent` and `OnEventType` methods. * Fixed `CreateEventContent` using the wrong field name for the room version field. * Fixed `StopSync` not immediately cancelling the sync loop if it was sleeping after a failed sync. * Fixed `GetAvatarURL` always returning the current user's avatar instead of the specified user's avatar (thanks to [@nightmared] in [#83]). * Improved request logging and added new log when a request finishes. * Crypto store improvements: * Deleted devices are now kept in the database. * Made ValidateMessageIndex atomic. * Moved `appservice.RandomString` to the `util` package and made it use `crypto/rand` instead of `math/rand`. * Significantly improved cross-signing validation code. * There are now more options for required trust levels, e.g. you can set `SendKeysMinTrust` to `id.TrustStateCrossSignedTOFU` to trust the first cross-signing master key seen and require all devices to be signed by that key. * Trust state of incoming messages is automatically resolved and stored in `evt.Mautrix.TrustState`. This can be used to reject incoming messages from untrusted devices. [@nightmared]: https://github.com/nightmared [#83]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/83 ## v0.11.1 (2023-01-15) * Fixed parsing non-positive ordered list start positions in HTML parser (backport of the same fix in v0.13.0). ## v0.11.0 (2022-05-16) * Bumped minimum Go version to 1.17. * Switched from `/r0` to `/v3` paths everywhere. * The new `v3` paths are implemented since Synapse 1.48, Dendrite 0.6.5, and Conduit 0.4.0. Servers older than these are no longer supported. * Switched from blackfriday to goldmark for markdown parsing in the `format` module and added spoiler syntax. * Added `EncryptInPlace` and `DecryptInPlace` methods for attachment encryption. In most cases the plain/ciphertext is not necessary after en/decryption, so the old `Encrypt` and `Decrypt` are deprecated. * Added wrapper for `/rooms/.../aliases`. * Added utility for adding/removing emoji variation selectors to match recommendations on reactions in Matrix. * Added support for async media uploads ([MSC2246]). * Added automatic sleep when receiving 429 error (thanks to [@ownaginatious] in [#44]). * Added support for parsing spec version numbers from the `/versions` endpoint. * Removed unstable prefixed constant used for appservice login. * Fixed URL encoding not working correctly in some cases. [MSC2246]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2246 [@ownaginatious]: https://github.com/ownaginatious [#44]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/44 ## v0.10.12 (2022-03-16) * Added option to use a different `Client` to send invites in `IntentAPI.EnsureJoined`. * Changed `MessageEventContent` struct to omit empty `msgtype`s in the output JSON, as sticker events shouldn't have that field. * Fixed deserializing the `thumbnail_file` field in `FileInfo`. * Fixed bug that broke `SQLCryptoStore.FindDeviceByKey`. ## v0.10.11 (2022-02-16) * Added automatic updating of state store from `IntentAPI` calls. * Added option to ignore cache in `IntentAPI.EnsureJoined`. * Added `GetURLPreview` as a wrapper for the `/preview_url` media repo endpoint. * Moved base58 module inline to avoid pulling in btcd as a dependency. ## v0.10.10 (2022-01-16) * Added event types and content structs for server ACLs and moderation policy lists (thanks to [@qua3k] in [#59] and [#60]). * Added optional parameter to `Client.LeaveRoom` to pass a `reason` field. [#59]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/59 [#60]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/60 ## v0.10.9 (2022-01-04) * **Breaking change:** Changed `Messages()` to take a filter as a parameter instead of using the syncer's filter (thanks to [@qua3k] in [#55] and [#56]). * The previous filter behavior was completely broken, as it sent a whole filter instead of just a RoomEventFilter. * Passing `nil` as the filter is fine and will disable filtering (which is equivalent to what it did before with the invalid filter). * Added `Context()` wrapper for the `/context` API (thanks to [@qua3k] in [#54]). * Added utility for converting media files with ffmpeg. [#54]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/54 [#55]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/55 [#56]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/56 [@qua3k]: https://github.com/qua3k ## v0.10.8 (2021-12-30) * Added `OlmSession.Describe()` to wrap `olm_session_describe`. * Added trace logs to log olm session descriptions when encrypting/decrypting to-device messages. * Added space event types and content structs. * Added support for power level content override field in `CreateRoom`. * Fixed ordering of olm sessions which would cause an old session to be used in some cases even after a client created a new session. ## v0.10.7 (2021-12-16) * Changed `Client.RedactEvent` to allow arbitrary fields in redaction request. ## v0.10.5 (2021-12-06) * Fixed websocket disconnection not clearing all pending requests. * Added `OlmMachine.SendRoomKeyRequest` as a more direct way of sending room key requests. * Added automatic Olm session recreation if an incoming message fails to decrypt. * Changed `Login` to only omit request content from logs if there's a password or token (appservice logins don't have sensitive content). ## v0.10.4 (2021-11-25) * Added `reason` field to invite and unban requests (thanks to [@ptman] in [#48]). * Fixed `AppService.HasWebsocket()` returning `true` even after websocket has disconnected. [@ptman]: https://github.com/ptman [#48]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/48 ## v0.10.3 (2021-11-18) * Added logs about incoming appservice transactions. * Added support for message send checkpoints (as HTTP requests, similar to the bridge state reporting system). ## v0.10.2 (2021-11-15) * Added utility method for finding the first supported login flow matching any of the given types. * Updated registering appservice ghosts to use `inhibit_login` flag to prevent lots of unnecessary access tokens from being created. * If you want to log in as an appservice ghost, you should use [MSC2778]'s appservice login (e.g. like [mautrix-whatsapp does for e2be](https://github.com/mautrix/whatsapp/blob/v0.2.1/crypto.go#L143-L149)). ## v0.10.1 (2021-11-05) * Removed direct dependency on `pq` * In order to use some more efficient queries on postgres, you must set `crypto.PostgresArrayWrapper = pq.Array` if you want to use both postgres and e2ee. * Added temporary hack to ignore state events with the MSC2716 historical flag (to be removed after [matrix-org/synapse#11265] is merged) * Added received transaction acknowledgements for websocket appservice transactions. * Added automatic fallback to move `prev_content` from top level to the standard location inside `unsigned`. [matrix-org/synapse#11265]: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/11265 ## v0.9.31 (2021-10-27) * Added `SetEdit` utility function for `MessageEventContent`. ## v0.9.30 (2021-10-26) * Added wrapper for [MSC2716]'s `/batch_send` endpoint. * Added `MarshalJSON` method for `Event` struct to prevent empty unsigned structs from being included in the JSON. [MSC2716]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2716 ## v0.9.29 (2021-09-30) * Added `client.State` method to get full room state. * Added bridge info structs and event types ([MSC2346]). * Made response handling more customizable. * Fixed type of `AuthType` constants. [MSC2346]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2346 ## v0.9.28 (2021-09-30) * Added `X-Mautrix-Process-ID` to appservice websocket headers to help debug issues where multiple instances are connecting to the server at the same time. ## v0.9.27 (2021-09-23) * Fixed Go 1.14 compatibility (broken in v0.9.25). * Added GitHub actions CI to build, test and check formatting on Go 1.14-1.17. ## v0.9.26 (2021-09-21) * Added default no-op logger to `Client` in order to prevent panic when the application doesn't set a logger. ## v0.9.25 (2021-09-19) * Disabled logging request JSON for sensitive requests like `/login`, `/register` and other UIA endpoints. Logging can still be enabled by setting `MAUTRIX_LOG_SENSITIVE_CONTENT` to `yes`. * Added option to store new homeserver URL from `/login` response well-known data. * Added option to stream big sync responses via disk to maybe reduce memory usage. * Fixed trailing slashes in homeserver URL breaking all requests. ## v0.9.24 (2021-09-03) * Added write deadline for appservice websocket connection. ## v0.9.23 (2021-08-31) * Fixed storing e2ee key withheld events in the SQL store. ## v0.9.22 (2021-08-30) * Updated appservice handler to cache multiple recent transaction IDs instead of only the most recent one. ## v0.9.21 (2021-08-25) * Added liveness and readiness endpoints to appservices. * The endpoints are the same as mautrix-python: `/_matrix/mau/live` and `/_matrix/mau/ready` * Liveness always returns 200 and an empty JSON object by default, but it can be turned off by setting `appservice.Live` to `false`. * Readiness defaults to returning 500, and it can be switched to 200 by setting `appservice.Ready` to `true`. ## v0.9.20 (2021-08-19) * Added crypto store migration for converting all `VARCHAR(255)` columns to `TEXT` in Postgres databases. ## v0.9.19 (2021-08-17) * Fixed HTML parser outputting two newlines after paragraph tags. ## v0.9.18 (2021-08-16) * Added new `BuildURL` method that does the same as `Client.BuildBaseURL` but without requiring the `Client` instance. ## v0.9.17 (2021-07-25) * Fixed handling OTK counts and device lists coming in through the appservice transaction websocket. * Updated OlmMachine to ignore OTK counts intended for other devices. ## v0.9.15 (2021-07-16) * Added support for [MSC3202] and the to-device part of [MSC2409] in the appservice package. * Added support for sending commands through appservice websocket. * Changed error message JSON field name in appservice error responses to conform with standard Matrix errors (`message` -> `error`). [MSC3202]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3202 ## v0.9.14 (2021-06-17) * Added default implementation of `PillConverter` in HTML parser utility. ## v0.9.13 (2021-06-15) * Added support for parsing and generating encoded matrix.to URLs and `matrix:` URIs ([MSC2312](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2312)). * Updated HTML parser to use new URI parser for parsing user/room pills. ## v0.9.12 (2021-05-18) * Added new method for sending custom data with read receipts (not currently a part of the spec). ## v0.9.11 (2021-05-12) * Improved debug log for unsupported event types. * Added VoIP events to GuessClass. * Added support for parsing strings in VoIP event version field. ## v0.9.10 (2021-04-29) * Fixed `format.RenderMarkdown()` still allowing HTML when both `allowHTML` and `allowMarkdown` are `false`. ## v0.9.9 (2021-04-26) * Updated appservice `StartWebsocket` to return websocket close info. ## v0.9.8 (2021-04-20) * Added methods for getting room tags and account data. ## v0.9.7 (2021-04-19) * **Breaking change (crypto):** `SendEncryptedToDevice` now requires an event type parameter. Previously it only allowed sending events of type `event.ToDeviceForwardedRoomKey`. * Added content structs for VoIP events. * Added global mutex for Olm decryption (previously it was only used for encryption). ## v0.9.6 (2021-04-15) * Added option to retry all HTTP requests when encountering a HTTP network error or gateway error response (502/503/504) * Disabled by default, you need to set the `DefaultHTTPRetries` field in the `AppService` or `Client` struct to enable. * Can also be enabled with `FullRequest`s `MaxAttempts` field. ## v0.9.5 (2021-04-06) * Reverted update of `golang.org/x/sys` which broke Go 1.14 / darwin/arm. ## v0.9.4 (2021-04-06) * Switched appservices to using shared `http.Client` instance with a in-memory cookie jar. ## v0.9.3 (2021-03-26) * Made user agent headers easier to configure. * Improved logging when receiving weird/unhandled to-device events. ## v0.9.2 (2021-03-15) * Fixed type of presence state constants (thanks to [@babolivier] in [#30]). * Implemented presence state fetching methods (thanks to [@babolivier] in [#29]). * Added support for sending and receiving commands via appservice transaction websocket. [@babolivier]: https://github.com/babolivier [#29]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/29 [#30]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/30 ## v0.9.1 (2021-03-11) * Fixed appservice register request hiding actual errors due to UIA error handling. ## v0.9.0 (2021-03-04) * **Breaking change (manual API requests):** `MakeFullRequest` now takes a `FullRequest` struct instead of individual parameters. `MakeRequest`'s parameters are unchanged. * **Breaking change (manual /sync):** `SyncRequest` now requires a `Context` parameter. * **Breaking change (end-to-bridge encryption):** the `uk.half-shot.msc2778.login.application_service` constant used for appservice login ([MSC2778]) was renamed from `AuthTypeAppservice` to `AuthTypeHalfyAppservice`. * The `AuthTypeAppservice` constant now contains `m.login.application_service`, which is currently only used for registrations, but will also be used for login once MSC2778 lands in the spec. * Fixed appservice registration requests to include `m.login.application_service` as the `type` (re [matrix-org/synapse#9548]). * Added wrapper for `/logout/all`. [MSC2778]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2778 [matrix-org/synapse#9548]: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/9548 ## v0.8.6 (2021-03-02) * Added client-side timeout to `mautrix.Client`'s `http.Client` (defaults to 3 minutes). * Updated maulogger to fix bug where plaintext file logs wouldn't have newlines. ## v0.8.5 (2021-02-26) * Fixed potential concurrent map writes in appservice `Client` and `Intent` methods. ## v0.8.4 (2021-02-24) * Added option to output appservice logs as JSON. * Added new methods for validating user ID localparts. ## v0.8.3 (2021-02-21) * Allowed empty content URIs in parser * Added functions for device management endpoints (thanks to [@edwargix] in [#26]). [@edwargix]: https://github.com/edwargix [#26]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/26 ## v0.8.2 (2021-02-09) * Fixed error when removing the user's avatar. ## v0.8.1 (2021-02-09) * Added AccountDataStore to remove the need for persistent local storage other than the access token (thanks to [@daenney] in [#23]). * Added support for receiving appservice transactions over websocket. See for the server-side implementation. * Fixed error when removing the room avatar. [@daenney]: https://github.com/daenney [#23]: https://github.com/mautrix/go/pull/23 ## v0.8.0 (2020-12-24) * **Breaking change:** the `RateLimited` field in the `Registration` struct is now a pointer, so that it can be omitted entirely. * Merged initial SSSS/cross-signing code by [@nikofil]. Interactive verification doesn't work, but the other things mostly do. * Added support for authorization header auth in appservices ([MSC2832]). * Added support for receiving ephemeral events directly ([MSC2409]). * Fixed `SendReaction()` and other similar methods in the `Client` struct. * Fixed crypto cgo code panicking in Go 1.15.3+. * Fixed olm session locks sometime getting deadlocked. [MSC2832]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2832 [MSC2409]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2409 [@nikofil]: https://github.com/nikofil