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// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package driver provides common benchmarking logic shared between benchmarks.
// A benchmark should call Main with a benchmark function. The
// benchmark function can do one of two things when invoked:
// 1. Do whatever it wants, fill and return Result object.
// 2. Call Benchmark helper function and provide benchmarking function
// func(N uint64), similar to standard testing benchmarks. The rest is handled
// by the driver.
package driver // import "golang.org/x/benchmarks/driver"
import (
var (
flake = flag.Int("flake", 0, "test flakiness of a benchmark")
benchNum = flag.Int("benchnum", 1, "number of benchmark runs")
benchMem = flag.Int("benchmem", 64, "approx RSS value to aim at in benchmarks, in MB")
benchTime = flag.Duration("benchtime", 5*time.Second, "run enough iterations of each benchmark to take the specified time")
affinity = flag.Int("affinity", 0, "process affinity (passed to an OS-specific function like sched_setaffinity/SetProcessAffinityMask)")
tmpDir = flag.String("tmpdir", os.TempDir(), "dir for temporary files")
genSvg = flag.Bool("svg", false, "generate svg profiles")
BenchTime time.Duration
WorkDir string
usedBenchMem bool
// startTrace starts runtime tracing if supported and
// requested and returns a function to stop tracing.
startTrace = func() func() {
return func() {}
func Main(name string, f func() Result) {
// Copy to public variables, so that benchmarks can access the values.
BenchTime = *benchTime
WorkDir = *tmpDir
if *affinity != 0 {
if *flake > 0 {
testFlakiness(f, *flake)
fmt.Print("pkg: golang.org/x/benchmarks\n")
fmt.Printf("goos: %s\ngoarch: %s\n\n", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
stopTrace := startTrace()
defer stopTrace()
for i := 0; i < *benchNum; i++ {
res := f()
report(name, res)
func BenchMem() int {
usedBenchMem = true
return *benchMem
func setupWatchdog() {
t := *benchTime
// Be somewhat conservative, and build benchmark does not care about benchTime.
if t < time.Minute {
t = time.Minute
t *= time.Duration(*benchNum)
t *= 2 // to account for iteration number auto-tuning
if *flake > 0 {
t *= time.Duration(*flake + 2)
go func() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("timed out after %v", t))
// testFlakiness runs the function N+2 times and prints metrics diffs between
// the second and subsequent runs.
func testFlakiness(f func() Result, N int) {
res := make([]Result, N+2)
for i := range res {
res[i] = f()
for k, v := range res[0].Metrics {
fmt.Printf("%v:\t", k)
for i := 2; i < len(res); i++ {
d := 100*float64(v)/float64(res[i].Metrics[k]) - 100
fmt.Printf(" %+.2f%%", d)
// Result contains all the interesting data about benchmark execution.
type Result struct {
N uint64 // number of iterations
Duration time.Duration // total run duration
RunTime uint64 // ns/op
Metrics map[string]uint64
Files map[string]string
func MakeResult() Result {
return Result{Metrics: make(map[string]uint64), Files: make(map[string]string)}
func report(name string, res Result) {
for name, path := range res.Files {
fmt.Printf("# %s=%s\n", name, path)
if usedBenchMem {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s/benchmem-MB=%d", name, *benchMem)
fmt.Printf("Benchmark%s-%d %8d\t%10d ns/op", name, runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1), res.N, res.RunTime)
var metrics []string
for metric := range res.Metrics {
if metric == "ns/op" {
// Already reported from res.RunTime.
metrics = append(metrics, metric)
for _, metric := range metrics {
fmt.Printf("\t%10d %s", res.Metrics[metric], metric)
// Benchmark runs f several times, collects stats,
// and creates cpu/mem profiles.
func Benchmark(f func(uint64)) Result {
res := runBenchmark(f)
cpuprof := processProfile(os.Args[0], res.Files["cpuprof"])
delete(res.Files, "cpuprof")
if cpuprof != "" {
res.Files["cpuprof"] = cpuprof
memprof := processProfile("--lines", "--unit=byte", "--alloc_space", "--base", res.Files["memprof0"], os.Args[0], res.Files["memprof"])
delete(res.Files, "memprof")
delete(res.Files, "memprof0")
if memprof != "" {
res.Files["memprof"] = memprof
return res
// processProfile invokes 'go tool pprof' with the specified args
// and returns name of the resulting file, or an empty string.
func processProfile(args ...string) string {
fname := "prof.txt"
typ := "--text"
if *genSvg {
fname = "prof.svg"
typ = "--svg"
proff, err := os.Create(tempFilename(fname))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to create profile file: %v", err)
return ""
defer proff.Close()
var proflog bytes.Buffer
cmdargs := append([]string{"tool", "pprof", typ}, args...)
cmd := exec.Command("go", cmdargs...)
cmd.Stdout = proff
cmd.Stderr = &proflog
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("go tool pprof cpuprof failed: %v\n%v", err, proflog.String())
return "" // Deliberately ignore the error.
return proff.Name()
// runBenchmark runs f several times with increasing number of iterations
// until execution time reaches the requested duration.
func runBenchmark(f func(uint64)) Result {
res := MakeResult()
for chooseN(&res) {
log.Printf("Benchmarking %v iterations\n", res.N)
res = runBenchmarkOnce(f, res.N)
return res
// runBenchmarkOnce runs f once and collects all performance metrics and profiles.
func runBenchmarkOnce(f func(uint64), N uint64) Result {
mstats0 := new(runtime.MemStats)
ss := InitSysStats(N)
res := MakeResult()
res.N = N
res.Files["memprof0"] = tempFilename("memprof")
memprof0, err := os.Create(res.Files["memprof0"])
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create profile file '%v': %v", res.Files["memprof0"], err)
res.Files["cpuprof"] = tempFilename("cpuprof")
cpuprof, err := os.Create(res.Files["cpuprof"])
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create profile file '%v': %v", res.Files["cpuprof"], err)
defer cpuprof.Close()
t0 := time.Now()
res.Duration = time.Since(t0)
res.RunTime = uint64(time.Since(t0)) / N
res.Metrics["ns/op"] = res.RunTime
res.Files["memprof"] = tempFilename("memprof")
memprof, err := os.Create(res.Files["memprof"])
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create profile file '%v': %v", res.Files["memprof"], err)
mstats1 := new(runtime.MemStats)
res.Metrics["allocated-bytes/op"] = (mstats1.TotalAlloc - mstats0.TotalAlloc) / N
res.Metrics["allocs/op"] = (mstats1.Mallocs - mstats0.Mallocs) / N
res.Metrics["bytes-from-system"] = mstats1.Sys
res.Metrics["heap-bytes-from-system"] = mstats1.HeapSys
res.Metrics["stack-bytes-from-system"] = mstats1.StackSys
res.Metrics["STW-ns/op"] = (mstats1.PauseTotalNs - mstats0.PauseTotalNs) / N
collectGo12MemStats(&res, mstats0, mstats1)
numGC := uint64(mstats1.NumGC - mstats0.NumGC)
if numGC == 0 {
res.Metrics["STW-ns/GC"] = 0
} else {
res.Metrics["STW-ns/GC"] = (mstats1.PauseTotalNs - mstats0.PauseTotalNs) / numGC
return res
// Parallel is a public helper function that runs f N times in P*GOMAXPROCS goroutines.
func Parallel(N uint64, P int, f func()) {
numProcs := P * runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for p := 0; p < numProcs; p++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for int64(atomic.AddUint64(&N, ^uint64(0))) >= 0 {
// perfLatency collects and reports information about latencies.
var latency struct {
data latencyData
idx int32
type latencyData []uint64
func (p latencyData) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p latencyData) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p latencyData) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func latencyInit(N uint64) {
// Use fixed size slice to:
// - bound the amount of memory consumed
// - eliminate variance in runs that use different number of iterations
latency.data = make(latencyData, 1e6)
latency.idx = 0
func LatencyNote(t time.Time) {
d := time.Since(t)
if int(atomic.LoadInt32(&latency.idx)) >= len(latency.data) {
i := atomic.AddInt32(&latency.idx, 1) - 1
if int(i) >= len(latency.data) {
latency.data[i] = uint64(d)
func latencyCollect(res *Result) {
cnt := int(latency.idx)
if cnt == 0 {
if cnt > len(latency.data) {
cnt = len(latency.data)
res.Metrics["P50-ns/op"] = latency.data[cnt*50/100]
res.Metrics["P95-ns/op"] = latency.data[cnt*95/100]
res.Metrics["P99-ns/op"] = latency.data[cnt*99/100]
// chooseN chooses the next number of iterations for benchmark.
func chooseN(res *Result) bool {
const MaxN = 1e12
last := res.N
if last == 0 {
res.N = 1
return true
} else if res.Duration >= *benchTime || last >= MaxN {
return false
nsPerOp := max(1, res.RunTime)
res.N = uint64(*benchTime) / nsPerOp
res.N = max(min(res.N+res.N/2, 100*last), last+1)
res.N = roundUp(res.N)
return true
// roundUp rounds the number of iterations to a nice value.
func roundUp(n uint64) uint64 {
tmp := n
base := uint64(1)
for tmp >= 10 {
tmp /= 10
base *= 10
switch {
case n <= base:
return base
case n <= (2 * base):
return 2 * base
case n <= (5 * base):
return 5 * base
return 10 * base
return 0
func min(a, b uint64) uint64 {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func max(a, b uint64) uint64 {
if a > b {
return a
return b
var tmpSeq = 0
func tempFilename(ext string) string {
return filepath.Join(*tmpDir, fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", tmpSeq, ext))