Jan Beich 0bfdf0bed6 multimedia/wl-screenrec: unbreak build with ffmpeg 7.0
error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_CH_LAYOUT_NATIVE` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
31    |         const NATIVE                = AV_CH_LAYOUT_NATIVE;
      |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a constant with a similar name exists: `AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
20795 | pub const AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO: libc::c_ulonglong = 3;
      | ------------------------------------------------ similarly named constant `AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1POINT2` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
63    |         const _3POINT1POINT2      = AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1POINT2;
      |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a constant with a similar name exists: `AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
20799 | pub const AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1: libc::c_ulonglong = 15;
      | ------------------------------------------------- similarly named constant `AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT2_BACK` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
65    |         const _5POINT1POINT2_BACK = AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT2_BACK;
      |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a constant with a similar name exists: `AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
20807 | pub const AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK: libc::c_ulonglong = 63;
      | ------------------------------------------------------ similarly named constant `AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT4_BACK` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
67    |         const _5POINT1POINT4_BACK = AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT4_BACK;
      |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a constant with a similar name exists: `AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
20807 | pub const AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK: libc::c_ulonglong = 63;
      | ------------------------------------------------------ similarly named constant `AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT2` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
69    |         const _7POINT1POINT2      = AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT2;
      |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a constant with a similar name exists: `AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
20817 | pub const AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE: libc::c_ulonglong = 1743;
      | ------------------------------------------------------ similarly named constant `AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT4_BACK` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
71    |         const _7POINT1POINT4_BACK = AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT4_BACK;
      |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a constant with a similar name exists: `AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE_BACK`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
20818 | pub const AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE_BACK: libc::c_ulonglong = 255;
      | ----------------------------------------------------------- similarly named constant `AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE_BACK` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_PIX_FMT_XVMC` in this scope
    --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/format/
1056 |             Pixel::XVMC => AV_PIX_FMT_XVMC,
     |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a unit variant with a similar name exists: `AV_PIX_FMT_NV12`
    ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
4874 |     AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 = 23,
     |     --------------- similarly named unit variant `AV_PIX_FMT_NV12` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_OPT_TYPE_CHANNEL_LAYOUT` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/option/
82    |             Type::ChannelLayout => AV_OPT_TYPE_CHANNEL_LAYOUT,
      |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a unit variant with a similar name exists: `AV_OPT_TYPE_CHLAYOUT`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
13185 |     AV_OPT_TYPE_CHLAYOUT = 19,
      |     -------------------- similarly named unit variant `AV_OPT_TYPE_CHLAYOUT` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find value `AV_CODEC_ID_AYUV` in this scope
    --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/
1538 |             Id::AYUV => AV_CODEC_ID_AYUV,
     |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a unit variant with a similar name exists: `AV_CODEC_ID_CYUV`
    ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
7549 |     AV_CODEC_ID_CYUV = 26,
     |     ---------------- similarly named unit variant `AV_CODEC_ID_CYUV` defined here

error[E0425]: cannot find function `av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels` in this scope
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
78 |         unsafe { av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(self.bits()) }
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find function `av_get_default_channel_layout` in this scope
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/
83 |             ChannelLayout::from_bits_truncate(av_get_default_channel_layout(number) as c_ulonglong)
   |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0609]: no field `coded_picture_number` on type `sys::AVFrame`
   --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/frame/
178 |         unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).coded_picture_number as usize }
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
    = note: available fields are: `data`, `linesize`, `extended_data`, `width`, `height` ... and 40 others

error[E0609]: no field `display_picture_number` on type `sys::AVFrame`
   --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/frame/
183 |         unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).display_picture_number as usize }
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
    = note: available fields are: `data`, `linesize`, `extended_data`, `width`, `height` ... and 40 others

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layout` on type `sys::AVFrame`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/frame/
66 |         unsafe { ChannelLayout::from_bits_truncate((*self.as_ptr()).channel_layout as c_ulonglong) }
   |                                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `data`, `linesize`, `extended_data`, `width`, `height` ... and 40 others

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layout` on type `sys::AVFrame`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/frame/
71 |         unsafe { (*self.as_mut_ptr()).channel_layout = value.bits() }
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `data`, `linesize`, `extended_data`, `width`, `height` ... and 40 others

error[E0609]: no field `channels` on type `sys::AVFrame`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/frame/
76 |         unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).channels as u16 }
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `data`, `linesize`, `extended_data`, `width`, `height` ... and 40 others

error[E0609]: no field `channels` on type `sys::AVFrame`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/frame/
82 |             (*self.as_mut_ptr()).channels = i32::from(value);
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `data`, `linesize`, `extended_data`, `width`, `height` ... and 40 others

error[E0609]: no field `pkt_duration` on type `sys::AVFrame`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/frame/
82 |                 duration: (*self.as_ptr()).pkt_duration,
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
help: a field with a similar name exists
82 |                 duration: (*self.as_ptr()).duration,
   |                                            ~~~~~~~~

error[E0425]: cannot find function `av_opt_set_channel_layout` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/util/option/
137   |               check!(av_opt_set_channel_layout(
      |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a function with a similar name exists: `av_opt_set_chlayout`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
13792 | /     pub fn av_opt_set_chlayout(
13793 | |         obj: *mut libc::c_void,
13794 | |         name: *const libc::c_char,
13795 | |         layout: *const AVChannelLayout,
13796 | |         search_flags: libc::c_int,
13797 | |     ) -> libc::c_int;
      | |____________________- similarly named function `av_opt_set_chlayout` defined here

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layouts` on type `sys::AVCodec`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/
41 |             if (*self.codec.as_ptr()).channel_layouts.is_null() {
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
help: a field with a similar name exists
41 |             if (*self.codec.as_ptr()).ch_layouts.is_null() {
   |                                       ~~~~~~~~~~

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layouts` on type `sys::AVCodec`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/
45 |                     (*self.codec.as_ptr()).channel_layouts,
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
help: a field with a similar name exists
45 |                     (*self.codec.as_ptr()).ch_layouts,
   |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~

error[E0609]: no field `slice_count` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/decoder/
89 |             (*self.as_mut_ptr()).slice_count = value as c_int;
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `channels` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/decoder/
51 |         unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).channels as u16 }
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `frame_number` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/decoder/
65 |         unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).frame_number as usize }
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layout` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/decoder/
73 |         unsafe { ChannelLayout::from_bits_truncate((*self.as_ptr()).channel_layout) }
   |                                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layout` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/decoder/
78 |             (*self.as_mut_ptr()).channel_layout = value.bits();
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `request_channel_layout` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/decoder/
84 |             (*self.as_mut_ptr()).request_channel_layout = value.bits();
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layout` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
  --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/encoder/
98 |             (*self.as_mut_ptr()).channel_layout = value.bits();
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
   = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `channel_layout` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
   --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/encoder/
103 |         unsafe { ChannelLayout::from_bits_truncate((*self.as_ptr()).channel_layout) }
    |                                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown field
    = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `channels` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
   --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/encoder/
108 |             (*self.as_mut_ptr()).channels = value;
    |                                  ^^^^^^^^ unknown field
    = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0609]: no field `channels` on type `sys::AVCodecContext`
   --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/codec/encoder/
113 |         unsafe { (*self.as_ptr()).channels as u16 }
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^ unknown field
    = note: available fields are: `av_class`, `log_level_offset`, `codec_type`, `codec`, `codec_id` ... and 95 others

error[E0425]: cannot find function `swr_alloc_set_opts` in this scope
     --> cargo-crates/ffmpeg-next-6.1.1/src/software/resampling/
71    |               let ptr = swr_alloc_set_opts(
      |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: a function with a similar name exists: `swr_alloc_set_opts2`
     ::: ../target/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/release/build/ffmpeg-sys-next-71257b07c8bd5e07/out/
23188 | /     pub fn swr_alloc_set_opts2(
23189 | |         ps: *mut *mut SwrContext,
23190 | |         out_ch_layout: *const AVChannelLayout,
23191 | |         out_sample_fmt: AVSampleFormat,
...     |
23197 | |         log_ctx: *mut libc::c_void,
23198 | |     ) -> libc::c_int;
      | |____________________- similarly named function `swr_alloc_set_opts2` defined here

Some errors have detailed explanations: E0425, E0609.

Reported by:	antoine (via bug 278705 exp-run)
2024-05-20 09:02:22 +02:00
files multimedia/wl-screenrec: unbreak build with ffmpeg 7.0 2024-05-20 09:02:22 +02:00
Makefile multimedia/wl-screenrec: unbreak build with ffmpeg 7.0 2024-05-20 09:02:22 +02:00
Makefile.crates multimedia/wl-screenrec: unbreak build with ffmpeg 7.0 2024-05-20 09:02:22 +02:00
distinfo multimedia/wl-screenrec: unbreak build with ffmpeg 7.0 2024-05-20 09:02:22 +02:00
pkg-descr x11-wm/theseus-ship: update to 6.0.0 2024-04-13 07:14:59 +02:00